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OCR01474 - Jurassic Park (GEN) "Concerto for Velociraptor"

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That was a pretty crazy introduction. Overall this was really cool. The sax performance is one of the best I've heard around the remixing community. I'm really disappointed with the judges on this one, as it really shouldn't have been as borderline as it was. You have an awesome sax performance, a really good arrangement, some nice use of tempo change, and it was all held back by a few problems with production that really aren't that distracting?

Nice work.

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The raptor screeches are off the hizzy.

This mix is one of those ones where you don't care if the sound quality is reminiscent of some guy who held his casette recorder up to a single speaker. The instrumentaion is superbly awesome and the musicality of Mr. Koelsch is above par.

My only real gripe is the ten seconds of dead silence at the end. What's up with that?

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To use a saxophone to make something like this, I'm impressed. It really did sound like cries from velociraptors.

The prescense of two saxophones playing does at some points sound weird since the arrangement switches from one saxophone into an another one. However, they both play two important roles in this arrangement, since they both help this arrangement to sound mysterious and "other-worldy".

The strings and harp worked well together with the saxophones, so I don't have that much of complaints against this. The dark and low saxophones does on some points sound weird, and the beginning starts a little abruptly, but those are minor errors that doesn't make this piece any less enjoyable.

Nice work, and welcome back.

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I've only briefly seen my brother play this game when borrowing it from a friend of his, but I know for sure that Koeslch has caught the feel spot on. I easily like how he can make his sax sounds like things that it shouldn't really be (in this case the velociraptors), and the different moods established throughout this are sure to make great background music if you ask me.

I think one way I can suggest that would have made it a little bit better were any further applications on EQs to actually give some of the instruments more punch, like more mids with the saxophone and some slight low-to-mid work done with the bass strings. I know the judges had gripes with the production in particular, which I had to agree with to some extent. But still, this is okay, and a very interesting arrangement with the work placed around it.

I even read about a month prior to this getting posted that GrayLightning informed the people of Unmod about it, and I pretty much understand their shaken reaction to this. Heck, I too was surprised when I saw this in the "to be posted" section after so many resubs and all that. ;) But still, what we are seeing is that OCR cares for the growth of various musicians, whether they abide the law, have been in trouble in the past, or have become disruptive to the point of being banned from the forums (which is the case for Koelsch here). Other sites aren't necessarily so lucky; I know that OLR has a policy that is "to not post material by banned users" (quoth Richter), and when zyko and I posted our collabs with him on VGMix after he got banned, eyebrows were raised around us, and in my case in particular I had to bring it up with the staff (namely Gwilym) to see if posting it would be acceptable.

That said, I respect OCR's decision in accepting some of these banned members' submissions, as a way in making them continue to grow as musicians in spite of their previous actions with others.

I now end this on a positive note. Koelsch, welcome to the OCRemixer clan. :)

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Hell, this is one good arrengment.

I didn't really cared for the "raptor imitation" in the beguinning because when the sax starts playing the melody, it kicks ass. (1:29 - man thats slick)

The compoing on the strings is really good, altough I think that the attack on the high ones around 2:05 is very strange. I would love a better sample there. Nothing that puts this piece down too much, tough.

The important thing in this piece is that it shows style and personality. And thats more important than flawless production in my opinion.

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I remember hearing about a Koelsch mix being accepted by the judges, and I thought it was a joke.

Now it's actually on the damn site.

Honestly, it could do without those noises in the beginning. The strings synths could be a bit better, too.

The sax playing is a lot better than I would have expected.

Closing in on the end of the song...

*more noises*

...without the noises, I give this a good score.

...with the noises, it gets a worse review.

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Okay, I can see the innovation in this, but sometimes I am majorly confused by the judge's decisions. I don't understand how they could accept this and not, for instance, Daragon's Forsaken World, or Taucer's A Star Freezes Over. These things sometimes seem arbitrary.

