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This has probably been been mentioned (or not), but Indalecio (the final boss in Star Ocean 2) was freaking hard after his limiter had been turned off.

Easily the toughest boss I have ever fought against in a videogame.

I always thought he was easy, but then again, I spent mondo time leveling up since I liked the combat system.

Still my fave RPG after all these years.


Well, from all the games I have, there are 2 or 3 games I never finished because I couldnt beat the final boss.

So my vote goes to that witch from Banjo Kazooie.

The first part is okay, then you have to evade her fireballs, within a split second, you must jump up the wall thingy, and press two buttons to shoot eggs at her 0_0, and hope that you're not late before she shoots you once and you fall, thats right, forward off the wall having to start all over.

I once got to the flying part, exidentily hit Z and stomped myself to death ;_;

So close.

The first part is okay, then you have to evade her fireballs, within a split second, you must jump up the wall thingy, and press two buttons to shoot eggs at her 0_0, and hope that you're not late before she shoots you once and you fall, thats right, forward off the wall having to start all over.

But Gruntilda's magic attacks always hit you back onto the roof of her lair.. :?

The first part is okay, then you have to evade her fireballs, within a split second, you must jump up the wall thingy, and press two buttons to shoot eggs at her 0_0, and hope that you're not late before she shoots you once and you fall, thats right, forward off the wall having to start all over.

But Gruntilda's magic attacks always hit you back onto the roof of her lair.. :?

0_0 I guess my game is a miss-print then (ehehe insider joke, my games always have something thats not normal)

They seriously always tossed my right over the edge. It didnt make sense to me either.

Must be one of those things >_>

I read the first post, and as for the most insideous villian, I would say Ruber from Suikoden from II. As for hard boss battles, the only game I had problem beating a boss was the Omega Weapon in Final Fantasy V and the one in Final Fantasy VIII.

I tried Gogo a several times, but it was when he got serious that I didn't bother to defeat him. For the record: Meteor hurts, alot.

Gogo's easy. He's a mime, so if you stand still and do absolutely nothing you'll win.

WHAT?!! :x

I read the first post, and as for the most insideous villian, I would say Ruber from Suikoden from II. As for hard boss battles, the only game I had problem beating a boss was the Omega Weapon in Final Fantasy V and the one in Final Fantasy VIII.

I tried Gogo a several times, but it was when he got serious that I didn't bother to defeat him. For the record: Meteor hurts, alot.

Gogo's easy. He's a mime, so if you stand still and do absolutely nothing you'll win.

WHAT?!! :x

Oh yeah I remember that, n_n he bombs you big time if you fight. He will let you win if you stand still around one minute left, make sure you warp outta there in time.

Btw, someone mentioned the Omega Pirate on Metroid Prime 1

I just beat it again, I found out the Power Bomb instantly takes out all his body parts. You can defeat him in 2 or 3 turns if yer lucky.

Just super missile it when it goes invisible.

Hes actually pne of the easiest bosses ever in my opinion n_n.

I manged to do it in one turn with Super missiles, but I'm pretty sure that was luck. I haven't done it since.

Thats possible yes, if he keeps going back to regenerate. I dont know what its based on, but sometimes he just stays long enough for you to hit it mucho times.

I never bother to take out the small pirates. He does n_n

How many remember the cartoon "Gargoyles"? How many know that it spawned a video game on the Genesis? Well it did, and there's a final boss in it that's a pain.

In the final level, you come up against Demona. However, this isn't a normal Demona... it's a super powered version thanks to the Eye of Odin. She really doesn't have that many attacks, but she's a hard little wench to hit. She's darting all around the screen in seemingly random paths, and while she's doing this, there are fire rocks hitting the platform that you need to stand on to hit her. This fire covers much of the platform when the rocks hit, and you have to dodge it. As you dodge it, Demona seems to have a nasty habit of streaking by and hitting you at that exact moment.

The fun part of this, is that there are areas where, if you fall into them, you're dead right there. So besides Demona zipping around slashing at you, and fire rocks covering the one platform you can stand on, you have instant death waiting for you on both sides of that platform besides.

This part wouldn't be that hard if it weren't for the fact that Demona's movements are damn fast. Your chances to hit her are limited thanks to her speed, and this makes all the swipings, fire and such result in a long, sometimes tedious, and frustrating battle.

I totally remember that fight, Coop. Did you ever beat her? I didn't, but then it wasn't my game, so I had limited time to try it out.


Sorry...just couldn't bear to read all 164 of those pages, so I may or may not be doubling up.

I'm going to go with Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Even cheating I never beat him. Using all the weapons you could take like half of his life away and then you have to beat him to death with that lameass punch thing.

Dr. Wily in Megaman 7. His first form isn't that hard, but his second is an absolute pain in the ass.

His second final form in MM5 was pretty tough too, it was so hard trying to get a nice shot at the top of his robot.


Pretty much any Lunar:SSSC boss is impossible if you don't have the right level.

One inparticular... *SPOILERS AHOY!*

After Ghaleon does his thang and the floating city gets attacked, that shellfish thing totally raped me every single time. :/ And I saved beyond the point of return, so that file was pretty much fucked.


Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link...Aside from that game just being flippin' hard, i get to Dark Link and i was like "Screw this, i quit." He is like a go'dang flea..He just keeps jumping and poking and jumping and poking! He won't stay the heck still! Perhaps i should revisit him.

I will never know how that game ends.. *sigh* I don't know anyone that has beaten him..(but then i only have 3 friends and only 1 of them has played it).


aww cmon ye wimps! someone said DARK LINK WAS HARD (from oot)but damn! i didn't lose a single heart against him...poke him with the sword until he tries to poke back...he'll let his guard dopwn and you'll score a hot....it's simple button mashong

now magus was hard...lavos was hard...friggin RPG bosses are hard...single player bosses arew just annoying


Magus was a breeze.

As was Lavos, if you actually bothered to complete all the side quests.

Queen Zeal at the end of the black omen, though, she was fucking hard.

Dark Link in OOT was just fun. In fact, I wish that game had a 2-player battle mode (preferably one which doesn't allow the use of shields) so you could have battles like that whenever.

The Axem rangers in SMRPG owned my ass the first 20348752093578 times I fought them.

aww cmon ye wimps! someone said DARK LINK WAS HARD (from oot)but damn! i didn't lose a single heart against him...poke him with the sword until he tries to poke back...he'll let his guard dopwn and you'll score a hot....it's simple button mashong

now magus was hard...lavos was hard...friggin RPG bosses are hard...single player bosses arew just annoying

He was talking about ZELDA 2. MUCH harder than oot.

And I've played smrpg 3 times. Every time I beat axem rangers on my first attempt.

Magus was a breeze.

As was Lavos, if you actually bothered to complete all the side quests.

Queen Zeal at the end of the black omen, though, she was fucking hard.

Dark Link in OOT was just fun. In fact, I wish that game had a 2-player battle mode (preferably one which doesn't allow the use of shields) so you could have battles like that whenever.

The Axem rangers in SMRPG owned my ass the first 20348752093578 times I fought them.

Agreed, except the Axem Rangers. I had to work for it, but I beat them the first time.

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