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OCR00015 - Bubble Bobble "Hillbilly Rodeo"

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Come on Bubba, let's play some Bubble Bobble, Yeeeha!

This is one of those great moments, where a famous individual can look back and say 'Yes, I was once there.. I did crazy things in my youth!'

Of course since this djp has become a veritable prodigious talent, but I think this will always hold a special place to some of us.. on par with Music of my Groin :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This remix alone wouldn't be enough to prove that DJP is crazy, although the part that begins at 1:20 makes me think the other way.

But other than that, the music in this piece is just superb. The country guitar playing its happy tunes and strings together with a hillbillie and a weird sheep, I mean this is classic! At first I thought that the quote that this remix began with was made of Cletus in the Simpsons, but this arrangement got some extra bonus points when I read that you were the one doing the vocals.

The only downside with this may be that you overused the voice, after a while I got tired of Bubba shouting YEE-HAA. The music is an entirely different thing, since I really can get myself into it, it's simply awesome to listen to. So in my opinion, the part between 0:25 and 1:07 was the best since you could focus on the music itself. However, I still find the idea with some crazy redneck talk hilarious, so as long as it makes me smile, it's alright.

Nice work. :nicework:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got tired of Bubba shouting YEE-HAA.

How do you know it was Bubba and not Bobba? :?

I am quite certain that it's Bubba, not Bobba. The difference in the pronounciation is kind if big, but since it's a different dialect I'm not that familiar with, it could just as easily be Bobba too.

I was actually thinking about this remix while travelling home from work, I have even started to mimic the lyrics and the result is kind of the same. The guitar in this remix is also one of the best I've heard. :lol:

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  • 8 months later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 4 months later...


This one is amazing. Good country music and you just won't stop smiling. This song just reminded me of a crazy video. In that video, a girl in lingerie was dancing to some techno music based on chicken voices.

I am just going to forward this to some sad souls. LOL!

Edit: I was reading the reviews and this song was on repeat. This song is stuck in my head now. I would never see a sheep or a redneck in the same way again. Where is the sheep/redneck, dude? Thanks for the insanity, DjP.

Can I use this in my insanity plea?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

God damn! Funny stuff...

Just happened to read some FAQ material and found a link to this one.. Just hilarious... Great.

One of the best laughes I've ever had was during a trip to Jamaica and seeing for the first time a "pig-neck-cattle-auction" or whatever with some crazy yoodeling action on TV.

This mix is an instant reminder (and some the superb remixing!!).

:) :) :)

Edited by ilp0
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