DisTORteD_DreAM Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 In Final Fantasy VII (During my second Time around with a Walkthrough) I found out the best Strategy... Breed a Black Chocobo, Find the Final Attack Materia (Makes you attack with junctioned Materia when your health runs out), Do a Shit Load of Fighting till it Ferments and Replicates 2 times, equip all three to your active Characters and Junction Each to... (Drum Roll)... PHEONIX (don't forget to replicate 2 of these as well)!!!... basically Pheonix does a Schweet arsed Fire Attack then Revives all Characters... Basically... YOU DIE THEN YOU GET RAISED AGAIN!!!... YAY... anyway that's my PERFECT STRATERGY... now all I gotta do is BREED the Damn BLACK CHOCOBO and my Plan will be Finalized... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (You Don't need to replicate the Materias above... only it makes it 100% impossible to die, I have heard about people who have miscast Pheonix and still Died) Quote
DL-Oddeye Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 Yawn, FInal Fantasys Weapons have always been a joke. FF8 Omega weapon just go at him with level 99 characters use squal riona and selph with auras and well junctioned magic. FF7 Ruby, go in with 2 people dead at the start, cast phnx and then the usual KOTR 2x mime combo(with magic plus for that extra slap and hp mp absorb paried with wsummon and a second copy of KOTR You can drop both ruby and emeral weapon in 1 to 2 turns this way. Was wasy to easy Just in case Final Attack with phnx to keep ya alive. Lets see. star ocean, well Dark Angle is almost hard. however I found a trick for that as well. Noel, Claude, Dias, Ashton all equiped with Blood armor and good attack equipment. Noel just constantly casts heal The boss cant hurt ya with blood armor, just keep noels MP up and the game is yours. Noly and I mean only boss that has remotely given me even a slight challenge. Lapiz From Legend of legia Koru also did as you only have 6 turns to kill him. Secret to both fo these guys was the poit card lol Quote
NightWish Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 Concering the Cyberdemon, sure, you can get them to fight other things, but the worst one is the one in the second secret level of Doom2. You finish off a bunch of nazis, thinking everything is all right, then you open a door and right behind it is a cyberdemon. One of those "HOLY FUCK" moments. That secret level ROCKED. I loved it when one of those big headed, pink demons rushed out and mowed down a squad of nazis.... That made my day.... Quote
k-wix Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 Nothing scares the shit out of me more then the dreaded steps of the CyberDemon. Quote
StriderYoko Posted April 25, 2003 Posted April 25, 2003 Nothing scares the shit out of me more then the dreaded steps of the CyberDemon. Nothing scares the shit out of me more than shit itself, Then an unpleasant chain reaction occurs Quote
HorrorgasM Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 the last guy in robocop vs terminator for genesis...I think it was the genesis one...where you fight this floating terminator head and just have to avoid blasts and terminators while shooting the head over and over again for about a half hour literally before it dies. oh and ff7 ruby weapon? use hades...stuns him Quote
MasterSword Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 MASA&MUNE?! ARE U KIDDING?! OK here they are: Bebop in TMNT2 the arcade....if u even GOT to him. Motaro in UMK3 on Master and Very Hard. Just forget it. THe games programmers don't ALLOW you to win. And the all time hardest boss to beat: Spirit that Haunts King Dedede in Kirby's Dreamland 2 for GAME BOY. (U only fight him if you got the rainbow sword) has anyone EVER beaten this guy????? Quote
MasterSword Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 I've been stuck on the final boss of Windows 95 for like two years now..I've gotten all the secret items in IE, and unlocked all the Registry features. I even did the side mission where you rename the folders to get the easter egg, hoping to get an upgrade or something, but the Kernal keeps kicking my ass. Hell, I can't even get close to it yet. Does anyone have a save state or like cheat codes or something? I'd like to finally see the ending after wasting so many hours on it, because I admit defeat. Yeah and when he summons "BLUE SCREEN" you're screwed, dogg... Quote
SnappleMan Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 This is the easiest decision ever. The hardest boss EVER is Iseria Queen in Star Ocean 2. Nobody can debate that. Even with all your characters on level 255, with all the best equipment in the game, it still takes over an hour to beat her, and that's IF you're a pro at the game. Quote
Xelebes Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 Ok... I played very few games (or got very far into games to play one) to actually beat the boss. But...... Ripto in Spyro 2: Riptos Rage (After a while... it was really cool flying around forever and not getting hit... but you couldn't hit him.... For the first time in games (that I've played)... they actually have a boss that seems to be there, as if it were an actual story and it was .... really cool... cuz it gave you that climax feel (no I'm not talking about sex! perverts) when you read a story. Another one was Red Faction... even if the bomb was anti-climatic... but Col. Musake was greatly biased (even if it does seem unrealistic to occur!) to death rather than victory. Super Mario Bros. 3... Okay, that was just fun to do.... Quote