Anyways, it is an okay mix, but I don't really see anything all that special about it. Sure, there are some cool licks, and the raptor sounds are nifto, but I think a lot more could have been done with this then was. I'd give it an "incomplete" rating. At the same time, I do like it's improvisational feel, and the sax is pretty good.

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I don't understand how they could accept this and not, for instance, Daragon's Forsaken World, or Taucer's A Star Freezes Over. These things sometimes seem arbitrary.

The judges DID accept SFO. DJP vetoed the YES decision by the judges, not due to arrangement quality, but due to the fact that it incorporated a non-vg sourcetune.

While I do agree the the production is not what it could be on this piece, I think it more than makes up for it with innovation, and with some truly hot sax.

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Red Tailed Fox: New mix yaaay

XenonOdyssey22: omg where?

Red Tailed Fox: I am talking about the Koelsch1 thang

XenonOdyssey22: o yeah, I heard that last night

XenonOdyssey22: INSANE




XenonOdyssey22: OMFG!

XenonOdyssey22: TO THE PHOTOSHOP!

Anyways, I just wanna give my second props to the remixer, I still can't find anything really special about the "velociphones" but the interpretation and sax playing grow on me on every listen.

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I felt that the jazz style improvisational sax was completely out of place among the contemporary orchestral backing track, and the backing track itself was pretty weak as far as samples and even arrangement go. The raptor communication at the beginning was extremely creative, however, and I will never hesitate to congratulate someone for making it onto the site. Good work, sir. Hope to see more mixes from you, because you sure know how to play sax. :)

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Red Tailed Fox: New mix yaaay

XenonOdyssey22: omg where?

Red Tailed Fox: I am talking about the Koelsch1 thang

XenonOdyssey22: o yeah, I heard that last night

XenonOdyssey22: INSANE




XenonOdyssey22: OMFG!

XenonOdyssey22: TO THE PHOTOSHOP!

Red Tailed Fox: Omg man, please do this, please.

XenonOdyssey22: I would if I had photoshop

Red Tailed Fox: Yeah, me too...


Man, compare this to my works, and mine make you wanna smash your speakers. Koelsch plays some truly amazing sax, whether it is making velociraptor noises or grooving to the beat. I inspire to play my sax as well as he can. Congratulations on making to OCR, Koelsch. You definitely deserve it.

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I felt that the jazz style improvisational sax was completely out of place among the contemporary orchestral backing track, and the backing track itself was pretty weak as far as samples and even arrangement go. The raptor communication at the beginning was extremely creative, however, and I will never hesitate to congratulate someone for making it onto the site. Good work, sir. Hope to see more mixes from you, because you sure know how to play sax. :)

I'm the kind of person that likes blending of styles like this, so I'll have to respectfully disagree with you. :]

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Don't question the judges, or bad things will happen to you in your sleep.

Yes sir... ^_^

And Taucer, thanks for righting me me on the whole Star Freezes Over thing... I had forgotten that DJP overuled that one.

As for Saxophone breeding... yeah.

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Saxophone breeding... heh. Something about that saying is giving me the most girlish vibes in my way of thinking right now. :P Thank you very much.

Also, considering Forsaken World, I can't really speak on Darangen's behalf but I'm sure the reason on that is because in spite of some improving production work, the interpretation of the theme itself was too conservative to make it onto the site. That also had a very close vote to accompany it, so I understand your grief with that track.

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Heh. I was just reading all 4 judge decision threads about this for fun, and some positive comments caught my interest so I decided to check it out.

This feels really empty and limited to me. Like... really empty. It doesn't even feel like a song. Things are just jumping in and out with no connection either. Where's the beef? I don't get it. I can't take something like this seriously. The 0:31 section started out interesting... then everything just got progressively lacking and directionless, especially around 1:55 and near the end. My favorite section was probably 3:48, I think the raptor call worked there; I guess? Whatever. Send this to OLR. :lol:

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