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To avoid the news and keeping up with current events as much as possible. The world only gets worse with each passing year and the less I have to hear about it among the noise of liberals and conservatives fighting about it, the better.


Also, to get better at piano, break out my old flute and attempt to play it, improve my production in Cubase, do more remixes, do more judging, try to get the Plants vs. Zombies remix album completed!

All this while trying to be a more patient and loving person.


Hrm, this'll be interesting....

I don't really remember what goals I had in 2014, especially since I didn't post anything in last year's thread, but I did do some cool stuff.

- I traveled more than in any other year. Got to go overseas, saw some states I'd never seen before here in the US, got to visit many friends.

- I DJ'd at...let's see, 6 conventions, I think?

- Didn't do anything more for official game OSTs, but did do a little work on a reality web show.

- Finished all the songs for my new album.

- Started a band.

- Graduated and got my bachelor's degree!

Here are some goals that I'd love to attain this year:

- Play at least as many conventions as I did last year, but get paid to do so.

- Get my band booked for at least one out-of-state show, and don't lose money on the venture.

- Generally find a way to move my income stream less from working in the small-business IT support field and more towards the music field (recording, engineering, producing, DJing, etc.).

Sounds doable, I think. :-D

The world only gets worse with each passing year.

Actually, the world gets BETTER with each passing year, as technology and human wisdom (slowly) evolve after experience and circumstances - this is just something people say as they get more AWARE of things that happen in the world and forget that, genuinely, some problems will never go away.

Actually, the world gets BETTER with each passing year, as technology and human wisdom (slowly) evolve after experience and circumstances - this is just something people say as they get more AWARE of things that happen in the world and forget that, genuinely, some problems will never go away.

Well, not just wisdom and evolution, but this is actually the healthiest and most peaceful year in a very long time for the documented history of humanity.


I have a lot of hopes for the year, but I know myself and I probably won't see all my resolutions through lol So here are the main goals that I'm shooting for this year:

-Becoming more flexible and getting back into parkour

-Developing my arranging skills and start composing seriously

-Playing all my instruments more (mostly piano)

My goals are more music-oriented, but I want to get more active like I was before I started college.


Last year I said:

1.) Get a book on the shelves at Barnes and Noble (that's only me, not an anthology) - Nope. I did get a book on the shelves at B&N, but it's part of an anthology.

2.) Level up in Parkour to a red wristband, possibly become an instructor. - Didn't get my red band, but I did become an instructor.

3.) Land at least 3 video game OST gigs - I landed 2 small time gigs and one SFX gig.

4.) Write the first draft of at least 3 more novels - I wrote 2.

5.) Win a Hugo award (bahahah) - Hahaha no.

6.) Learn a whole lot more about music production and these sample libraries I have. - I'm still a moron.

7.) Expand my voiceover business and quit my day job. - DONE AND LOVING IT.

Now for 2015:

1.) Sell a novel to a major publisher

2.) Get my red band in parkour (think of it like making "advanced")

3.) Land a national TV commercial for voiceover

4.) Land a high profile video game gig as an actor

5.) Release an album of original songs.

6.) Decide where my family is going to settle

7.) Complain less, be more positive, and try to serve others more

while another prophet in the oven would indeed reduce the number of months that my wife was pregnant in 2015, i'm hoping to avoid that for a while.

I hear ya. Much better idea to space those out as opposed to progenating an army all at the same time. Wait until the current baby is old enough to begin reason, then start the process again if you so feel is necessary.

1.) Sell a novel to a major publisher

You might want to put that as your New Years resolution for 2021. Although my reference so far is that the publishing dirge is a bit more forgiving now than it was even a few years ago, you really need to work your way further up first.

You would do better to amend it as "1. Have solo novel manuscript accepted by indie publisher and market the hell out of it." if you'd like to stand a better (i.e. actual) chance at realizing the majors. Major publishers don't "buy" novels from authors whose biggest accomplishment yet is getting on an anthology at a failing business (unless I'm mistaken and Barnes and Noble took a huge upswing last year that I wasn't aware of).

I respect the success you've made so far in your endeavors, and it's BECAUSE I respect that that I'm telling you to focus better and get more realistic sights ahead. It kinda sounds like you're trying to be an expert at... everything... in twelve short months when you've only fully accomplished one of your seven goals from 2014. Ambition only goes so far, the real world has other plans.

Little doubt do I have you could accomplish them someday, but only if you save a bunch of those items for future resolutions. Focus first, one goal at a time, and forget the time frame. That will be how you check off that list.

Posted (edited)

I also have real, actual resolutions of some kind, but I hesitate to list them as they kinda make me sound like a braggart. I'd rather be shot in the head and dumped in a shallow grave than exude anything remotely "arrogant".

So I'll list them this way instead.

1. My Southern ghostlore nonfiction manuscript, after more than 2 years since I started it, has been picked up and contracted! Now I market the hell out of it and get my foothold in the paranormal folklore industry.

2. Finish both the Wuli Adventure and Hypertension soundtracks, as I haven't even officially "began" on either and they could be up to 2CDs worth of music each. High profile gigs that I may never get again, but my god will it be draining.

3. Finish the stories to the above games since I coincidentally and with a heavy dose of fate got charged to do the writing for both too.

