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  • 4 weeks later...

I just noticed that this thread was on the verge of being purged. I figured I'd save it since I was too late to save my original thread.

So, yeah... South Park.

Why is it this thread only stays alive while the episodes are airing. There's tonnes of things we could talk about in the off season.

...I just can't think of any.


Zuh..? Red Sleigh Down? Really? I suppose it has such brilliant scenes such as Jimmy singing The Twelve Days of Christmas and Jesus being turned inside out by a shotgun blast.

Still, I consider Woodland Critter Christmas to be the pinnacle of South Park Christmas goodness.

Hell, as long as nobody says that Trapped In The Closet is the best of anything, I'm quite willing to accept their opinion.

Woodland Critter Christmas is probably the most fucked up of anything on TV. It's brilliant.

Agreed. That episode totally threw me for a loop the first time I watched it.

Woodland Critter Christmas is probably the most fucked up of anything on TV. It's brilliant.

Agreed. That episode totally threw me for a loop the first time I watched it.

I laughed all the way through the commercial break after the blood orgy the first time I saw that episode. It's one of my favorites.

  • 2 months later...

South Park. Season 11. Tonight!

The episode synopsis:

1101 - With Apologies to Jesse Jackson

New cases of people using the “N” word are on the rise. While the citizens of “South Park” must contend with the widespread use of the racial slur, Cartman fights a midget.


Holy shit that episode was amazing. Ironically enough, I just wrote a sociology paper about color blindness in media and half of my paper was on South Park and how it breaks the norm. Man, if only this episode aired last week, I would have had so much more to work with.

Good episode. I was thinking "Niggers" for that puzzle at the beginning too. I couldn't think what else it could possibly be.

me too, but that just made it damn damn funny

Good episode. I was thinking "Niggers" for that puzzle at the beginning too. I couldn't think what else it could possibly be.

You and me both. I guess we're just hopeless racists.

Honestly, though, how often do we ever refer to anyone as a "nagger"? And, beyond that, no one ever uses it in plural form.


The episode actually brings up a great point in that the way deferred versions of the actual word can become the new slur. Like saying "N-word" instead of the actual word all the time, hence the "N-word" actually becomes the new curse instead.

Touché, Trey and Matt.

Funniest parts for me were:

1. Wheel of Fortune thing at the beginning of course

2. When Token said, "Jesse Jackson is not the emperor of black people!"

Jesse Jackson told my dad he was...

Honestly, though, how often do we ever refer to anyone as a "nagger"? And, beyond that, no one ever uses it in plural form.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone say nagger or naggers in my life. This might make an interesting survey.

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