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Well if Darke doesn't like it, then that means we gotta keep doing it! :-P I kid I kid. I find the rounder avatars refreshing, but to each their own. Maybe there's a way to make that a user-selectable option?


Also, +1 on the coloured address bar for chrome for mobile.


First off, thanks to @Txai for that catch - we really appreciate detail-oriented corrections :)

With regards to circular profile pics... I had the same initial reaction when I first saw it on IPS. To their credit, they make it VERY easy to switch back to squared-off profile images - it's a single toggle on the theme settings, and presto. That being said, I'm used to it now, and when I switch back to squares it looks old, crusty, and wrong. Give it some time, @DarkeSword, and see what you think in a week or two. I could toggle it and I think you'd agree, the circles are actually kinda cool - also, beyond just being an aesthetic touch, they tell you that an image is a profile, helping the eye distinguish profiles from others types of images, and so they actually have a small (but not meaningless) usability benefit, in my opinion.

2 hours ago, Txai said:


This one is labeled as a Yoshi's Island ReMix. But I am sure it's from Super Mario All-Stars (it also says so in the write-up).

That is what happens when you're in an OCR mood and go adding songs to a playlist.

No, the game's been reclassified based on more information I found from what source tune the artist actually arranged. In this case, it was the Invincibility theme specifically from Yoshi's Island. The next time we do a torrent update, we'll also update the MP3 itself. The writeup's basically frozen, so if there's some outdated information or links, for example, we're not going back to change those things.

7 minutes ago, Anorax said:

Can't reproduce. Do you think you can pinpoint what on the page is pulling up that message?

Looks like it's dand101's sig space: a .jpg from ffartwork.com.

29 minutes ago, Polo said:

- Visiting the first page of the Metal Gear May Cry review thread produces a sign-in box with the message:

A username and password are being requested by http://www.ffartwork.com. The site says: "Compass Rose Arts Beta"


- The Cave Story source song "Cemetery" is misspelled "Cemetary" and "Oppression" is misspelled "Opression."

Fixed PW issue by removing that old sig image, and corrected songs (will be fixed on site the next time it syncs with the database), though when Pixel first released names for the tracks, the corrupted English was there.

  • 2 weeks later...

Does anybody have an issue where they receive a generic "Internal Server Error" page when trying to respond to a thread or PM? It doesn't always happen with me, but very often. I haven't been able to pinpoint a time of day or amount of users that make it happen. It seems to be completely random, but when it's occurring, It'll be that way for an extended period of time. I've tried emptying caches and using different browsers to no avail.

Additional, I did raise it with DJ Pretzel about a week ago, but then I called it out as a false alarm as I thought it was a blip/one-off that resolved itself. I was wrong... :/

31 minutes ago, Odai said:

Does anybody have an issue where they receive a generic "Internal Server Error" page when trying to respond to a thread or PM? It doesn't always happen with me, but very often. I haven't been able to pinpoint a time of day or amount of users that make it happen. It seems to be completely random, but when it's occurring, It'll be that way for an extended period of time. I've tried emptying caches and using different browsers to no avail.

Additional, I did raise it with DJ Pretzel about a week ago, but then I called it out as a false alarm as I thought it was a blip/one-off that resolved itself. I was wrong... :/

It's possible this is related to the content of your posts. Next time this happens, make a note of any special characters or the length of your post.


Hey, I actually joined the site because for whatever reason on my laptop the homepage just freezes and it says Internet Explorer not working and it boots me off the homepage.

Maybe if I was using a different browser it wouldn't be an issue? I'm not sure if it's because there's like a video plug-in IE doesn't support or what but just thought I would let everyone know in case other people are having the same problem.

It's not a huge deal, but it would be nice to see the latest news and whatnot and not have to go digging elsewhere for it.



I think it's Internet Explorer 7 and my os is windows 8. Sorry I didn't mention it before.

If not IE 7 then whatever comes standard with windows 10, which I did have but decided to downgrade back to 8 because I didn't like 10s interface.

I both looked in My PC and used the search function but I have no way of knowing what version it is with a cursory look it just keeps saying it's "Internet Explorer."

Eh, it doesn't matter now. I downloaded what I assume is the latest version of Firefox and when I went to the homepage it said it "prevented outdated plug-in adobe flash from running." And it seems all is well now. If anyone else has the same problem just tell them to get Firefox.

Thanks for a speedy response anyway.

19 hours ago, DarkeSword said:

It's possible this is related to the content of your posts. Next time this happens, make a note of any special characters or the length of your post.

I also saw it twice. It seems to b0rk if you end your text with a smiley.


Not that one apparently. I saw it twice, one in a PM, once in a thread, with a regular smiley at the end of the line. Both inmulti-line replies.

Maybe it was just a server hickup, I dunno. If I see it again I'll make note of the timestamp, maybe that's of some use for djp to check the logs :)


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