Fuzzypaws Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 Yawn, FInal Fantasys Weapons have always been a joke.FF8 Omega weapon just go at him with level 99 characters use squal riona and selph with auras and well junctioned magic. FF7 Ruby, go in with 2 people dead at the start, cast phnx and then the usual KOTR 2x mime combo(with magic plus for that extra slap and hp mp absorb paried with wsummon and a second copy of KOTR [sarcasm]Yeah, those bosses are a real joke there! Why, you just have to level up infinitely and have combos of multiple copies of the game's rarest or unique items! W3@k d00d![/sarcasm] The FF7 weapons are hard, but not impossible. Emerald deals damage based on your materia, so just don't have much materia equipped for him. Ruby, go in with two party members down, as noted. But I beat both of them without KotR, many tens of levels below 99. I make a special point of NOT using KotR, as it is the cheapest spell ever created for any game (except maybe Barrier in Secret of Evermore), as it just sucks all the challenge out of the game. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it! As for Omega, well, there's two main ways. The first way is technically cheating - force the game to halt on Selphie's limit break (by opening the CD tray/cover as a spell animation starts for another character) and then force her to get "The End" as her limit (only works if she's Aura'd and injured). The second is to have a party of Squall, Zell, and Rinoa, all whacked down to critical injury mode before you engage Omega. Have Rinoa use her limit, and it will almost certainly be Invincible Moon and last longer than you need to finish the battle. Then just do Squall's limit (preferably lionheart) over and over and Zell's ultimate god combo over and over (booya + punch rush, rinse repeat). Again, possible many tens of levels below level 100. (Just don't be a multiple of level 5.) Ozma, well, Ozma is overrated too. The main key is to have your party include Zidane and Freya who will automatically do 9999 damage no matter what, even if Mini and status-screwed, and you can accomplish this feat many tens of levels below 99. The key is to steal through the whole game with Zidane every chance you get, since Thievery deals non-elemental damage based on your steals; and kill a bunch of dragons, to build up Freya's Dragon's Crest. (As a bonus, the grand dragons on the plateau by Gizamaluke's Grotto out the side exit give tons of XP to build you up while you're doing this, and they can be instantly slain with level 5 death.) Then just have your two white mages in the party to heal constantly. But anyway, I think the hardest game ever made is probably Out of this World. Do everything exactly right all the way through the game or die, yey! And the ending's not even worth it, although the game itself is pretty cool for all its funkyness and insane difficulty. Every extended fight is like a boss battle, setting up your force shields is very important, etc. A little more on topic to true bosses... probably the hardest boss fights for me are "mini-game bosses." I'm just not good at some of these minigames which have no relevance to the game in which they reside, so encounters like Topo's Groove Heaven (in Brave Fencer Musashi) or Mz Ruby (in Sly Cooper) really cheese me off. At least with Mz Ruby, you chould "cheap it" by pausing and unpausing a lot. Probably the single hardest freaking minigame boss of all time is that speeder race in the palace in Starfox Adventures... jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! It took me forever to clear that! Definitely the hardest boss battle ever, from my point of view... Quote
Fygee Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 No doubt about it, Yuga from the Samurai Shodown 64 games. Homing throws, unblockable normal moves that can cover the entire screen, the ability to stop time, a giant fireball. And that's just his FIRST form! When he becomes a she for his/her second form, it goes beyond anything and everything you've ever experienced in a fighting game. Remember the super fireball laser thingy Ryu has in Marvel vs Capcom? She do can that as normal special move, with barely any lag time at all! The fact that his/her stage is the coolest boss stage ever, his/her moves look insanely cool, and the music that accompany's it is awesome, makes it her not only the hardest, but the best boss ever. Gandara before her is a real treat too. Absolutely no-hit stun, takes up almost the entire screen, and has insane defense. Quote
Xelebes Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 Wow... so much information of a game I got bored of... chortle... chortle.... Quote
