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So, TP is set several hundred years after OoT, which means it's not the same cast, by a long shot. The big difference between the Wii and GC versions is that the worlds are mirrored.

And wasn't it mentioned that Wii TP will have an option to switch left/right handed Link, for those who are left handed? I don't think it'd much matter for the cutscenes, since these days a lot of games just use in-game engines to render any cutscenes, rather than pre-rendered scenes.

TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard.


Says it right in there.

"The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..."

OH SNAP, wolf Link howls, kinda like the music portions of the past games.


"Then there's the howling. At specific points in the game, wolf Link has the ability to set events in motion through howling, similar to the way he unlocked things by creating music in The Wind Waker. The game plays out a tune, and then the player has to mimic the howl by manoeuvring a cursor along a pitch meter that runs high, medium, and low."

Article is a nice read, has spoilers and the link links to the second page.

Im just expecting one of these articles to just blurt out the ending instead of their review but most havent even gotten to the third temple :\

Howling tho makes me excited


Ok ok, i know that the timeline is a bit sketchy on the Zelda series to say the least, if there even is a timeline!. And I bet Miyamoto himself would even scratch his head (with his left hand :lol: ) when asked about the Zelda timeline..

But this is still a pretty good read, fun more than anything, trying to narrate it.,,

Hyrulian Timeline

Obviously it was written before Twilight Princes was released.

It's so close now, do you guys remember when it was first announced in 2004? I almost wet myself when saw the video. My reaction could be compared to the press at the conference.


That brought a tear to my eye. :cry::D

I can't fucking wait. Though I am slightly disappointed by the opening video, everything inside the playable game world looks beautiful.

It's so close now, do you guys remember when it was first announced in 2004? I almost wet myself when saw the video. My reaction could be compared to the press at the conference.


That brought a tear to my eye. :cry::D

I can't fucking wait. Though I am slightly disappointed by the opening video, everything inside the playable game world looks beautiful.


I don't give a damn about storyline reasons for him being right-handed, it's a matter of principle that Link is left handed. He's left-handed in Brawl, isn't he? It was always something I could connect with in him as a character... I'll deal with right-handedness, I just wish Nintendo had given me an option...
Most incarnations of Link are left-handed.

Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good.

Wikipedia is wrong. Every single Link was intended to be left-handed. The only time Link isn't left-handed is due to sprite-flipping in LoZ, LttP, and the handheld games. Other than that, Link is always a lefty.

Uhh... So he's not a lefty in those game right? He's at least ambidexter. My point is that Link, as a character, does not have the fact that he's a lefty or righty defined.

He's left-handed when facing three of the four cardinal directions. The only time he isn't is when he's facing east due to sprite flipping issues. Miyamoto is a lefty, and rumors are out there (I haven't been able to find anything concrete yet) that Link's name comes from linkshandig, German for left-handed. I'm pretty sure he's intended to be left-handed no matter what.

My major complaint isn't that he's right-handed in Twilight Princess - that just makes sense for the mostly right-handed population. My problem is that there's no option to change him back to a lefty.

This makes sense since The Legend of Zelda was inspired by Miyamoto's childhood. So I don't doubt that he was intentionally left-handed because he is too.

And here i was thinking that he got his name because he was the link between you and the world, since Link isn't the hero. The player is.

Just a rumor, nothing confirmed. But I like where this thread is going. Might I mention that Tatl and Tael's names combined are also a pun?

I just wanted to contribute to this ever growing spiral of replies.

A perfectly acceptable goal. I'm trying to find a list of the character names so I can pick out other puns... Tatl and Tael was just the first to come to mind... I can't seem to remember a bunch of the other ones, but I know there were several like that.

The only thing I was disappointed by from the opening was the scenery they put in it. There were many other beautiful scenes they could've used, but I can see how they wanted the simple field look (reference to OoT).

Same, but that grass plateau thing that looks like a lazy N64 model really stuck out in my head. Other than that it's cool.

So, TP is set several hundred years after OoT, which means it's not the same cast, by a long shot. The big difference between the Wii and GC versions is that the worlds are mirrored.

