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NOW AVAILABLE: OverClocked ReMix Shirts and Hoodies!

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I'd like to know why VISA and mastercard and such aren't available as an option for overseas shipping.

Well if you really want to know...

The chances of fraud is much higher on overseas transactions (not to mention that the higher shipping cost makes overseas fraud much more expensive). American Express has much better fraud prevention/protection and a much larger worldwide presence than Visa, Mastercard, etc, so if it's much safer for merchants to accept it for overseas orders.

And as ironic as it is that the card named "American" is the one they accept overseas, it's more ironic that it's the most popular card in the world but not in the United States. (Well, depending how you measure it.)

... [/amex contractor]


I bought a hoodie! Glad I can help support the VG music scene. I live in Australia and purchased via Paypal. I saw that it only had American Express credit card payments for International, but below the credit card option, you can select Paypal.

btw, Amex does not have a larger worldwide presence than VISA/Mastercard. When I went back to the States last year, it certainly wasn't as common as Visa/MC (I don't have an Amex card though, I was just observing). Here in Australia it's pretty difficult as well, and if the shop has a surcharge, it's almost always double that of Visa/Mastercard.



It's kind of aggravating that you can't figure out exactly what the dimensions of the shirt are. It would be really nice if all ppls could stick to a standard for shirt sizes.

I'm placing my bets on Medium, since thats what I've had my best luck with, however every now and then I get mediums that end up being way too small.

(Luckily the VGDJ shirts aren't as big of an issue as cafepress has all the dimensions listed)

I do have two questions about the tees:

100% Cotton or Cotton/Poly? Preshrunk or not?

I really hate to be a pain, but does anyone have the answer for this, or could they poke djp to post the info? I've had bad luck with shirts in the past, so knowing this before buying them would make it a lot easier on me. :(


so, either their site has gone out of business, or their server died. i tried clicking the link... dead. i tried to google, search came up fine, but when i click... dead. anyone have an answer?

It's kind of aggravating that you can't figure out exactly what the dimensions of the shirt are. It would be really nice if all ppls could stick to a standard for shirt sizes.

I'm placing my bets on Medium, since thats what I've had my best luck with, however every now and then I get mediums that end up being way too small.

Yes I was bothered about that too. What's considered "medium" or "average" in America is likely somewhat larger than it is in Europe too. lolomg. But yeah I'd op for medium in most cases because it's the happy.. err, medium.

Being around 164-168lbs I presume a medium would be my deal, though it's a moot point now since they're sold out apparently. That makes me want to go dropkick an orphan.


I'll work on getting dimensions + info on preshrunk, etc. added to the item descriptions; not sure if I have that info myself, but the printer should be able to provide it.

As for restocking the medium hoodies and ordering some smalls, I need to wait until most of the cost of the initial order is recouped before placing another order, as right now OCR is VERY low on $$$.


Just bought a shirt and a hoodie! Hope that helps :)

Also, something helpful/annoying:

The first link just hangs for me (XP/FF), and the second one has a comma in it. Weee! Would be good to fix those in case people follow the first post's links like I did.


I imagin the Quality of these badboys should be pretty decent eh? or is it like alot of American products I've heard about and falls apart 2 weeks later? because I am seriously considering buying a hoodie and a few shirts.... with my first paycheck.... w00t start on friday :)

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