orkybash Posted May 27, 2002 Posted May 27, 2002 Chrono Trigger 'Ruined World (Eternal Derelict)' This is, in my opinion. one of CotMM's best tracks. Definitely sounds like it's from the soundtrack of a CT movie. Sets up some GREAT ambiance, then builds a slow-moving (in a good way) melody on top of it. Then just as it starts to get boring, CotMM changes it up, first shifting out the melody and adding in some de-tuned bells, then bringing in a new melody (this one from The Day the World Revived). I would LOVE to know what CotMM had in mind with this, as it sounds like there was definitely a concept behind it that goes beyond the music. Highly recommended. Quote
bartkusa Posted June 9, 2002 Posted June 9, 2002 I'm just not built for appreciating the stuff CotMM puts out. Except this. As high-brow as this may be, it's still accessible, mainly due to it's high chill-out factor. DJ Pretzel described it best, as the sonic equivalent of Oriental calligraphy. Quote
Ebonyks Posted June 9, 2002 Posted June 9, 2002 I usually am not a big fan of any of the CotMM remixes, but this one just struck me differently than their other remixes. It just has a nice, smooth beat that for some reason makes me think of mourning over a tragic event. I realize that sounds pretty abstract, it's a moot point. CotMM put together a great remix Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted September 25, 2002 Posted September 25, 2002 solitude. this mix makes me feel like the loneliest person in the world Quote
Thylacine Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 I didn't know that such an obscure "song" could be remixed so well. CotMM does an excellent job keeping the background as the main subject, as it was in the original. The sounds and music used were overall soothing, making its length enjoyable rather than taxing. I enjoyed this remix thoroughly, which is quite good considering this was one of my least favorite songs in Chrono Trigger. Quote
Child of Kirby Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 Tired, and weary, the weathered-faced man wandered with a slow, hesistant step into what he once called home. The outskirts of town were utterly ravaged, both by storm, and by time, the very faint traces of the energy that tore so horribly through steel and gravel assaulting his senses. A step foward, and a pause was all he offered as he stared up at the massive, now twisted and battered peaks of towers previously standing on either side of the massive stronghold a few miles ahead of him. His body seized and fell, his knees hitting the ground as his head lowered, accepting the fall of the acidic, corrosive rain that struck his head, neck and coat. The fountain beside him already bore the scars of the rain, declaring it's downfall in entropy. After several minutes of staring at the ground in disbelief, and his brain swirling in mesmerization at the light ringing of the rusted old bell outside of the tailor's, he lifted his body up and turned away from the castle. With a brief look to the sky, he nodded, seemingly to himself as he whispered an unintelligable phrase to his invisible companion above him. Lifting up his blade, he continued on, away from the city. Vengeance would be his, and Togras would fall at his hand, if he had any say in it... ------------------- That's what *I* think when I listen to this track. Oh, by the way, I like it. In fact, it's my favorite mix on OCR, no questions at all. For anyone who likes epic, atmospheric pieces, especially something to put in the background of your tabletop RPG games, and your party just happens to be passing through an old, destroyed town... This is your piece. 10/10 Quote
Chorozon ID Posted December 5, 2002 Posted December 5, 2002 If total nothingness invoked an auditory response, this is the closest thing to it that I can think of. The true domain of this music as well as all of CotMM's tunes, is the realm of entropy and perfection. I've found solace and beauty in all of his recent works... but this takes the cake. Keep with it CotMM... keep with it. 10/10 Quote
Vig Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 Like the track itself, my review will be simple and concise. Pleasing to the ear, original, and very moody. this track proves that a mix doesnt have to be busy or complecated to be effective. this track in its simple beauty is up there with the best from McV, DJP, AmIE, Protricity, and anyone else whose name rhymes with those. -Vig Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted June 23, 2003 Posted June 23, 2003 Wow. This mix is truly incredible. It really is a very simple piece, but it conveys emotions very well. I want to put it in my playlist, but I feel like putting anything after it would just not work. A very good track. Quote
Uberwulf X Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 One word. ThisisoneepicpieceofmusicidaresayIenjoyeditallandwouldsimplyloopthisoverandoverandlikesuggestedIcouldputthistothebackgroundoftabletop- RPGsandMugenifyouveeverheardofit. Longest. Word. Ever. Quote
