Aninymouse Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Atma, the entire point of my post was to illustrate that I'm happy about the new features in Brawl over Melee. I never really spooged over the quality of those new features and I don't intend to, either. YOU, however, proceeded to skeet all over my post and that makes me sad. I mean you were on my ass like a rabid poodle. ;-; So we can record three minutes of fighting, right? That's three minutes more than we could in any other Nintendo game ever. I'll concede that it's not optimal at all, but still. I sure as hell never expected Nintendo to even try something like this until the Wii was phased out. Now who's the bigger cinic? Also, you're right, it doesn't say whether or not you can do co-op over wi-fi at all. Still, even locally, that's new to Smash. I like it in a Sonic 2 kinda way. Adventure might be very similar to Subspace, but at least they give you a nice, typical video game reason to be adventuring. And movies to watch. You don't like cut scenes? That is a shame, since I do. Good thing I like them, because there's going to be a lot. And, again, I PERSONALLY thought the cut scenes in Killer7 and FFIX were handled in a fantastic, supplementary manner. I never said that the messages in the taunts were supposed to be helpful... where did I say that? That's your personal gripe. Trying to use it as a means of back-and-forth communication won't be too helpful in the long run if A) there's nothing much to do but trash talk in Vs. anyway, and if you use taunts to coordinate in Teams your opponents get to see your super-secret decoder ring plans, too, etc. I just like that I get to taunt more often now and assign stupid lines of text to them. The Wii doesn't have a headset. Or Team Speak. It's not about to, either. That sucks, yes, but that's not why we have taunt buttons, is it? Assist trophies are meaningless fan service, as are the trophies and stickers. So is, like, 98% of the game. Agreed, items aren't likely to find much use in serious matches unless certain ones are found to be fair and add to the experience (I think Smoke Balls at least could fit the bill). Of course it's goingto get old after a while... so's everything else, really. After a while... a year, six years, who knows... the only people playing Brawl will be the hardcore, the younguns and the ones who try to piss people off on purpose. And yeah, IF they had a real "custom character mode" then the game balance would be fucked over if they were allowed (which they wouldn't be, but I digress) except I never ACTUALLY wanted that in the first place! I just want a pre-set moveset and character model with it's own physics and whatnot... with a customizable FACE. That's all a Mii is: a face on a generic body. What would a character like this be good for? LOLerskate-tastic youtube videos of Snake beating up Hitler, playing as yourself, etc.... It'd just be another character on the roster. Am I making sense yet? Are we done twisting words and titties alike?
Neo Samus Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 That's almost like old school hip-hop/90's Techno sounds. Very Groovy! OH and hooray Widescreen.......I still need one.....
Aninymouse Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 THE DK MUSIC IS QUITE AWESOME also caps.
MasterSenshi Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 That song is psycho... but it is nice to see the music will be random... why didn't they just show a new player?
friendlyHunter Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Wow, he uses four screenshots to show us exactly how (and how not) to set the wide screen display option for people who do not know if they have a widescreen TV or not. Priceless. It's official. We can now make up joke updates like "I-Is that the title screen?!", and then see them come to pass some time in the near future. Love the song, good to see there'll be a variety of not just normal music, but some "completely different" stuff as well.
Aninymouse Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 It's easier to tell in those screens than before, but... WOW, Dedede is HUGE!
Antipode Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I love the music! I also love the fact that I can make it play as often as I want, while setting the Ashley theme to 0 frequency.
Strike911 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 cool DK song. Good info on widescreen support and functionality. but... ... some people may not know if they have a normal TV or widescreen TV, and may not even know what difficult terminology like 4:3 or 16:9 means. Right? Who knows all that stuff?Difficult?! Sakurai is being cute here. I get it. But it kind of makes me shudder because that's just how Nintendo thinks. Just because something isn't a DS or a Wii, it's suddenly difficult and just too much for their consumers to handle. It's how they think. With a good online network. With there views on HD and people not having HDTVs. With refusing to use CDs and keep using cartridges back in the day. Limited/No DVD playback. It goes on and on and on and on. I get Nintendo's arguments about keeping their prices low, but at what point is it not the prices and just Ninteod keeping their luddism mentality!? For a company that makes amazingly innovative technology, I'm really amazed that Nintendo thinks no one is aware of other technology besides Wii's (much less a *egad* widescreen Tv). It's like the people over at Nintendo are an amalgam between closet luddites and crazy inventors. Love them to death, but I wish they'd give their consumers a little more credit. Sure make it easy, but skimp on the explanations please. That's what an instruction manual is for. edit: LOLerskate-tastic youtube videos of Snake beating up Hitler, playing as yourself, etc.... Haha. It's funny because it's true. I wish we were all more creative and above making Hitler's as Mii's, but even I'm guilty. haha.
Mr Jarna Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 This update wasn't too bad, IMO. The DK music is rockin'. And the fact that the widescreen update was HILARIOUS saved it. "The two shots above... wrong"...although it's still quite a lousy update w/out the funny factor. lulz whar be sheec
DuskyFerret Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Mad..I wonder if this music warrants a classic DK Stage. I'm picturing a level where its just a column of ramps and a classic DK at the top piffing endless supplies of barrels. That would be sweet....
Jaybell Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 This is still the coolest music arrangement I've seen on the site so far, and it's probably one of the best updates I've seen in a good long while.
I-n-j-i-n Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 This is still the coolest music arrangement I've seen on the site so far, and it's probably one of the best updates I've seen in a good long while. What...........
SwordBreaker Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007's been A LONG while since I've listened to anything decent from Mr. "Hip" Tanaka. Earthbound was his last "big soundtrack" so I'm glad that he's active again. That being said, his remix of the DK theme is SO innovative, hip, and original. This is OC Remix quality here. An old theme like that is really hard to remix, just like the SMB or Zelda main theme.
The Derrit Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I'm actually quite pleased with this update, the DK song is sweet! It seems as if it'd be hard to fit into the game, but its whatever, I'm still a fan.
anthonium Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Am I the only one that thinks that DK Remix was lame?
HideousBeing Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Am I the only one that thinks that DK Remix was lame?No. (10 char)
JoeFu Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 OMFG Hip Tanaka Is Back !!! I hope he does more mixes.
Raziellink Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 No. (10 char) Same. But that's probably because I've never heard the original in my entire life, so i have no what to listen to. It sounded like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, so i really can't appreciate it.
Eulogic Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 But that's probably because I've never heard the original in my entire life, so i have no what to listen to. It sounded like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, so i really can't appreciate it. It's from the original Donkey Kong, which didn't have full-length songs. This song is a collection of various tunes and sound effects from the game. And it is a classic Tanaka arrangement. And it is awesome. <3 hip tanaka
anthonium Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Just because Hirokazu Tanaka did it doesn't make it great. I know how the original goes and this is pretty much the original with a whole bunch of random sounds thrown in. Might as well have thrown in some "YEAAAAAAAAAH" and "OKAAAAAAY" with some unts unts. Anyway yay widescreen support.
Eulogic Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Just because Hirokazu Tanaka did it doesn't make it great. I know how the original goes and this is pretty much the original with a whole bunch of random sounds thrown in. "How the original goes"? Like I just said, there is no real "original" song, just snippets from seconds-long tunes. And it has a very distinct Hip Tanaka sound to it (cf. Dr. Mario level select screen, any of Earthbound's battle themes, among others).
Bigfoot Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 It's easier to tell in those screens than before, but... WOW, Dedede is HUGE! Hell yeah he is. The end of the hammer alone is as big as Mario.
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