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MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)

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On January 24, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Arrow said:

someone by the RL name of Joshua Maltby whose handle here I'm unsure of.

That would be me. Though I haven't ever really posted in the forums, I've been frequenting OCR since the early '00s.

Hype for MAGFest! Too many amazing things happening all at the same times, like usual! >_<


Sorry guys, even though I always look forward to MAG every year (and have several months of post MAG nocturnal illusions) it's looking like I won't be able to swing the trip this year,  which sucks because there have been some awesome guests being announced lately.  Still, hope the OCR panel goes well and everyone has a great time!  

On 2/6/2016 at 8:52 PM, Garpocalypse said:

Sorry guys, even though I always look forward to MAG every year (and have several months of post MAG nocturnal illusions) it's looking like I won't be able to swing the trip this year,  which sucks because there have been some awesome guests being announced lately.  Still, hope the OCR panel goes well and everyone has a great time!  




On February 6, 2016 at 7:52 PM, Garpocalypse said:

Sorry guys, even though I always look forward to MAG every year (and have several months of post MAG nocturnal illusions) it's looking like I won't be able to swing the trip this year,  which sucks because there have been some awesome guests being announced lately.  Still, hope the OCR panel goes well and everyone has a great time!  


3 hours ago, Esperado said:



Nah the Sigma Gauntlet was the highlight of the summer for me. :P

Life hit hard this year for me and i'm expecting some major expenses in the near future. I'm also between jobs right now and hoping to get all the interviews I can over the course of the month so dealing with the MAGflu risk (which took me out of commission for a few weeks after mag 2014) on top of my dwindling finances makes it tough to justify going this year.  It's always a great start to the year though and i'm definitely going to be bummed out when MAG week hits.  

On February 6, 2016 at 8:52 PM, Garpocalypse said:

Sorry guys, even though I always look forward to MAG every year (and have several months of post MAG nocturnal illusions) it's looking like I won't be able to swing the trip this year,  which sucks because there have been some awesome guests being announced lately.  Still, hope the OCR panel goes well and everyone has a great time!  

You'll be missed Gar. I'll be in touch after


All right, so I've updated my annual MAGFest Guide to the National Harbor:


On 1/27/2016 at 11:33 AM, wildfire said:

Try out this link, it should allow you to add yourself to the group. 


Thank you! I just added myself to the group. This is my first time using GroupMe, so hopefully this'll be a little more convenient than scattered Facebook Messengers. KF


Would just like to notify everyone here:

The Journey Live performance (score to Journey played live to gameplay) is at 2:00PM, Saturday 2/13/206. The OCR panel is at 1:00PM, Saturday 2/13/206. 

This means the OCR panel is going to run through the start of the Journey performance.

If you want to go to see Journey Live, you will have to skip the OCR panel or leave halfway through. I also recommend planning to eat before the OCR panel because the Journey performance lasts until 4:00PM.

Additionally, the Mega Man Zero anniversary concert is at 8:00PM the same day. Our How to ReMix panel is at 7:00PM. Same deal, they will overlap. Same deal with skipping/leaving halfway.

Also, DiscoCactus is at 4PM. If you're seeing Journey, just stay in the room after it's done. Same place.

10 hours ago, Neblix said:

Would just like to notify everyone here:

The Journey Live performance (score to Journey played live to gameplay) is at 2:00PM, Saturday 2/13/206. The OCR panel is at 1:00PM, Saturday 2/13/206. 

This means the OCR panel is going to run through the start of the Journey performance.

If you want to go to see Journey Live, you will have to skip the OCR panel or leave halfway through. I also recommend planning to eat before the OCR panel because the Journey performance lasts until 4:00PM.

Additionally, the Mega Man Zero anniversary concert is at 8:00PM the same day. Our How to ReMix panel is at 7:00PM. Same deal, they will overlap. Same deal with skipping/leaving halfway.

Also, DiscoCactus is at 4PM. If you're seeing Journey, just stay in the room after it's done. Same place.



also yikes I think I might be lending journey some of my gear?? But i gotta be at the ocr panel.  Hmmmmmmmm


For a brief moment I thought you guys were referring to the other Journey.  Anyway, a closer hotel option has popped up so now I won't have to worry about transportation between the con and the hotel.

21 hours ago, kitty said:

Last year at the State of the Fest Address, Paul said something that's really stuck with me. Regardless of what rules the Gaylord might issue, and how many people volunteer to enforce those rules, the best way to keep everything safe, fun, and retain our welcome at the Gaylord, is to discourage poor behavior ourselves. If the community is against bad behavior, then we have nothing to worry about. I'm inclined to agree with Paul on this one. If someone's doing stuff like trashing the hotel, ask them politely to respect the space we've been granted. Even though we're paying for the con, and paying for rooms (for those of us that were early enough), the Gaylord hosting MAGFest is a mutually beneficial privilege. If people are being dirtbags even after your gentle intervention, turn them in to hotel staff or MAG volunteers. If the hotel basically has eyes everywhere, then the people causing problems get the boot before they mess it up for everyone else. I personally really like the Gaylord, and would like MAGFest to continue to be welcome there.

Our influence will help stop misbehaving con-goers! On the floors of MAGFest, we will hold the line! ... Or is it wait in line...? Both? Both.


In other news:

1 hour ago, YoshiBlade said:

There's no off settting to the MAGhype switch!!!




I am here and MAGfest is awesome so far.

Cool panels and great music. I got to highfive Danny Sexbang so I could probably go home and still feel like the trip was worth it.

Anyway, definitely keep any group hangouts posted in the thread; I'd really like to meet a few more of you guys! :D

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