And wasn't it mentioned that Wii TP will have an option to switch left/right handed Link, for those who are left handed? I don't think it'd much matter for the cutscenes, since these days a lot of games just use in-game engines to render any cutscenes, rather than pre-rendered scenes.

TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard.


Says it right in there.

"The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..."

Meh, it's probably outdated news. I've heard about 30 or so years from literally dozens of sources including NOA. It's really no big deal, though.

So, TP is set several hundred years after OoT, which means it's not the same cast, by a long shot. The big difference between the Wii and GC versions is that the worlds are mirrored.

And wasn't it mentioned that Wii TP will have an option to switch left/right handed Link, for those who are left handed? I don't think it'd much matter for the cutscenes, since these days a lot of games just use in-game engines to render any cutscenes, rather than pre-rendered scenes.

TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard.


Says it right in there.

"The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..."

Meh, it's probably outdated news. I've heard about 30 or so years from literally dozens of sources including NOA. It's really no big deal, though.

Yes. Because Nov 19 was so long ago, and internal translation artists from Nintendo can't -possibly- be considered official NOA sources, right? ;)

So, TP is set several hundred years after OoT, which means it's not the same cast, by a long shot. The big difference between the Wii and GC versions is that the worlds are mirrored.

And wasn't it mentioned that Wii TP will have an option to switch left/right handed Link, for those who are left handed? I don't think it'd much matter for the cutscenes, since these days a lot of games just use in-game engines to render any cutscenes, rather than pre-rendered scenes.

TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard.


Says it right in there.

"The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..."

Meh, it's probably outdated news. I've heard about 30 or so years from literally dozens of sources including NOA. It's really no big deal, though.

Yes. Because Nov 19 was so long ago, and internal translation artists from Nintendo can't -possibly- be considered official NOA sources, right? ;)

Even the wiki says it's a few decades later. SUPPORTING MY THEORY THAT THE STORYLINE BROKE INTO TWO AND THERE'S two akasfbnaksf...

So, TP is set several hundred years after OoT, which means it's not the same cast, by a long shot. The big difference between the Wii and GC versions is that the worlds are mirrored.

And wasn't it mentioned that Wii TP will have an option to switch left/right handed Link, for those who are left handed? I don't think it'd much matter for the cutscenes, since these days a lot of games just use in-game engines to render any cutscenes, rather than pre-rendered scenes.

TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard.


Says it right in there.

"The events in this game take place hundreds of years after the end of Ocarina of Time..."

Meh, it's probably outdated news. I've heard about 30 or so years from literally dozens of sources including NOA. It's really no big deal, though.

Yes. Because Nov 19 was so long ago, and internal translation artists from Nintendo can't -possibly- be considered official NOA sources, right? ;)

Even the wiki says it's a few decades later. SUPPORTING MY THEORY THAT THE STORYLINE BROKE INTO TWO AND THERE'S two akasfbnaksf...

Yes, I also support the theory of the storyline breaking into two. It makes more sense.

Also, SilverStar, I've watched videos with the programmers playing the game and stating that the game takes place just a few decades after OoT. Is their a section of the game that might take place hundreds of years later? Maybe, but it's probably a very small section of the game. Like I say, that link is the only one out of dozens of sources that say "hundreds of years."

Title reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus which i think has been mentioned before...

That's essentially my first thought watching the video, when he's riding across that bridge thingy. And the music made me feel really happy. :)

This seems like a pretty pointless debate, since we won't know until the game comes out anyway.


Please no more Zelda timeline.

Shut up guys, it's fun. :x:x:x:x:x

Anyway, as far as giving the game a delivering storyline, the greatest thing to do would be having Link drown in the end as he touches the Triforce and asks the Gods to flood Hyrule since Ganondorf is too strong to be stopped. That'd be an awesome ending. In the end, the screen would fade to black in the pouring rain and breaking waves below and then fade into the sunrise over the water, with only the peaks of Hyrule left out and a familiar green cap floating by.


I won't completely lose hope until you guys try and incorporate Smash Bros into the timeline.

Anyway.. the flood seems to be the popular choice for the ending. Just make it compelling if it's expected.

I won't completely lose hope until you guys try and incorporate Smash Bros into the timeline.

Or Soul Calibur 2

We mustn't forget the cd-i games. Just forget about a stupid time line.

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