Claado Shou Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Alright, so, initially this thread was created to ask the OCR forum visitors which game they would rather have a CS-style project made out of: Chrono Cross or Phantasy Star IV. Well, we decided that PS4 seems to be the more logical of the two choices, so that's the conclusion we came to. And now, the project is in a prolonged state of...well, doing nothing. It's pretty much just been announced, and the script is planned out/started being written, but nothing else. Ideas are swirling, and I would appreciate any more, so if you have anything to add, please interject. ~.C.S.~ Quote
Foxhull Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Chrono Cross I love the storyline, it's part of the Chrono Trigger series, and I have never played PS4. Besides, who doesn't love the Chrono Trigger series? I would also love to try to participate in the project for this game. EDIT: Look what I just found, Chrono Cross guitar tablature! Quote
avaris Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Chrono Cross I think the main reason Chrono Cross would be better is because of the melodies. You are wanting to use more "motifs." Well if that's the case you obviously want the game with the catchier melodies. On that basis it just seems like a logical choice. Quote
Kanthos Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 I don't know Phantasy Star at all, but Chrono Cross would definitely work well. However, I'm assuming that by motifs, you mean something more along the lines of Wagnerian motifs where there are a set of themes representing various characters and, in some cases, events or objects as well. That might be difficult for Chrono Cross: the score doesn't have much in the way of motifs, unless you count music written for one specific zone as a motif (for example, the Earth Dragon Isle music). The few common themes that do exist are mainly either taken from the Chrono Trigger soundtrack or are still limited in scope and not really tied to any character, event, or object (for example, Arni Village in both worlds share a theme; in Another world, it's a slower, more mellow version than in Home World). So, you might be hard pressed to use motifs in this sense of the word without doing some major reinterpretation. I'm all for good reinterpretation, but you might have a hard time convincing someone like me who knows the soundtrack and game really well that some arbitrarily chosen theme is, say, Serge's theme. I've played enough to have strong associations between tracks in the soundtrack and the event or location in which they are played. This isn't to say that using motifs in this sense will be impossible, but only that it'll have to be done with some caution. I love the idea of having a live orchestra record it too, and if it works, I'm all for it. The only challenges are the rights to distribute it freely (i.e. will the orchestra mind that their playing is freely downloadable?), the cost of the orchestra (unless your connections allow you to get it for free) and making sure the remixes are actually orchestra-friendly. Many of us could make a good-sounding orchestral-style remix; to actually arrange that for a standard orchestra is a whole other challenge that I bet most remixers on the site have no experience with at all. For that matter, there's enough people who admit that they're good at remixing but can't necessarily read or write music. Again, this isn't a challenge that can't be surmounted, but is something to think about. All that out of the way, I'm a new remixer and certainly can't start anything right away (I'm finishing my master's thesis at the moment) but would definitely like to be involved in the project, especially if it's Chrono Cross. Quote
Ronyn Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 I haven't played PS4 unfortunately, so I'm pretty biased toward Chrono Cross. I think picking that game would increase the success of your project considering there are a lot of people like me who aren't familiar with PS4, but love CC. I'm pretty busy with school right now, but I may be able to help here and there with transcribing if anyone needs help. I haven't composed anything ultra serious in a while, but I do have years of experience with this sort of stuff. Look me up if interested. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Chrono Cross. Seriously, did you think it would be any contest? Quote
DragonAvenger Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 I don't know PS4's music, but Chrono Cross would be awesome to hear done in said orchestral-movie style. To be honest, as many of the characters are um....fluff, I don't think it will be too difficult to weed out most of the extras to stay close to the main people. Also, if you want, I have lyrics written to "Dream of a Shore on Another World" AND an english adaption to "Radical Dreamers." Just ask if you feel you can use them. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 See? It's unanimous for Chrono Cross. wait... PS4. *stabs zircon* There, now it's unanimous. Quote
Z Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Like many people who have responded,I too am more familiar with the music of chrono cross than ps4 and think that a project inspired by this would be more succesfull even though I've actually played neather game. However,because the chrono series has gotten soo much attention already and remixers seem to be too inclined to remix games of the same series all too often(I mean seriously how many kirby remix projects can you make?...How about 4. DOOM 2 anyone? Betcha there'll be another street fighter remix soon.) I think it would be more interresting to break away from this trend. For that reason I say do Phantasy Star and introduce us to the music potential of something new and exiting if not a little challenging. Also were as people could already imagine a chrono movie,they could not imagine a ps4 movie.This would be a great opportunity,in that case,to imagine something almost completelly new.So yaeh,I vote for phantasy star. Also why does it have to be phantasy star 4 only? Why not a combination of Phantasy Star games? Quote
