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Right you are. Then again I wasn't saying that everyone actually did dislike them, only that I thought everyone did, and that was only a slight exaggeration, because I thought the vast majority actually did. And that belief was based on the few posts I'd read on the matter, which nearly all contained complaints about the color choices. I was merely misinformed, or ignorant, if you prefer. And I still am - I don't know how many people have approved of the new colors. Not everyone knows about this thread, either.


I just noticed I couldn't find the one Solar Jetman remix when browsing on S (the game isn't in the list). Searching for it in the sidebar gets if for you though.

Anyway, I get the feeling there should be someone here that knows the VB forum inside and out who be able to take care of things like creating a new subforum for this type of threads and managing the forum software. The smileys sidebar is still a complete mess and it's only because no one with the knowledge/access required has the time to fix it. DJP is obviously a very busy man and there should be someone he could entrust with this type of thing so he doesn't have to do everything himself, just like he trusts the judges panel with deciding which mixes should be on the site and not (a pretty big responsibility). I understand if he doesn't want someone to mess up the site or its code so he doesn't know how his own website works anymore, but I don't think that would be necessary. I think this site needs a forum software-Larry, just like it has an avatar-Larry and a judge-Larry (and whatever else Larry does).


It appears that the Sonic & Knuckles 'Lava Reef Zone (Las Trompetas Maravillosas Mix)' is categorized under Sonic 3D Blast, as a remix of Rusty Ruin Zone. There's a pretty little Sonic and Knuckles gif on the page, but it doesn't appear when I do a search for Lava Reef remixes.

I just noticed I couldn't find the one Solar Jetman remix when browsing on S (the game isn't in the list). Searching for it in the sidebar gets if for you though.

Anyway, I get the feeling there should be someone here that knows the VB forum inside and out who be able to take care of things like creating a new subforum for this type of threads and managing the forum software. The smileys sidebar is still a complete mess and it's only because no one with the knowledge/access required has the time to fix it. DJP is obviously a very busy man and there should be someone he could entrust with this type of thing so he doesn't have to do everything himself, just like he trusts the judges panel with deciding which mixes should be on the site and not (a pretty big responsibility). I understand if he doesn't want someone to mess up the site or its code so he doesn't know how his own website works anymore, but I don't think that would be necessary. I think this site needs a forum software-Larry, just like it has an avatar-Larry and a judge-Larry (and whatever else Larry does).

Re: Solar Jetman, yeah, that's a strange issue, but I wasn't seeing it listed on the alpha page either.

Not sure what's wrong with the "smileys sidebar". Do you mean the "More" pop-up box that shows all of the available smilies when you make a post? If so, yeah, the header with the dropdowns needs to be taken out.

It appears that the Sonic & Knuckles 'Lava Reef Zone (Las Trompetas Maravillosas Mix)' is categorized under Sonic 3D Blast, as a remix of Rusty Ruin Zone. There's a pretty little Sonic and Knuckles gif on the page, but it doesn't appear when I do a search for Lava Reef remixes.

Good catch, and an easy fix!

Not sure what's wrong with the "smileys sidebar". Do you mean the "More" pop-up box that shows all of the available smilies when you make a post? If so, yeah, the header with the dropdowns needs to be taken out.

No, not the pop-up box, the little table to the right of where you write your post, at the bottom of which you find the link to the more pop-up box. This frame has room for 3x7 smileys, but the bottom right one is empty, the :razz: smiley appears twice, the 8O one three times and several useful ones aren't there. By cleaning this table up you'd have room for another 4 smileys from the "more" pop-up box, such as banghead, lol and wink, not to mention eyeroll!

Also this forum has fairly few smileys. Unless this is completely intentional, maybe there could be a thread similar to the avatar one where people can post new ones to be added at your discretion? I could use something like these mad0218.gifduh.gif a lot...

No, not the pop-up box, the little table to the right of where you write your post, at the bottom of which you find the link to the more pop-up box. This frame has room for 3x7 smileys, but the bottom right one is empty, the :razz: smiley appears twice, the 8O one three times and several useful ones aren't there. By cleaning this table up you'd have room for another 4 smileys from the "more" pop-up box, such as banghead, lol and wink, not to mention eyeroll!

