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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

The Damned

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Well, it's only a few hours away from the midnight unlock for pre-loads and the eShop is opening up around the world. Lots of stores are having midnight sales, and in the morning, every other store on the continent will be opening and have a share of the 10 million copies that have been produced.

And with that in mind.. I think this thread is coming upon its end.

We only have one more XY/ORAS event left, and that's for Meloetta in December. The Gensect event only has one week left before it's over. In January, PokéBank will be updated to let you transfer your team from XY/ORAS to Sun and Moon, as well as anything you have from Red, Blue and Yellow versions on the Virtual Console.

Gen 6 isn't done. It's complete, yes, but not gone.

In a few years, maybe I'll pop my old Y version cart in, and check Kalos out one more time. See how much has changed from Gen 6 to 7. Maybe I'll just go stomp on the Elite 4 one more time, just for laughs.

But until then... I think I'm going to enjoy Alola. Looks like a nice place. Sunny beaches, clear night skies. Lots of places to explore.

See you guys there!

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Oh, found out something fun and useful.

PokéBank isn't integrated with Sun and Moon yet, but when it is in January, you can use it to transfer your Gen 6 pokémon to Sun and Moon.

But, if you put a lot of spare pokémon in PokéBank right now, and let them sit there all the time, you rack up a lot of Battle Points by the time Sun and Moon are good to go.

And those Battle Points are used for things like Mega Stones, Rare Candies, TMs and Bottle Caps... which are used to max out your Pokémons IVs permanently.

So yeah, if you got PokéBank already, start dumping everything you can spare in to it, and rack up those points!

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On 11/18/2016 at 10:34 AM, The Damned said:

Oh, oooooone mooore thiiiing.


A list of QR codes you can scan in-game to get other pokémon to appear. Gives you the chance to go catch them... and there are codes for shiny starters!


Wait, how the hell does this work?  Can you just scan everything and get them all?  Because that's pretty nuts.  I mean, not in a bad way, but I'd still be pretty surprised.


In other news, I got my copy of Sun, but I didn't manage to finish Y before it came.  I'm going to hold off on starting it until I do that, because otherwise I probably never will.  I'm taking all of next week off for Thanksgiving, so I'll definitely finish up Y and get started on Sun

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Scanning the codes gives you points. Once you reach a certain point limit, a rare pokemon will appear somewhere in the world and you'll have an hour to go and catch it.


You have a maximum of 10 scans that recharge at a rate of 1 every 2 hours.


The pokemon that appears isn't necessarily related to the codes you scan in. My first was a normal Litwick after I scanned in a bunch of the shiny starters and Alolan themed pokemon.

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On 11/20/2016 at 8:55 AM, Admiral_C said:

Scanning the codes gives you points. Once you reach a certain point limit, a rare pokemon will appear somewhere in the world and you'll have an hour to go and catch it.


You have a maximum of 10 scans that recharge at a rate of 1 every 2 hours.


The pokemon that appears isn't necessarily related to the codes you scan in. My first was a normal Litwick after I scanned in a bunch of the shiny starters and Alolan themed pokemon.

Well technically you need to initiate the Island Scan which unlocks after you reach 100 points (10 per scan). 

And the Pokemon that appears is set based upon the island you're on and the current day of the week if I'm not mistaken. Melemele on the weekends gives you a chance at Litwick.

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hey guys this is my first pokemon since Blue, (I played Black for a few hours but wasnt feeling it) and it's been fun so far. @DragonAvenger is a legit pokemon master and she has been helping me when I have questions, but there a lot of things I don't even know that I should be asking about. 

What are some tips that you'd give to an absolute beginner?

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8 minutes ago, OA said:

hey guys this is my first pokemon since Blue, (I played Black for a few hours but wasnt feeling it) and it's been fun so far. @DragonAvenger is a legit pokemon master and she has been helping me when I have questions, but there a lot of things I don't even know that I should be asking about. 

What are some tips that you'd give to an absolute beginner?

Honestly, I would suggest enjoying the game at your own pace for the first run. I was in your shoes for X&Y (that was my first Pokemon game outside of Red), and I feel that was the best way to go. Just let the game and its mechanics develop at the pace it presents itself and learn the basics as you go.

Once you beat it once, that's when you should go out and ask questions, figure out the complex mechanics, try to go full Eugenicist on the pokemon, etc.. It'll also give you a solid idea of what questions you'll be interested in asking, in the first place. It's really not the kind of game where you can permanently lose opportunities to make your pokemon stronger, due to the breeding system, save for the availability of mythic legendaries that Nintendo periodically offers.

I think The Damned's thread here will help you not miss any of those, though, so just keep an eye here for any news on that front.

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49 minutes ago, Gario said:

It's really not the kind of game where you can permanently lose opportunities to make your pokemon stronger, due to the breeding system,

Really?  I'm just about to start playing Y, having been out of it since Ruby, and I didn't find that to be the case at all back then.  TM's were the main problem, since most of them were unique items, so if you used one on the "wrong" pokemon, you'd be out of luck unless you restarted the whole game to get another one.  Same deal for moves taught by move tutors.  EV training was another issue--sure, you could power-level low-level pokemon up quickly, but they'd be short on EV unless you spent inordinate amounts of money on vitamins.  Are these not such major factors in generations 6 and 7?

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Yeah, the way that TMs work nowadays is that they're reusable items (a nice change made in the 4th or 5th generation). Over the generations they've made the games less prone to permanently losing items and such, so there is a LOT less to worry about.

The EV training aspect is still a permanent change, but in all honesty you shouldn't worry about that in your first run, anyway - those pokemon you get on a first run WILL NOT have ideal IV stats, so it's pointless to give them competition level EV training anyway. They will get you through the game no matter how they develop, so there's no real reason to worry too much about it. When you get through the game once you can start worrying about all of the more advanced aspects of the game and start breeding pokemon to actually be competitive.

As far as move tutors go, those are different for every game. Not much you can do about that, unless you're willing to get prior generations and breed pokemon there, which... well, I don't recommend that to someone who's just starting out on the games again. :P

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3 hours ago, Pipez said:

Where in the heck do you find Rockruff?  Bulbapedia doesn't have any info (probably because the game is still new).  I have yet to encounter it

Ten Carat Hill, IIRC.  You'll need your first Ride Pokemon from the story to access it, but it's on the first island.

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Team Skull is either the single greatest villainous team in Pokémon history, or the fucking worst bunch of losers to ever coordinate fashion together. I can't decide.

The grunts are hilarious, like when you first battle them with Ilima. They walk up, posing and gesturing like a bunch of confident assholes, that theme song playing loud and clear... and Iliam doesn't even notice them.

But then their higher-up members start showing up, and they're memorable as fuck.

I can't tell if they're really well designed or just silly and ridiculous.

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