Joe Redifer Posted May 7, 2002 Posted May 7, 2002 Paperboy 'Peaperboayh' Ah, Paperboy. I liked this game for about 20 minutes. This is a cool mix, but of course I don't recognize it from the game. Sounds kind of "house" at times, if that is a legitimate description. Not a whole lot of variety here, but worth a download if you like "Beastie Boys" style percussion. Quote
JamPaladin Posted November 21, 2002 Posted November 21, 2002 At the start of this track, a voice proclaims "It's a trip, It's got aa funky beat." This is quite true of the mix, as it does indeed have a funky beat. Except its not really a trip, not that I can comment on that, as I've never tripped. But the best is cool, as is the melody. The mix starts off ecclecticly, with the main melody not coming in until 0' 17", but starts off with some cool sounding synthed electronic sounds, acompanied by some odd UFO type sounds. It's all good however, and at 55" a piano, I believe, come in, with a sort of second melody. In true techno fasion, we have it repeat for several bars length, until 1' 45" where we lose the funky beat, and focus on the melody. There's abit of variation in the tune, as the beat come back in, but it still continues repeating, before the voice returns, at almost the exactly halfway point. At 2' 40" some more synths come into the tune, spicing it up, and forming a decent addition to the melody. At 3' 40", it starts to wind down, and settles with a typical coonclusion. Not an amazingly original composition, but it's good techno, and the addition of voices with a cool phrase makes it that much more memoriable. Thus, I pleased to award it the follwoing ranking: Subjective-funky-beat-and-Trip-O-meter: 7.459/10 Quote
Liontamer Posted December 11, 2002 Posted December 11, 2002 The first time I downloaded "Peaperboyah" by The Dead Guys, I kinda said "WTF? I played Paperboy and I don't even recognize this." The deliberatly slower pace of this track made me have to listen to it several times in order to pluck the original theme and really get a feel for the track, but I certainly like how this mix turned out after I gave it a chance. I can't really put my finger on what exactly this is, but the sound is unique as far as OCR's concerned. If you liked slower stuff like DarK PurPLe's "The DarK Underground" (SMB2), you should DL "Peaperboyah", listen to it's trancyness a few times and make your decision after that. Mixes like this don't necessarily jump out at you from the first time you listen to them, but I think this one's a keeper. Quote
AnotherOneBitesTheDust Posted March 28, 2003 Posted March 28, 2003 This is great. The second half is way more enjoyable at a listen-at-one-segment-at-a-time song, but the first half is basically a build to it. I wish there were two versions of this: this one and a "short edit" or whatever. I would always hear this in my mp3 player before I could tell you more than half the names of the OC songs if they played and that "funky beat" sample sounded like this was from a very weird game. Turns out I was right! Definitely try this out...don't let the date posted fool you. Oh BTW "The Dead Guys" have some more mixes on and I'd have to say this is the best out of all of them. Quote
respectfulcrumpet Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 this remix was a very interesting piece of music. i liked the beat and the techno style. i cant belive all of the shit you pack into this overreaction of a game about paper. i think i recall that "its a trip, its got a funky beat, [and i can bug out to it]" from the beastie boys at some point, but whatever. and i just caught on to a guy proclaiming the most likely inspiration to this beautiful musical number, exclaiming "marijuana" . keep up the good work, i have listened to your remix for a while now, and i wish that you could do another. good stuff, good stuff. Quote
Snoozer Posted January 27, 2004 Posted January 27, 2004 a great remix with style... one of my favourite ReMixes Quote
Tex Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Ha! This is very funny! In contra/position, this remix is good. However in my opinion, that is veeeeeeeeery tiring. I listened this some times and annoyed me. The arrangement is "sad"! The voices are stupids. Sincerely, I don´t like this work. Two thumbs down. Quote
meccaneer Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 There's definately not enough hip-hop work on this site. Too many dance beats and not enough phat beats. The synth samples in this track are a bit simplistic; that's all I'd change. Maybe throw in some rap... that's it. The beat is hella tight and works perfectly with the piano. Nice work. Quote