Pavos Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Definently CHORONO CROSS. Most themes are already in a sort of angelic style and it would be perfect for an orchestral remix project. The game may be a lot less popular than Chrono Trigger, but the soundtrack is great and the sotry - be it slightly confusing - aswell! Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 shite chrono I guess schal....i mean kid was always hot Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Chrono Cross. I'd help. If I knew how to do orchestral music. *Goes back to making rock/electronica* Quote
Leress Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 I've played, beaten, and loved both games. I am going to have to say PS4 because there are more Chrono Cross tunes than PS4. Quote
CHz Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 Never mind the fact that Phantasy Star 4 had superior tunes and storyline (especially taking the first three games' into account). Or the fact that, based on sound quality, PS4 could use a remake more than CC. VS. The numbers alone demand that the PS4 project must be done. Quote
Z Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 I agree. There are way too many chrono chross remixes as is( and chrono trigger is practically a hybrid of that same music)Its time for some new music.Please do ps4 Quote
Claado Shou Posted October 6, 2006 Author Posted October 6, 2006 Hmm...interesting. I knew there would be a lot of support for CC...but the PSIV support is pretty intriguing. This may be a tougher decision than I had anticipated. It may just come down to which game makes for a better movie. Chrono Symphonic already explored the Chrono universe (mostly fantasy-based, with the exception of, like, 2300 A.D.) and CC would be much of the same, whereas the more sci-fi Phantasy Star would certainly make for a great contrast. And there would be more room for interpretation, with less melodies and all, so...I'll just have to plan out the movies, read more of your comments, and make a decision. Also, James George, I would DEFINITELY like some assistance with transcription. That's the true hinderance to the idea of a live recording, and I can't afford to hire somebody, so any professional advice/assistance would be a major plus. If we can't transcribe it to sheet music...then digital will have to do. Thanks for the comments, and keep 'em coming. ~.C.S.~ Quote
Audity Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 PHANTASY STAR IV!!! You must have someone play this live. Or else. Quote
Rexy Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Yeah, I too would go with some Phantasy Star coverage down here. Basically, OCR is all about praising game music, no matter how popular or obscure it is. That meaning can seem to vary on just about anyone. In my case, games like Tomb Raider can get really popular but have little remix coverage, meanwhile there are games like Chrono Trigger that never got released in my home country, or even obscure yet, titles like Seiken Densetsu 3 which never got released outside Japan, yet those two managed to hold some well received coverage to call their own. On top of that, Geoff Taucer and The Prophet are both working on a Radical Dreamers project together right now, so I think there should be a little more time to pass before Chrono Cross could even come into consideration. So yeah, I may be blabbering on in this post but I hope this gets taken into thought. Quote
Claado Shou Posted October 15, 2006 Author Posted October 15, 2006 Yup, yup...I definitely appreciate all the comments, and I think I've determined which game it'll be based on. PHANTASY STAR IV There are multiple reasons that PS4 won out. First off, and most importantly, it makes for a better script...not even gonna lie about it. I can easily include all the main characters from PS4 (evil and non), I can mess around with the storyline without having to explain for pages and pages what's happening (CC has that quality about it), and it just leaves so many opportunities for great screen moments. Secondly, I have a much stronger emotional/nostalgic attachment to PS4, considering it was my first Genesis game, it has a HELL of a lot more humor in it, and the characters are more interesting (as a whole, and individually). Third, but certainly important, is that PS4 has a lot of great music, and not a lot of remixes, which makes the potential for innovation on the remixing front much greater than CC, which has had a lot of its bases covered already. Of course, I know a lot of good remixers won't want to be on a PS4 remix project rather than a CC one (along with the other things I'm gonna throw in the mix this time...hehehe), but whatever. I think the product will be much better than a CC one would've been, and it has the opportunity to pave a new series (one often overlooked) into Site Projects history. So "Phantasy Symphonic: A Cinematic Adaptation", here we come! ~.C.S.~ Quote
avaris Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Although CC has some absolutely kick ass music, it def wouldn't mold well with a script at all. Besides PS4 has some wicked nice music. In the end if you weigh out all the goods and the bads of both, with the setup of this project PS4 def is the right choice. It's gonna be sweet to hear all these new remixes from source tunes that haven't been covered before. Hopefully I'll be able to do one. Quote
Hemophiliac Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 i was going to say, chrono cross but i really don't care either way...but i'd definitely like to work on this project though. Quote
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