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So, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates. Worth it or not?

I didn't even know it was out, honestly. I sort of liked the Gamecube one, but getting together with the gang and having charged GBAs and link cables was sort of iffy. We did it, of course. We managed several nights scattered over a few months to playing it.

But with reviews going all over the pace, and a lack of WiFi multiplayer, I have to wonder if it's worth getting at all. I doubt that my friends will get it as well, and while I did buy Mario Kart and a few DSs for my friend so we could all play, I doubt that will work again (as well as being rather expensive).

Anyone got it, and if so, what's your opinion on getting it?


I bought it on a whim. Nice music, okay gameplay. The combat's good and fast, as long as you use the main character. Everyone else is completely combo-less. The switching between party members to solve puzzles can be a bit of a pain sometimes, especially when it's one right after the other. Maps are a little vague, (save points don't show up on them and you can only view one room map at a time), but still workable. Story's cute, voice acting's decent, I could have done without the annoying dialects, though.

All in all, a pretty good game. Sorta reminded me of Rune Factory in a few ways. Dunno what it's like for multiplayer yet, though.


So I beat Apollo Justice

Spoiler? --> Where the FUCK are Maya and Pearl? I understand they weren't gonna be around, but there was no mention of the Feys in AJ -AT ALL- That struck me as odd. On a different note,I liked how they used music from the previous games when you were playing as Phoenix


Don't forget to mention that the AI in Crystal Chronicles is pretty much useless. I just beat the game yesterday and was pretty satisfied. The "+ game" afterwards ramps up the difficulty and changes the drops that enemies leave behind, making the not-too-complex crafting mechanic a bit more addictive. If nothing else, it's definitely worth your time as a rental, don't miss this game because the GC game was balls without 3 friends and a lot of patience.

So Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword tomorrow.

Who's excited?

I can say that I'm somewhat excited. I played the demo and thought it was ok, but I'm waiting for the real meat and potatoes of the game to see if it's as good as I'm hoping it'll be. I have it pre-ordered at Gamestop's website, so I'll just wait for it to show up at my doorstep.

Hmm, your link isn't working for me. Still, that's great news. I'll keep my eyes open.

Hmm, must be down. It came back up...sorta. Just the text of the website came up. This is what he said:

"Hi there! my name is Tomi from AQI Inc.and I’ll be in charge of this product for international territories. For those of you out there wondering the release of DS-10 other than Japan, well, here’s a good news. YES, we will release DS-10 worlwide and currently we’re making an adjustment with each territory. So please be patient. Your support means a lot to us and we’ll keep you all with the latest update of the international release as soon as possible."





That said, I was actually trying to find Lift Attack videos. My high score is 5200...I haven't even beaten this freakin' mode yet! How do I stop failing so much?

And don't even get me started on Garbage Attack. I can break 200 on a good day...how many points do you need to beat it?? Please don't say 1000...


Snap... that's about double my high score :shock:. I managed to chain the entire thing (50 something chain I think), but that person's ability to multi-chain, and get tons of bonuses along the way really bring that score above and beyond what I've seen.


So I might have asked this question WAY back(I don't remember >.>;), but I was wondering if any of you fine gents(and ladies) might know of a way to fix scratches on the DS. Note that I don't have any on the screen(I should by a screen protector just in case anyway), but on the actual system itself.

If I didn't have the Lite and it weren't so glossy it might not be so bad, but my system isn't purdy now!!! :'(

I was thinking that I could probably just use some kind of surface cleaning deal akin to my CD doctor I used to have, but is there anything else that might work?


Rune Factory is pretty good; quite a bit more flashy than I expected (voices for characters and the FMV opening), and dungeon-crawling is a nice addition to managing the farm (which, to be fair, can get monotonous).

Anyone have an opinion on Ninja Gaiden yet? I want to hear an actual person's opinion before I go spend precious money...

I have it. So far I've gotten through 2 chapters. The action (mostly hacking/slashing) is neat. The rest is mostly fluff. The pre-rendered backgrounds look neat, but since you can't really interact with them, they're just kinda there. I've never been a fan of pre-rendered backgrounds. Talking to other characters is sort of generic, but I didn't really expect much there anyways. Platforming is kept at an absolute minimum. So far, I've only battled on large, flat areas. Not sure what else to say about it.

I think I need more time with the game before I pass any real judgment on it. I'm still waiting for it to get exciting. I hope it does.

Is it good at getting off light to medium scratches and abrasions off screens?

Light scratches, yes. Medium mostly, but that might have been on my part at not being very good at waxing. It might take a few processes, but it will remove the scratches, not fill them. Which is a nice.

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