Also this forum has fairly few smileys. Unless this is completely intentional, maybe there could be a thread similar to the avatar one where people can post new ones to be added at your discretion? I could use something like these mad0218.gifduh.gif a lot...

God, no, please. The less smileys, the better.

The more smileys you add, the more people use them instead of actually writing something, and before you know it, this forum'll look like an anime forum for 12 year olds where smileys make up 50% of each post.

Most of the albums aren't numbered properly (url-wise); for example, Relics of the Chozo is 3 while Voices of the Lifestream is 1. Only Kong in Concert, Thieves of Fate, and Delta-Q-Delta are correct (2, 10, and 11).

I think that's just the ID the database uses to reference them and not the order they were released. So if for some reason an album was entered into the database before an album that actually gets released first, we wouldn't have to change album IDs and the catalog number would have the correct release order. The ID is meant to be transparent to the user, is my guess.


Not really the biggest issue in the world, but I was looking around for Mario's Tropical Paradise and initially couldn't find it because, even though the filename and the tags say it's under Super Mario Bros., the site has cataloged it under Super Mario RPG. It isn't a completely erroneous listing; the song does have music from SMRPG. However, the page for it has at the top Super Mario Bros. and has the picture for SMB as well (plus the tags, as I mentioned), not SMRPG. So either the tags are wrong or the database has put it in the wrong place.

Not really the biggest issue in the world, but I was looking around for Mario's Tropical Paradise and initially couldn't find it because, even though the filename and the tags say it's under Super Mario Bros., the site has cataloged it under Super Mario RPG. It isn't a completely erroneous listing; the song does have music from SMRPG. However, the page for it has at the top Super Mario Bros. and has the picture for SMB as well (plus the tags, as I mentioned), not SMRPG. So either the tags are wrong or the database has put it in the wrong place.

It's listed in whatever games it has source tunes from, so it's listed in both games. At the top of the RPG page:

Note: This list includes ReMixes assigned to a different primary game which also arrange music from this game.
I think that's just the ID the database uses to reference them and not the order they were released. So if for some reason an album was entered into the database before an album that actually gets released first, we wouldn't have to change album IDs and the catalog number would have the correct release order. The ID is meant to be transparent to the user, is my guess.

Yeah, the ID #s have nothing to do with the order of release, which I also thought was counterintuitive, but whatchagonnado.

It seems that there are two catagories of questions that have been coming up. Could there be a separate thread devoted to database questions versus design questions?

Since Dave's been talking about a separate "issues" forum I think it's best to wait and see how this will be laid out. Good idea otherwise since they're so different.


So I was browsing through the recent Remix additions, and a good bunch of them don't have songs attributed to them, though they are based off of a specific song. I don't know if this was accidental just didn't add that info, or if the OST database needs updating, but it helps me to know what's from where.

If its just not having some of the OSTs labeled, I'd be more than happy to help out with that and contribute tracklists and whatnot.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question. Why do we still not have a button that appears on/with your posts when you plug in your website into your profile? I know you folks are busy, but doesn't it seem kind of odd that after over two years, you can put your website URL in, yet there's nothing that allows people to visit it when you post? A button next to "Quote" and "Edit" might not work, but what about something along the top with your AIM, Yahoo! and whatnot icons?

Pretty please?


Well, unless not having the little house logo along with the yahoo, msn and aim ones was intentional, or vB, for whatever absurd reason, doesn't allow for this kind of feature, I'd say this is just another example of how this site would be better off with a secondary sub-webmaster who could help DJP with doing mundane website/forum related tasks. Like this.

Blasted timezones, I can't even talk to my fellow staffers..

Anyway, source tracks in some remixes (I noticed it in my own Legend of Arcana remix) is missing. This was quite a while ago. Just a miss or something else? ;*

I haven't been seeing them on any mixes recently, it might be worth looking into.

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