AzureZeal Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Just set up a reservation for Etrian Odyssey II. It looks to be a promising sequel seeing all the previews and info about it. Quote
Poke'G Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Yeah, so CoroCoro magazine in Japan had it's new article announcing a new Pokemon game for the DS leaked, and it's looking like we got our third version already. It's not that fast, a two year hiatus is fairly on par with the third games of the other releases. Weird to think about it like that though, D/P does still feel pretty new. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Wow... I am seriously impressed with The World Ends With You. I mean, I know I should be going through the story, but the battles are just so damned fun. This game really takes the DS functionality to a serious high. I'm also really digging the atmosphere. Bravo, Tetsuya Nomura and Jupiter. Bravo. Also, has anyone tried out Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword yet? I'm thinking of grabbing it next, but I haven't really gotten that much feedback on it yet other than ratings on IGN n' stuff. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 I've played the first two chapters of Ninja Gaiden, and I'm a little underimpressed. From what I've seen, it's almost all constant battles, with next to no "platforming" (jumping puzzles, cool agility things, etc). Not terrible, but not great either. The combat's pretty good though, so if that's what you're all about, by all means give it a shot. Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Wow... I am seriously impressed with The World Ends With You. I mean, I know I should be going through the story, but the battles are just so damned fun. This game really takes the DS functionality to a serious high. I'm also really digging the atmosphere. Bravo, Tetsuya Nomura and Jupiter. Bravo. Pretty much what I was going to say. I just love the presentation that the game gives. What are everybody's current collection rates and stuff? I've beaten the game though and am working on the secret reports. In 45 hours of gameplay (you can check by pressing L and R on the save screen) I've gotten: ESP'er Rank of Conducter (not sure how that's determined) ESP'er Points - 1573 (again, not sure what's being counted) Noise Types - 77 types, 80.2% Pin Mastery - 115 types, 37.8% Item Collection - 421 types, 89.1% and I haven't tried the Final Time Attack yet Quote
Penfold Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Wow... I am seriously impressed with The World Ends With You. I mean, I know I should be going through the story, but the battles are just so damned fun. This game really takes the DS functionality to a serious high. I'm also really digging the atmosphere. Bravo, Tetsuya Nomura and Jupiter. Bravo.Also, has anyone tried out Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword yet? I'm thinking of grabbing it next, but I haven't really gotten that much feedback on it yet other than ratings on IGN n' stuff. A friend who usually just likes to go through RPGs for the story and gets bored of the grind pretty quickly has actually been playing The World Ends With You more to battle than anything. Pretty impressive, considering the game doesn't force you to grind right? They have a Dragon Sword demo that seems to come and go on the Nintendo Channel, which would be a good way to check it out if it's on there currently. Otherwise, just try going to like a Game Crazy and if they have a used copy they usually let you try it out before buying it. I played through the demo a little while back, and it was pretty enjoyable for what it was I thought. Just from the demo, I agree with BardicKnowledge that it seems to be just fighting, which I'd imagine could get boring after too long. Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 A friend who usually just likes to go through RPGs for the story and gets bored of the grind pretty quickly has actually been playing The World Ends With You more to battle than anything. Pretty impressive, considering the game doesn't force you to grind right? You can play the entire damned game at level 1, and I am intent on beating every boss as such. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Well given that I'm addicted to the combat of TWEWY, then I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy Ninja Gaiden DS for what it is. I'm gonna need to grab a screen protector now... Quote
Sinewav Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Ninja Gaiden has always been all about the combat though. I played the demo at GameStop, and while it isn't nearly the masterpiece that Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox was, I found it to be rather enjoyable. The controls are slightly awkward at first, but they work really well once you get used to them. It's definitely on my backlog of games to buy. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 Any advice on beating bosses on Hard in TWEWY? I can't get some of those reports, even if I crank my level high. Specifically, fighting (Beat) is terribly difficult for me and I don't know why. Any advice on pin setup etc would be helpful. Also, how do I get the 5th and 6th pin slots? I think (haven't played for a week now) I'm still stuck at 4. Quote
Thalzon Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 You need to buy the extra pin slots in certain shops in the game. I can't remember which. But for Beat on Hard, I recommend mastering a strong healing pin, and using the ice tower one. The Ice Tower can stop him dead in his tracks, which gives you a second or so to switch your attention to the top screen and give Joshua some attention so he stops getting his ass kicked. Also, if you want a really easy time of it and don't care about post-battle prizes, crank your level up to its maximum before the fight. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 On the topic of TWEWY, is there a general scheme to determine how certain pins will evolve? Like for example, pins you can buy evolve through shutdown or mingle PP while pins you get through events or battling evolve in their own ways, etc. Anything like that? 'Cause seriously, I don't want to have to go through a damned Wiki chart every time... Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 On the topic of TWEWY, is there a general scheme to determine how certain pins will evolve? Like for example, pins you can buy evolve through shutdown or mingle PP while pins you get through events or battling evolve in their own ways, etc.Anything like that? 