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OCR00569 - Mega Man X "Brainsick Metal"


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Mega Man X 'Brainsick Metal'

Protricity might as well be called the next Scott Peeples at the rate he's going! This time he serves up a synthrock medley from Mega Man X which is so intense that I could honestly see myself speeding, oh, 30-40 mph over while listening to this if I wasn't careful! The guitars can sound a tad synthy at times, but that's my only complaint. All in all, this is a must-download.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What a fast paced mix. The drum fills are great, they really make me want to jump out of seat. An amazing song to begin with, this mix is just incredable, it can't really be described in words. And I wouldn't be too surprised if I heard something about people speeding on the freeway while listening to this...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wonderful, he combined the levels I loved, and turned them into a kickin' song. He deffinately could've gone longer with this one, as each level didn't get enough fun in the sun, but on the bright side, it leaves you wanting more, and also, it leaves you wanting to hear it again. The ending though, was great. I like how all of the levels seemed to head up into the final part, which is Spark Mandrill's stage. Yet, in my opinion, if he hadn't have ended it with the drums going into the verse again, it would've felt more complete. Instead, it feels slightly "Cut off". Yet, I can't take this song off repeat on my CD player, I honestly can't. Very inspirational. Keep up the good work Protricity!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is one of if not the absolute best remix i have ever heard. He keeps the same feel in the remix that we got I the game. The transitions are perfect, there's never a dull moment. Every time i listen to the song i get flashbacks from the game. The arrangement of all the parts is flawless. The complexity of the parts gives it a somewhat mechancial feel, but it is perfect and given the choice i would rather have an X theme with a mechanical feel than organic. Besides, trying to mimc those parts is going to keep me busy for months. It's got the rush of power that is a necesity in every megaman remix. Overall this is an amzing song. Everything was done right. It doesn't get any better than this. Astounding job by protricity. I look forward to hearing more of his stuff.

I found another addition to my highway music. right up there with all the f-zero music.

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I've seriously listened to this song upwards of 300, maybe 400 times. I usually get hooked on a song, listen to it for a month, then forget it for a while, but I don't think this has ever gotten very far from my current playlist.

The best part is that while I was going to high school, it took me just about 6:24 to get from my house to school (speeding quite a bit of course).

What a great track.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I love this song, never heard or played the original, but there are parts in here that sound like they are slightly remixed versions of one of the tracks from a racing game called Aero Gauge....one instance is from 5'06 to 5'18. And it repeats a few times, and I just remembered where it was from...*feels a request coming on*

mainva | aptigo | JTD out

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Wow. That's the first thing that ran through my mind after it was finished being blown away by this prime example of how electronic rock can still kick ass. I think everything I have to say has already been said, but I'll reiterate why I like it. The guitar (which is actually a simply square wave from what Prot tells me) fits perfectly in the superb arrangement of the three themes, pitch bending and modulating like no one's business to create what sounds like an extended Hide or Slash solo. The three themes are blended together nicely, with no transition problems. The drums are not simply looped throughout the entire piece, but sound (more or less) like they are actually being played.

The bass could have been a bit more prominent, but that's no big deal. And of course, higher quality encoding is always favorable, but I realize that would have been impossible in this case.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The guitar, for the most part, sounds awful. I understand that a synthed guitar is difficult to work with, but I think it would have been better with a different instrument. (Except at the beginning of the Storm Eagle theme--that works.)

It's too repetitive. The beginning, for example, should be shorter--hearing the main section of the beginning repeated again after the solo bit just made me think "yeah, I've heard this part already, come on!". Maybe cutting in half would've worked better. (The problem is, it builds up to a preclimax, then drops back to something non-climactic, like repeating the same buildup again--~1:46 to ~2:06 is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.)


The actual arrangement (the variations and solos) is quite good.

The drums are great--while I usually hate this type of snare, I felt it worked very well with this song.

As mentioned, the Storm Eagle section is great, as are the transitions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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