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Golden Axe 'Death Adder Trance'

djp treats Golden Axe's first stage with his trademark sound. Kind of sounds like those things where you pull the slider in and out and it changes pitch as the air volume increases/decreases. djp loves that kind of sound, and he applies it to most of the instruments in this mix. Not quite as energetic as I would have liked to have heard, but it gets the job done.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I love this mix. Just having deemed Rolling Thunder "El salsa" as repetitive and forgettable, I was comparing it to works like this. I've never heard the original, nor paid much attention to the actual tune, but I like it for one reason: the Cool Sound Effect. (CSE)

It is very difficult to explain the CSE in words. I do not know how it was produced, but if I wished to emulate it, I would suggest the following.

WARNING!!! I take no responsibility if anyone chokes to death while trying this!.

First, take air into your mouth, like a chipmunk. If you hit your cheeks, and a fart sound comes out of your pursed lips, you are doing it correctly. Now, you need to place an object in your mouth. It must be spherical, about the size and weight of a marble, but also be hollow and around the size of a ping pong ball at the same time. Next, you must wobble it around your mouth. It must never touch the sides of your cheeks, while at the same time, touching the sides of your cheeks which are, of course, lined with both metal and tissues. Having done this, and with your mouth wide open and tightly closed at the same time, you must move your tounge to alter the pitch, whilst controlling the balls movements using the Jedi force powers. Finally, place a microphone into your mouth, and turn the reverb up to 11.

The sound is really that cool.

But about the actual mix...

It starts off with the sound straight away, with a bit of a melody, and some electronic instruments. A nice drum beat comes in a 0:15, suiting the mood perfectly. At around 0:30, the melody does some stuff, breaking into the chorus again at 0:45.

It all changes at 1:00, getitng intresting, with some more cool sounds, just before the chorus again. BTW, the cool sound effect has been playing the whole time. The rest of the mix continues much like this. It is repetitive, but in a good way - it suits the genre.

I say this is a must downlaod if you are on broadband (and not in Autralia, and thus limited to a 3 gig, sorry, 300000 byte bandwidth cap) and a highly recommended download on a dial-up. Hey, its free.


  • 3 months later...

I, too, am obsessed with the CSE. I just love it. I barley remember Golden Axe, much less the music, but I really dig this song. It just goes up and down, left and right, loud and soft, all around here and there, EVERYWHERE! While wearing Headphones, try following the sound with your eyes. They will fall out of your head, you're movin' em so much.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Whoo...where is everyone!!! This remix brought me back memories from the game for Sega Genesid when I was young...oh yeah, a killer beat-em-up game. I like the trance-feeling to the song. Just well-done! Someone's gotta create other tracks to this game as well!!!

  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The constant filter ride and delay make this a very dynamic experience in the space between one ear and the other. Somehow for excitement purposes though, I find the track wanting. For me, it's in the nature of the Golden Axe melody that it wants to sound big and melodramatic, and the main organ line in this tune is such an inherently constrained sound that it seems to fight the nature of the tune. You could probably make a case for this being the point, but when the minimally percussive-sounding interludes between the appearances of the lead sound so cool, I kinda just wish the whole song had been made that minimal. THEN it would seem like an avant-gardey minimalist take on the Golden Axe tune! Right now it's neither here nor there.

  • 7 months later...

Personally I thought that Golden Axe would demand a more orchestral sound, but djpretzel manages to pull off something weird yet again. The panning is astounding - listening to this track without headphones is probably a felony.

My only complaint is that the mix feels like it should have been taken faster - but of course if it was, no-one would be able to hear the reverb and the awesome panning.

Well done.

  • 7 months later...

Pretty dull, the whole track builds up to a fairly weak ending. Doesn't really capture anything of the original game. Stereo seperation is a little annoying with headphones too.

  • 3 weeks later...

Man, Keiseth needs a pair of headphones. Surprisingly, I found this remix rather relaxing. You can *never* have too many remixes for golden axe. It's just too catchy. And it brings back memories of bonking enemies over the head and kicking them off bridges. That's always good. Never expected to hear the wilderness song be this quiet, but it worked well...

Also: Even the death adder can't take fifteen hundred dwarf bodyslams to the back.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin' studyin'

  • 1 year later...

Ah, remix number 11.

Some of the samples are pretty low-fi, but the treatment of them is very interesting. The delay on the tightly wound organ at the beginning was a bit surprising due to the slightly off-tempo beginning, but it worked really well in filling things out, and when the flanged and leslie'd synth comes in, it gets a pretty good room sound.

I think the drums used are pretty weaksauce though; no self-respecting viking dwarf would be caught dead groovin to these drums. Maybe those little thief dudes. Nothing more satisfying than busting them up after they stole my potions. They would probably like these wimpy drums.

I wasn't really feeling the ending either, as it sortof record-skipped out, which is fine, but it didn't do so on the beat.

Overall pretty enjoyable, but the weak drums and dated synths hold it back.

I give this song two viking-dwarves out of four.


  • 2 years later...
  • 9 months later...

Okay, so this was a good song with a nice arrangement, but the samples were a bit weak and the whole thing wasn't overly remarkable. Still, it's got a nice beat and holds your attention long enough to tune out and get work done with headphones on, so well done on that.

  • 2 years later...
  • 9 months later...

Like listening to a song in a spinning underwater tunnel. It's a weird choice for sure, but I don't mind it. Keeps the drums and background stuff interesting by constantly shifting. Like people are saying it's a really nice low-key song for doing stuff to. It's strange, I've critiqued lack of dynamics and repetition before, but... I guess it's about intent or something, either way it works for this song.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00011 - Golden Axe "Death Adder Trance"
  • 7 years later...

I'm not sure I'd called it Trance, personally, but nevertheless I've always really liked the vibe of this one. Sort of like all of the sounds have been run through some kind of scrambling filter to make them seem washed out, except it really, really works and sounds great in execution. Lot of creative, unique sound to this, one of DJpretzel's better early works. I don't agree with the earlier comments that say this is good background noise, I feel like I'm compelled to pay attention to it when it's playing.

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