SineSwiper Posted July 5, 2003 Posted July 5, 2003 Nothingness. Depression. Despair. And some faint thread of hope, as the strings progress. Stays true to the original mix of the song, while enhancing its 16-bit fallbacks with real live sound and emotion. Not in the norm of what CotMM does, but it certainly has his fingerprint on it. One very minor complaint: I miss the bells that drone in the original song, which added a certain flavor to the song. Other than that, I have nothing say that would compare to what djpretzel or the rest have wrote, except that I wanted to add my vote to the rest of the glowing reviews of this excellent score of ambience. Quote
Gnam Posted July 12, 2003 Posted July 12, 2003 I'm not really into COTMM's other stuff, but this thing is excellent. While on one hand it's a great remix of the song musically, it also works excellently as a ambient just sound effects. It doesn't just tell you the emotion of the scene, but give you a vivid picture and feeling of what is physically going on as well. Also, while it's very creative and interpretive, it also works just as well at staying true to the original and just enhancing it. Quote
Vasahond Posted July 12, 2003 Posted July 12, 2003 One word: Wow. This one totally blew me away. It's totally like the original, but it has real sounds! Not only that, but it captures the whole feeling of the original, and adds something of its own to it. Quote
smh Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 i feel it is my duty to say something about this mix, as it is one of my favorites on the entire site. CotMM has created something that is not quite a song, but instead a soundscape that draws you in and makes you feel like you were there. while listening to this song i am swept away through desolate ghost towns and barren landscapes, through the streets of future cities devoid of color, and among the ruins of civilizations long gone. this mix, while simple, transcends over the original piece and creates a world of it's own. thanks for creating an excellent piece of music. my possible only complaint is that i think everything after about 5:30 is a bit extraneous. i like the "day the world revived" theme but the synth sound that is used for it sounds plain and empty after the rich piano chords and pads in the first 5 minutes of the song, and i am not left feeling as refreshed as if i press the stop button on Winamp somewhere between 5:00 and 5:30 Quote
Kujila Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 This is very gut-wrenching music. If you close you eyes you can see a vivid picture of a Lavos-destroyed world,... very, very vivid, and very, very good... ...Just,...awesome,...that's the only word for a song that leaves me in awe... Quote
Tacitus Posted December 2, 2003 Posted December 2, 2003 Amazing... Definately soundtrack-quality music for any disaster flick. This piece perfectly captures the feel of the moment, and if I ever need some background music for my D&D players to wander a blasted wasteland or ruined town, this'll be it. Two thumbs way up. Quote
100_PERCENT ROEMER Posted February 4, 2004 Posted February 4, 2004 very emotional piece. i love it. 10/10 Quote
Pherexio Posted February 20, 2004 Posted February 20, 2004 The volcanic destruction of so many years has wrought the planet a new face... conceived of destruction and hatred, the worlds quakes with the pain, and yet, in all this, there is a sort of beauty... an overbearing feeling of purpose, and yet despair. The small, bands of nomadic humans that still remain still hear the cries of the dying, the lost, the fearful, the burning, and the panicked. Lost in this reverie, no one notices the small flower, now trampled by the many feet of a wandering people; proof that even death and destruction can have a way of bringing forth new life; that the human will to survive conquers any obstacle; the hope of a people, rended from their homes, still lives on. _____ This mix truly is an amazing work, and easily and accuratly conveys the feeling this track was meant to give. What else is there to say but keep at it! 10/10 Quote
CTPhoenix Posted March 22, 2004 Posted March 22, 2004 CotMM... I hope that you are reading this.. You are a god of music. This song captures the climax of the game. The world in hopeless ruin, only to show the true nature of humanity versus universal fate... I couldn't have asked for more. This is one for tears. Keep it coming. Entropy... Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 CotMM has created something that is not quite a song, but instead a soundscape that draws you in and makes you feel like you were there. To this I must say, yes, many have also noticed it's the kind of piece that draws you in. It helps you see a mental picture merely with it's atmospheric style... But to your former point .smh, expand your definition. 