Ferret Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 Did someone say mini-boss? My all-time hardest minibosses: Culex and Jinx, SMRPG Son of Sun and Mother Brain, Chrono Trigger Those are all I can think of (right now), but I'm sure there are others. Reasons for each on the list (which may or may not grow): Culex is hard because of all those crystals. Each having a different weakness, and a different element, plus Culex's shadow-type magic--I always think of neutral element magic as shadow type--means you almost NEED Princess Peach in your party just to stay in the fight. Jinx is on there because of that damn Silver Bullet. How many times I've lost to that I'll never be able to keep track of. I think it's somewhere around 50 times or something...*AHEM* Son of Sun...This miniboss drives me nuts. Have to find the right spheroid satellite thingy in order to damage it, or you get your ass kicked. Plus it changes the position of the spheres. Mother Brain. Similar name, different concept. And oh, let's not forget that it can recover 999 HP when the monitor heals it, besides the fact that if you take the monitors out, you get smacked with a powerful beam that wipes out half your HP with one blow (just so you're all aware, I've never had more than 500 HP with any character. High defense power is a must). Squaresoft's game designers may be losing their touch, but I'm sure there's still a few annoying yet rewarding sidequests left in their system. Quote
The Coop Posted May 3, 2003 Author Posted May 3, 2003 Found me another friend today. I don't even know the damn things name, but it's the final boss in Duke Nukem 3D. And it is, A BITCH!!! I don't know what it is about giant alien beasts that feel they have to carry enough weaponry to bomb any country back to the stone age, but this guy is not exception. The attack is simple enough, but somehow that simply attack is always a ahalf second ahead of you. Running and strafing at the same time, while it does kinda work, doesn't work as well as it needs to. And stopping and changing the direction your running? I wouldn't advise it, as the steady flow of rockets from him will pound the living shit out of you. "Me big ugly alien. Me STOMP YOUR ASS!!" Indeed. Quote
Orange Pylon Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 I've been stuck on the final boss of Windows 95 for like two years now..I've gotten all the secret items in IE, and unlocked all the Registry features. I even did the side mission where you rename the folders to get the easter egg, hoping to get an upgrade or something, but the Kernal keeps kicking my ass. Hell, I can't even get close to it yet. Does anyone have a save state or like cheat codes or something? I'd like to finally see the ending after wasting so many hours on it, because I admit defeat. I've never played it, but I'm working on Windows 98 right now. I'm only a level 6 MSPaint newb, and I don't have enough motivation points to update my Norton BFAV-6789 Virus Killer, which I need if I ever want to clear the KaZaA Fortress. Quote
NNY Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 The hardest boss fight ever was in Chrono Trigger if you took the Dark Omen ending....You had to fight some queen, then you had to fight the mammoth machine, then you had yo fight the queen in some robot siut that resembles Bongo Bongo, then, if you survived, you fought Lavos. Fist form is all the main bosses you fought in the game (about more than 30 bosses...), second form is some lavos's larva, then you fight lavos himselff, and he has over a million hp. You have to do this all without saving, and you don't get healed betweeen bosses. Somebody please feel my pain! Quote
illumina Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 I feel your pain, fighting all those bosses was a bitch, not to mention it took too damn long. Quote
psycho ninja gt Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 has anyone already mentioned sephiroth... FROM KINGDOM HEARTS?!?!?! omg total rape-age. Quote
illumina Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 You know for looking like such a kiddy game, Kingdom Hearts sure was a lot harder than I expected. Heh, some of my friends still can't beat Sephiroth, its hilarious. Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 9, 2003 Posted May 9, 2003 I'm just not good at some of these minigames which have no relevance to the game in which they reside, so encounters like Topo's Groove Heaven (in Brave Fencer Musashi) or Mz Ruby (in Sly Cooper) really cheese me off. Best two boss battles EVAR! Dance or die, biznitch! Quote
The Coop Posted May 22, 2003 Author Posted May 22, 2003 Here's a boss that seemed so simple, yet had a great sense of timing to really piss you off. The guy in wheel chair at the end of Final Fight CD on the Sega CD. The prick has a crossbow... a single crossbow. That's it. No grenades, no flame throwers... a crossbow. And somehow, whenever you get close to hurting him, he fires it at just the right moment to knock you back, down, or whatever so that you gotta go through the whole process of getting close to him just so you can hit him once... lightly... and do a small touch of damage. I can get through the game and get to him with at least one continue everytime. And I won't mention how many times I've used my remaining guys and continues to try... emphasis on TRY... to beat him. Sure, I've beaten him before, but I'm pretty sure those wins were flukes. Quote
GameFreak Posted May 22, 2003 Posted May 22, 2003 I found King Boo in Luigi's Mansion the hardest ever boss! No actually he was the easiest ever... Quote
Orange Pylon Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 Isn't this dead yet? In nine days this thread will celebrate it's birthday. That's a frickin' long time to have a thread around. Quote
dkhighwind Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 The most difficult boss ever goes by "The Coop." He has this... this "thread," which does not go away, or die, or whatever! It just KEEPS COMING BACK AT YOU! Whenever it looks like it's going to go away and you think you've won, The Coop brings it right fucking back! I haven't found a way to beat it. Quote
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