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They had all disappeared by the time I went back to Target.

I bet they're all here. :( :(

On second thought, that's what I should have done. I had enough expendable money to buy a few of them... that's an easy $100 right there. Oh well.


Aussies rejoice at getting a gaming product before the Yanks! DS Lite is out today! Perhaps a price drop would entice me to upgrade in the future (damn EB and their crappy 'trade two games and your old DS and get the Lite for $100!' deal).

Aussies rejoice at getting a gaming product before the Yanks! DS Lite is out today! Perhaps a price drop would entice me to upgrade in the future (damn EB and their crappy 'trade two games and your old DS and get the Lite for $100!' deal).

More like a steal.

Aussies rejoice at getting a gaming product before the Yanks! DS Lite is out today! Perhaps a price drop would entice me to upgrade in the future (damn EB and their crappy 'trade two games and your old DS and get the Lite for $100!' deal).

More like a steal.

Or their latest and greatest one:

Trade in your Xbox and 41 games and get an Xbox 360 FREE!

MPH is on layby at Target for $50. Should have it in about a fortnight. :)

and watkinzez... lol @ USA :lol:


DS lite comes out on the 21st... at least that's what the commercials say.

Can't wait for Azure Dreams, Contact, and all the good square games coming out ^^

I still wish that Earthbound 3 comes out... I can't even find a ROM for it. I don't think Tomato is done with the patch yet... Earthbound Zero was fun, but too easy near the end. And Earthbound was just plain awsome... :cry:


Am I the only guy here happy with hs old style DS? sure this Lite looks good but ts not that much of an upgrade. Besides with Metroid Prime rocking and New Super Mario is due in 4 days, then Brain Training on the 15th having spare cash floating around will be a little hard to get hold of for the next couple of weeks.

Am I the only guy here happy with hs old style DS? sure this Lite looks good but ts not that much of an upgrade. Besides with Metroid Prime rocking and New Super Mario is due in 4 days, then Brain Training on the 15th having spare cash floating around will be a little hard to get hold of for the next couple of weeks.

I'm fine with the old DS design, the only qualms I have with it is the screen brightness, the small cracks allowing dirt in when it's closed and it's size.

I also rather like the original shape - the Lite design seems a little bland to me. Also the GBA gamepak stick out on the lite, which I definitively don't like as I either have a GBA game or a M3 cart in there pretty much all the time (And the M3 already sticks out somewhat).


Since the more relevant thread was locked due to overmodding I'll answer you here, LAOS...

The site does say in the FAQ that they use vinyl stickers so we wouldn't have to worry about the quality. The more I think about it they'd have to mail them instead of having you print them or else their FAQ would have a whole section on the best methods for printing.

Now the only question is do I design a PRC skin, or an Umihara Kawase skin?

Am I the only guy here happy with hs old style DS? sure this Lite looks good but ts not that much of an upgrade. Besides with Metroid Prime rocking and New Super Mario is due in 4 days, then Brain Training on the 15th having spare cash floating around will be a little hard to get hold of for the next couple of weeks.

I'm fine with the old DS design, the only qualms I have with it is the screen brightness, the small cracks allowing dirt in when it's closed and it's size.

I also rather like the original shape - the Lite design seems a little bland to me. Also the GBA gamepak stick out on the lite, which I definitively don't like as I either have a GBA game or a M3 cart in there pretty much all the time (And the M3 already sticks out somewhat).

I didn't know GBA games stuck out of the lite like that until i just tried it. They sort of fool you with the cover i guess, i never took it off.

If I can find anywhere that will take my DS for at least $100, I'll buy the Lite. I've always been a fan, sometimes obsessively, with the "squishy" buttons of the original GBA. The SP and the DS have these "clicky", cell-phone like buttons that hurt my thumb after awhile. The Lite has the old style buttons. Plus it's smaller, brighter, lighter, and I can start fresh with a new bottom screen which I'll take better care of by using those screen protector sheets. Plus, the L button on my old DS is giving out, so it would be nice to have that fixed. Plus, I like the design of the Lite.

All that for 30 bucks sounds like a good deal to me.

If I'm going to play the DS as excessively as I do, I might as well have the best DS I can.


This might be a little off-topic, but what's the best method for cleaning one's DS? I've noticed that handhelds tend to get a bit dirty over time.

This might be a little off-topic, but what's the best method for cleaning one's DS? I've noticed that handhelds tend to get a bit dirty over time.

For the screens, I like to use lens cloths like these:


They're made for use on glasses and camera lenses, but work great on the DS screens and PC monitors.

As far as the rest of the DS goes, I'd use a moist cloth to wipe off anything.

Since the more relevant thread was locked due to overmodding I'll answer you here, LAOS...

The site does say in the FAQ that they use vinyl stickers so we wouldn't have to worry about the quality. The more I think about it they'd have to mail them instead of having you print them or else their FAQ would have a whole section on the best methods for printing.

Now the only question is do I design a PRC skin, or an Umihara Kawase skin?

Not to be a jerk or question the modders' authority or anything, but I really think this stuff would've been better left in the other thread. It could've been expanded to include other sections, and it's just going to clutter this thread with a bunch of pictures.

Apparently custom DS skinning = DS... so... for the record;

-Custom DS Skin Shop


-Images size down to 1/3 perfectly; 565 x 835



This is so awesome, I'm probably getting one with your OCR4-tan design :) .

Edit: Uhm, can you send me the full size design when it's done?

Me too! Keep us updated. Whenever it is finished link it please?

I'll keep my eyes peeled on this thread.

(Goes into lurker mode.)


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

The first MMORPG for Nintendo DS, Maple Story.

About time, I called this almost a year ago. I KNEW this game would be perfect for DS. I remember speculating about how you could chat, you could have user-progammable buttons for common words you say so you don't have to type every single thing with an on screen keyboard. But this is rumored to have a speech-to-text function. I'm not sure how well that would work out. It would probably work best you could use it in conjunction with an on-screen keyboard, because speech-to-text is never perfect. Maybe the keyboard could have 2 backspace-type buttons. One backspace is for going back a character (obviously), and the other is to clear the previous word typed, in case the speech-to-text got the word completely wrong. Then you could either attempt to say it again, or hand-type it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

The first MMORPG for Nintendo DS, Maple Story.

About time, I called this almost a year ago. I KNEW this game would be perfect for DS. I remember speculating about how you could chat, you could have user-progammable buttons for common words you say so you don't have to type every single thing with an on screen keyboard. But this is rumored to have a speech-to-text function. I'm not sure how well that would work out. It would probably work best you could use it in conjunction with an on-screen keyboard, because speech-to-text is never perfect. Maybe the keyboard could have 2 backspace-type buttons. One backspace is for going back a character (obviously), and the other is to clear the previous word typed, in case the speech-to-text got the word completely wrong. Then you could either attempt to say it again, or hand-type it.

Maple Story!........


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