'Cause seriously, I don't want to have to go through a damned Wiki chart every time... No. Your best bet is the Pin FAQ and Ctrl-F Any advice on beating bosses on Hard in TWEWY? I can't get some of those reports, even if I crank my level high. Specifically, fighting (Beat) is terribly difficult for me and I don't know why. Any advice on pin setup etc would be helpful. Right now, the best thing for you to do is to start jacking your stats like crazy. Items like the Viper Drink (Att +6) [at the Shibu Dept Store], Royal Jelly Q10 (HP +40), and Mako Sinnergy (Def +6) [both at Shibu-Q Heads Pharmacy] are your friends. Before you can stock up on these super items, you'll want the Ultimate difficulty sticker from Shibu-Q level 3. This one's tricky because Adamantites and Orichalcums are nigh inaccessible to someone without the ultimate difficulty. What you'll want to do first is to go to the first chapter and fill up on Rare Medals and Tektites, which can be had from the crows in the area behind Hachiko. Get about 10 of each. find an area with a bunch of Shrew Waves (Week 3 Day 5) and beat them on hard with a pin drop multiplier of 20; this'll get you the adamantites. Get six of them, then head over the Shibu-Q Heads floor 3 and trade in the adamantites for the Orichalcums. After that, you should have all the ingredients for the Ultimate sticker. Now you can go back to the first chapter and whack the porcupines there on ultimate for adamantites, which are vital for the items. All other ingredients can be bought at the Shibu Dept. Store herb place. While collecting adamantites, make sure you're eating as much regular stuff as you can. If you have three spare scarlitites, I'd suggest getting the Hollow Leg sticker from the Shibu-Q Heads BEFORE YOU GET ANYTHING ELSE THIS IS KEY TO GETTING WHACK STATS Oh, and get a healing pin, like Thalzon said. Also, how do I get the 5th and 6th pin slots? I think (haven't played for a week now) I'm still stuck at 4. The stores with Extra Slot stickers are as follows: 104 Building-Edoga the Shop, and Shibukyu Main Store-Dragon Couture Quote
Sam I Am Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 So I'm leaving for Europe soon, and I'm in the process of seeing if all my electronics stuff can take the higher voltage. Turns out the DS is stuck with 110 volts...anyone know a way besides a convertor to charge a DS in Europe? Like, maybe a EU charger? Also, I'm torn between TWEWY and FFTA2 to buy for the plane. Leaning towards FFTA2 because I can grind on the plane rides. Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 anyone know a way besides a convertor to charge a DS in Europe? Like, maybe a EU charger? you just answered your own question Quote
Sam I Am Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 you just answered your own question Know where I can get one? Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 how soon do you need it Quote
Hector Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 Trust me, a converter is more useful. The EU DS charger is only for the DS. But a converter can be switched between your electronics as you need each one. Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 well how many other electronics is he going to be bringing? Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 Well you've got to be bringing an mp3 player or something, or else you wouldn't be active on this site. Trust me, a converter is the way to go. You should be able to buy one at most mega stores like Target. Just make sure you don't accidentally buy an adapter instead of a converter. Quote
Imagist Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 Well you've got to be bringing an mp3 player or something, or else you wouldn't be active on this site. This is a very common fallacy around here... not everyone who frequents the forums is (at least, currently) interested in OC ReMixes. And also, not everyone listens to music on the go. Quote
Sam I Am Posted June 19, 2008 Posted June 19, 2008 Here was my plan:bring one adapter, and plug a power strip into it and have the US-friendly plugs for my voltage-flexible appliances. Since I was able to find an actual convertor for $16 at a local travel store, I think I'll go with that and a power strip, because I'd rather the multi-tasker after reading some of this stuff. Thanks a ton for the help and also to Gollgah for finding the chargers for me! And yep, I have an iPod I'm bringing. Love the music here too. Quote
Steben Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Okay, so I bought The World Ends With You about a week ago... I am incredibly happy with it - both with its gameplay and soundtrack. The story is, well, I guess I didn't expect much anyway. Neku (is that the protagonist's name?) was a total dick, of course, but now that I just got to week two I'm beginning to LIKE him, at least in comparison to Joshua. I actually expected the game to end after Shiku (again, is that her name?) Day 7, though, with only the prospect of a New Game+ or something to keep me going, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much about getting twice as much (at least?) gameplay out of it. I am still terrible at managing both screens... playing on Hard is downright ridiculous, especially when trying to learn Josh's slightly altered controls. Then again, I usually play at level 1 as well, so that helps make things rough. Anyway, I totally want the IABW + TWEWY soundtrack... I think the CD releases later this month?... Quote
Gollgagh Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Shiki Also, even better than New Game+, you can skip to any day that you want once you finish, making ever so much easier to CATCH EM ALL (pins I mean) Also, I have over 3000 HP for my level 1 and nearly 200 base attack and defense for both Neku and Shiki. Extreme mode is a snap for everything but the end of the game. <3 the hollow leg sticker Quote
Linkjing Donuts Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 ShikiAlso, even better than New Game+, you can skip to any day that you want once you finish, making ever so much easier to CATCH EM ALL (pins I mean) Also, I have over 3000 HP for my level 1 and nearly 200 base attack and defense for both Neku and Shiki. Extreme mode is a snap for everything but the end of the game. <3 the hollow leg sticker wait, 200 base attack and defense? i thought the max was 100, unless you're combining both neku and shiki hollow leg is awesome. i got both beat and neku's attack and defense up to 100, and joshua's attack to 100. i'm something around 5400 esper points and i don't have the patience for another 4600. ahahah i'm so bored of the game, yet i still play it when i have nothing else to do. i need a new game Quote
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