'not quite a song'!?! ... fine; then don't play it at any parties any time soon and appreciate it for what it is: a 'sonic creation'. Music isn't a beat, music is sonic message through whatever medium. I would suggest using terms like 'more' or 'less musical. I think of all the elements to a selection of music, the sensitive conveying of emotion is the most important; this track does that to a tee. I am addicted to this mp3! It's a positively gorgeous, emotional piece of soundscape... you cannot listen to this and be thinking of a world of happiness and sunshine. The instruments are well chosen, and their faint flowing melodies masterfully used/developed. If I were to put my spin on it, I would add a musical line of suffering... a faint digital something fading in and out resembling whining... like a form of whale noise. The ending melody too, while a great, was a little unnecessary... it was like it was added on so that it would be CT enough to be accepted. I think it's stronger before that point, but again that's my spin... not to be confused with a suggestion, this piece is complete. No one can touch you on this one CotMM. 10/10 ***** Two thumbs up. Gorgeous. PS: The track also reminds me a lot of the music from the group 'Boards Of Canada'. Quote
Ferret Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 I'd be lying if I said I didn't love this. While the original is sparse and not really music at all, this piece is quite easily a master work of ambience and emotion. I listen to this and I can see the shocked look on their faces, see them trudging through a desolate wasteland in search of survivors, all the while wondering how this all came to pass. Excellent work and clearly deserving of an award. Quote
SixthFlyingMan Posted August 9, 2004 Posted August 9, 2004 Wow, this IS great. Children did awesome on this. Concerto's right, in that it's not really music, but it is just as beautiful as anything Mozart, Bach, or anyone else could come up with. Oh, and Less, around 4:00, if you listen closely and turn up your volume, there IS that sound effect. Better speakers might also help. Quote
m68030 Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 This is probably my single most popular track. It's also the one I think I've enjoyed the most over the years. A lot of love went into this one. The storm noises were recorded in stereo from several different thunderstorms over the course of about two years. The original intent was not for this remix, but I think they found a happy enough home in it. The chimes and metal noises (other than the single in-game sample I ripped) were recorded from wind chimes and other metal I found around the house. Several people who have come to that home after having heard the remix commented they felt like they were stepping into the remix when they closed their eyes and just listened. That made me smile, because I designed some of the stereo separation effects in this track to model part of my backyard. I've always loved trying to take things that I find an unconventional beauty in and try and share it in some accessable form. That's probably why I love this track so much, because it seems to universally be accepted and enjoyed. I have noticed several comments from various people about the ending section. I can see where many of these comments come from, since it may not seem to 'flow' really with the rest of the track, but I'll lay out my thoughts and intention on it here... The chord progression is strictly from the Overworld theme of 2300 AD. In your first venture to this land in the game you help provide some food to the surviving populace. Their theme in the game, given the scenario just seemed such a beautiful expression of hope in the face of absolute despair.. at the end of this long soundscape of wasted land, I wanted the focus to shift that even in a world destroyed, hope remains. My mental image standing, watching the storms roll across the land, then turning to see a few fellow survivors, and some food for everyone to have. I probably could have found a way to integrate it a little more smoothly, but I still feel it stands. Originally I was going to write a full 'tutorial' about how I went about constructing this track, but I never finished it. Don't ask me about finishing it, because it's just simply been too long, now, over two years ago. http://silenthillbbs.dyndns.org/tutorial/ If you want the higher-bitrate version, change that IP address in the document to the same domain as the above URL. I'll edit the document one day so it's not needed. Finally, a screenshot of what I believe was the final mix in the program I did the mix-down in, Acid. http://silenthillbbs.dyndns.org/stills/ruined_world.jpg I couldn't fit the whole thing into a single shot and still show all the envelopes and such, but I think it's a nice overview of the whole thing. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Enjoy. Quote
Mia Posted August 26, 2004 Posted August 26, 2004 This is just amazing.. Some day I hope to make something like this. The only thing I'd change would be to put a bit of a fade-out at the very end (there is a bit of noise, and it just cuts off). But other than that, this is one of the most beautiful arrangements I've ever heard. Quote
Bren Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 This is a great mix. It really captures the setting of the ruined world and the emotion that the characters must feel when they leave the portal. Quote
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