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they said no more clones, they didnt necessarily say that they were getting rid of the charecters that happened to be clones. they could redesign them or something. i dont think they'll get rid of all the charecters that were clones, just some of em maybe.

they said no more clones, they didnt necessarily say that they were getting rid of the charecters that happened to be clones. they could redesign them or something. i dont think they'll get rid of all the charecters that were clones, just some of em maybe.

I don't care about the characters; it's the move sets! Fox and Falco are the two best characters in the game. One of them is effectively getting the ax.

they said no more clones, they didnt necessarily say that they were getting rid of the charecters that happened to be clones. they could redesign them or something. i dont think they'll get rid of all the charecters that were clones, just some of em maybe.

Yes, it could simply be that the characters that were previously clones are getting their own individual move sets and play styles. I can't see them cutting something as easy to implement as clones when it would do little but irritate fans of those characters.

No Falco = me sad, it must not happen

Again, as people are mentioning, they probably aren't going to GET RID of falco, just give him new moves. New moves for Ganondorf makes me very happy. I hope they don't change Capt. Falcon too much - I think if they made his side-B more powerful and his recovery time slightly faster, he would be amazing (he's the one I use all the time in Melee).

Anyway, it doesn't matter how good or bad of a character Wario is, because he's the only character I'm going to use in this game.

Again, as people are mentioning, they probably aren't going to GET RID of falco, just give him new moves. New moves for Ganondorf makes me very happy. I hope they don't change Capt. Falcon too much - I think if they made his side-B more powerful and his recovery time slightly faster, he would be amazing (he's the one I use all the time in Melee).

Anyway, it doesn't matter how good or bad of a character Wario is, because he's the only character I'm going to use in this game.


Oh, and don't tie yourself to one character - I told myself Link was the only one I'd use in Melee, but he isn't even one of my mains anymore (just Pink Samus, Wedding Marth, and Fancy Falcon).

You're playing it wrong if you believe this to be true. They're just the easiest (besides Marth) to be decent with.

No, they're among the hardest; they're definitely among the most technical characters in the game, and the two that require the fastest and most precise fingers to master.

I don't play either one of them; I main Doc. Fox is one of my three secondaries. But go to smashboards and check the tier list; there's widespread agreement in the smash community that Fox and Falco are the two best characters in the game.


Don't forget, the other way they could handle Fox/Falco is to make them alternate "costumes".

7 minutes left...

Don't forget, the other way they could handle Fox/Falco is to make them alternate "costumes".

7 minutes left...

The fact remains that either there will be somebody who is the equavalent of SSBM's fox or there will be somebody who is the equivalent of SSBM's falco, but not both.

Same with Falcon/Ganondorf.

Same with Mario/Doc (though I won't be surprised if they make Mario more like SSBM Doc -- which would be fine with me).

They fucking better.

As if it matters? We can figure it all out from any pics and videos they put up on the Japanese site, and even if we can't, the news sites like Joystiq and Kotaku will surely have someone with it translated in minutes detailing everything.

I'm getting a box with a red dot in Firefox, because the image isn't there or has too many requests for it... anyone see anything yet?



(Japan Time)

Whatever the fuck that means. They'd better not wait until later today to bring it up... what time is it in Japan right now?

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