4. Finish the FreeDoom tracks I volunteered to do. 20+ of them. I might just do 20 for now...

5. Do a new original album for the label I'm on twisting the "80s synth wave" craze to more artistic directions and sucking up every dime I can get abusing a more aggressive sound.

6. Release the ***damn motherfucking Seiken Densetsu 3 project finally. MY SWEET LORD WHY IS THIS PROJECT STILL IN SUCH INSANE DELAY AFTER THE MUSIC'S BEEN DONE?

7. Redo my author's website into something less pointlessly self-centered and instead turn it into a paranormal and horror hub with folklore, documentary listings, public domain and all that good stuff.

8. Go to the gym since I have actual testosterone pumping in my veins now.

9. Do some new OCR remixes finally. I refuse to be one of those VGM artists who finds some gigs outside the community here and then never does any new music or offer anything to the OCR community unless I'm releasing another commercial product I'm expecting you to buy without hesitation. I DIDN'T GET INTO OCREMIX JUST TO BECOME A WHORE. It's a coincidence!

I think there's more, but I'm going to stop there now lest I come off as a hypocrite in public to Joe...

Edited by Meteo Xavier
Last year I said:

1.) Get a book on the shelves at Barnes and Noble (that's only me, not an anthology) - Nope. I did get a book on the shelves at B&N, but it's part of an anthology.

2.) Level up in Parkour to a red wristband, possibly become an instructor. - Didn't get my red band, but I did become an instructor.

3.) Land at least 3 video game OST gigs - I landed 2 small time gigs and one SFX gig.

4.) Write the first draft of at least 3 more novels - I wrote 2.

5.) Win a Hugo award (bahahah) - Hahaha no.

6.) Learn a whole lot more about music production and these sample libraries I have. - I'm still a moron.

7.) Expand my voiceover business and quit my day job. - DONE AND LOVING IT.

Now for 2015:

1.) Sell a novel to a major publisher

2.) Get my red band in parkour (think of it like making "advanced")

3.) Land a national TV commercial for voiceover

4.) Land a high profile video game gig as an actor

5.) Release an album of original songs.

6.) Decide where my family is going to settle

7.) Complain less, be more positive, and try to serve others more

Pfft, sounds realistic to me @ you and Meteo. Honestly, I would say 2, 5, 6, and 7 are totally doable in a year, but who said resolutions had to be a sure thing? ;-)


I didn't say it couldn't happen, I'm just doing my duty to get artists with real potential to help actually realize goals like that with constructive nay-saying and reality (that is the most sublimely redundant sentence I've written in weeks) as opposed to bland and useless philosophical pleasantry like "Do it man! Believe in your dreams and all that shit!" :P


If, by the end of this year, the site redesign is not yet live, it will represent an unacceptable delay on my part as administrator & head honcho 'round these parts.

I have other specific goals I need to think about more, but as far as OCR is concerned, V6 of the site is an absolute must. If I can't make it happen, I will personally feel that I have failed you all. Patreon resources will be used as stated to ensure that this does not occur.

I'm focusing on the frontend stuff and should have something to show at MAG. The functional stuff will come later, as part of a forum migration. At a bare minimum, the new front-end needs to go live in 2015.



I would hope finishing up FF9 is on your list boss. Just saying.

Now to mine.

1. Lose some weight.

2. Keep my job

3. Get my Jeep

4. Start my Weekly Podcast.

5. Get my guns.

6. Continue to be as Charitable as i can

7. Carpe Diem.

8. Get the Job i REALLY want.

1. don't die.

T'was my resolution for this past year. And if I of all people made it, so shall you in 2015, good sir. :)

For 2015, my goals would be:

1-stay alive, stay afloat

2-reconnect with the VGM community

3-it's a long shot, but: try to maek music/remixes again

4-find who hacked all my online accounts and get my id(s) back

5-challenge Neblix to a danceoff and win back my custom avatar? ;)

Happy new year to the good folks of OverClocked ReMix! Stand resolute in 2015.

I didn't say it couldn't happen, I'm just doing my duty to get artists with real potential to help actually realize goals like that with constructive nay-saying and reality (that is the most sublimely redundant sentence I've written in weeks) as opposed to bland and useless philosophical pleasantry like "Do it man! Believe in your dreams and all that shit!" :P

how about this for a resolution: take more time in between posting, so you're not every other post always


I guess I didn't make resolutions for 2014, but at the top of that list would have been to change my career and move abroad, which I'm really happy to say I did. I'm still new to teaching and living in a new country (Vietnam) and I think a lot of my energy for this year will be spent getting more comfortable living here, which makes for boring, hard-to-measure resolutions but here goes:

- Continue to learn Vietnamese. It would be awesome to be fluent by the end of the year, but it's unlikely. If I can hold a decent conversation with someone, I would be pretty happy.

- Teach a few adult English classes. This should not be hard to do but requires some maneuvering. This is important because it will help me figure out if I want to teach English long-term.

- Get the visa paperwork done to teach here. Almost done with this, need to knock it out.

- Travel more. There are so many places to go here for cheap, and it's just a matter of planning.

- Stay in touch with friends. I've been lax on this, and being this far away makes it more important.

- Exercise daily. Was much better about this before coming to Vietnam. Need to get back in the habit.

- JUDGE MORE THAN LAST YEAR. This is measurable! Hold me to it!

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