OmegaDonut Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 It was kinda cool to see this review get back to the top of the list, especially seeing as Mythril Nazgul's own rap version of the same theme just got accepted by the judges' panel (congrats!). Nice indicator of how far ReMixes have come in terms of quality over the years. Anyway, it would be unfair of me (and also the wrong place) to compare the two, so as far as a review goes: I think this mix would have a lot of merit if it, for one thing, didn't have so many annoying background noises, some of which sound like a TV was on full volume during the recording session. At first, I wanted to say the mix sounded cluttered, but on a second listening I realized it wasn't a bunch of instruments struggling for dominance, it was just all that background noise getting in the way. Some sharper-sounding synths wouldn't hurt, either. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 The beats are clearly the strong point here, they are really good. I love the sound of the snare and the bass drum. The sound effects and vocal clips I could really do without, they just seem annoying to me. I was worried that the simple source track would be grating, but it's actually pretty well transformed, with the main line slowed down and with the rhythm changed slightly; played by the bass. I'd even say it's an improvement over the original. There is too much random crap going on in the background though, and that makes the track a little harder to listen to repeatedly for me. The synths are passable, nothing jumps out as being fantastic. Those beats are awesome though. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Most people who commented have it: beats are awesome, background noises are not. The voices don't seem to have a place in the track, whch is what gets people thinking they are extraneous. Bass line is repetative, but that's alright. Generally fits this style of mix, though I'm a fan of having more variation myself. Easily something to start rapping over. Not my thing, but for it's age it holds up pretty decently. Quote
Bahamut Posted January 14, 2010 Posted January 14, 2010 What the heck was with those voices? This is a pretty weird song in terms of approach. It has an artsy feel to it that reminds me of trip hop, which is pretty refreshing to hear. I actually have to say I enjoy this song quite a bit, which is impressive considering this is song #12. There are some rough areas in production, but this surprisingly holds up pretty well in comparison to most songs on the site around that time period and even further. I felt that the arrangement was a tad repetitive, and it could've used some more variation, but for a trip hoppish song, it isn't the worst thing in the world since it isn't super repetitive on all levels. Quote
BlackCurtains Posted April 27, 2010 Posted April 27, 2010 It has been years since I was here last. I felt obligated to register and give my two cents. This remix has been with me for a long time. Over the years it's been transferred from three PCs, a Mac, countless CDs and now my iPod. I've always had it mixed in with my regular stuff, which is metal (Carcass, Decapitated, Anata, etc) and I just love it. I lost the actual title and artist a while ago, and forgot what it was called and who made it, I just always knew it was a Paperboy remix. I've fixed that now Waxing poetic aside, I just plain love this piece. This is the only mix on the site by these guys? That is a shame. I would love to hear more. Quote
Crulex Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 A little trip hop, and it's not bad. I wasn't fond of the voices, but it didn't detract from the ReMix too much on my end. Not amazing, but very good all in all. Quote
dANGER boy Posted December 12, 2011 Posted December 12, 2011 I dig the voices! I think it sets the stage and adds to the tripiness of the arrangement. Brought a smile to my face. Killer beats and interpretation! Putting this one on my playlist. Quote
Tables Posted April 9, 2015 Posted April 9, 2015 I can get behind this groove thing. It DOES have a funky beat! I don't mind the voices at all honestly. Maybe it's a little long but it's not a bad thing to be stuck in, you know? Also dang some of these older ReMixes know where and how to place a nice solo. Actually this whole thing sort of reminds me of EarthBound music for some reason? This is a good thing. Side note I'm a big fan of when people don't even try to match the mood of their ReMix to the original song. Keep OCReMix Weird! Quote
oldtimer Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 There is a higher bitrate version of this song (160kbps, vs the 128kbps available here): Dead Guys - Paperboy (peaperboayh).mp3 Quote
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