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Most of the bonus tracks were written originally to be that track on the project. In the end, they got beaten out by another track, and therefore the artist probably didn't care too much to go ahead and finish what they started, unless they really liked it.

Actually, I think it's more like some tracks didn;t get finished in time, & were abandoned so to speak.

I'd apreciate if you didn't do that. :(

I'll think about that :P

But don't worry... it would never be shared! (if that's why you're worried...)

IMHO, it is one thing to edit a song or some other person's intellectual property for yourself but it is wrong to modify and distribute the work without prior consent of the owner of said work...


I think it's more because Snapple made the song, and that section is part of the song. If you edit it down it's not entirely his song anymore. Sort of like an insult to his original idea.

I think it's more because Snapple made the song, and that section is part of the song. If you edit it down it's not entirely his song anymore. Sort of like an insult to his original idea.

He might feel like it, but he sure knows that nobody is forced to like no music or remixing style... I tend to hate all remixes with jazz/blues style, no matter the remixer, for example.

Anyway, calm down! I mean no offense to anyone! If it's that bad, I'll not touch it, ok?

Everything fine now? Nobody will hunt me down, right? :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a Flac release for this? Because I like to get the Flac version and transcode it to 96kbps Wma Pro (that's v10 not v9, which is crap).

I've transcoded the Mp3's to Wma Pro 96kbps already. The quality is good, but nothing like the files I've transcoded from Project phobos (Flac source)

  • 2 weeks later...

Official first post, the post I registered in order to...post. Of course, that should only make my coming comments all the more heartfelt and believeable. :D

I've been a fan of gaming music since at least 1990 (before the music got good, in retrospect), and gaming music has been THE music of my life, for better or worse. Eighty years from now, I'll probably still be rockin' out to music from FF, Soul Calibur, Castlevania, etc. As such, OCRemix has been a godsend for me, allowing me to expand my fascination with gaming music into strange new places. The thought of remixing professional compositions into opuses that sometimes exceed the originals is mind-boggling to me.

But anyway, I wanted to drop in and give the bulk of my props to Hadyn for his work "Three Ring Nightfall". It's not my favorite remixed composition, but I think it's the best remixed piece of music I've heard. Most of my other favorites - such as Seized with Fury (FFVI), Curse Curse Revolution (Castlevania IV), Sudden Death (Super Metroid), Army Girl (SSF2T) - were based off of pieces that I had loved for years.

"Carnival Night Zone", in contrast, was a piece that would irritate me to no end whenenever I would play Sonic 3. The games usually stood out for having catchy, bouncy highly-synthesized bits of awesome, but that track was most certainly an exception. To think about it, I wouldn't even know how to approach that tune with the intent on bettering it. But nonetheless, Hadyn took that lump of coal, squeezed it in his mighty grip, and out popped a diamond. No other track that I've heard on this site has improved on its source material more than has "Three Ring Nightfall". It works well as background music for when I'm 'puting or as front-and-center music for Ipodding. It strikes the perfect balance of ambience and sweeping melody. Full props to you, Hadyn; I am in awe. And I'll be sure to look out for your future work.

Hello, and welcome to the Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos feedback and opinions thread!

Here is the link to the project:


So download it, spread the word, listen to it, love it, hate it, make sweet love to it, and most importantly TELL US WHAT YOU THINK OF IT! :)

Thanks to everyone for their patience and support, I hope all of your waiting has been rewarded, do enjoy this wonderful project, everyone!

I think the project turned out very well!.

My favoruite tracks are the really fast rock ones which is exactly how I have invisioned Sonic music... I mean... he's the fastest thing alive? So what bette rto compliment him?!

It's a very impressive project.

My only thing... and this is actually why I went ahead and signed up for an account:

I can not get "Heads Up For Tails" to sucessfully copy to a CD. It will not successfully burn.

I have 3 ruined CDs in the trashcan behind me now.

Mirror 2's version crashed iTunes, Real Player and Windows Media Player while trying to burn it. Mirror 3 went ahead and burned to disc however when the song should be playing in the CD it's just silence for the songs duration.

What's with this?

Has that happened for anyone else?


Does anyone else have this issue?

It's highly annoying. I downloaded a couple other mirrors and those ones dont work at all.

the ones that do work do not burn to disc however will play in my music player


I LOVE all these remixes, they are AMAZING

Specially BrainCells, Kanjika, and Snappleman, You guys rock!

Im a little confuseds though, is the whole project released yet? Becuase there are still songs on your flash site that arent on the release page

And if there is gonna be more, is there a date it will be done?

(P.S. Groove Basin, Live At Sandopolis, Breathtaking Vision FTW XD)

I LOVE all these remixes, they are AMAZING

Specially BrainCells, Kanjika, and Snappleman, You guys rock!

Im a little confuseds though, is the whole project released yet? Becuase there are still songs on your flash site that arent on the release page

And if there is gonna be more, is there a date it will be done?

(P.S. Groove Basin, Live At Sandopolis, Breathtaking Vision FTW XD)

The songs are the teaser site were meant to be just that: a teaser. They are not intended to be released. In some instances, the songs can't even be completed (as is the case with Groove Basin, which was lost after Rayza's hard drive crashed).

I take it you mean Sand Cafe by Darkesword, not Live at the Sandopolis by BrainCells.


Hadyn or anyone else, I have loaded (but not played, as it ends up halting) the songs in Foobar2000 and I can still get properties in them. It says the encoding is MP1 instead of MP3, so I guess that's the problem. The sample rate is 32000hz as well, which is a shame!

I'd love a .flac release (though I'm sure it won't happen, since it hasn't already), but at least couldn't it be possible to update those files (seems to be disc 3 track 8+, but I'm sure you know that!) and post in this thread? I can't help being a bit of an obsessive person, having 32000 files (even if I upped them to 44100hz) disturbs me. :D

Great work guys! Some of them I honestly don't like, I'm not fond of piano remixes unless the original was pretty much just that, but some of the heavy tracks and electronic ones... They are exactly what I'd want from them. Brilliant. Thanks!


Well I was sure before, but... I opened up the files (308-314, so the last half of the disc 3 ones) in Audition and they all opened as 44100hz. So I'm not sure if Foobar2000 was reporting correctly or not... I'm assuming not...

However, it did say mpg1 (which I assume it means mpeg layer I), rather than 3 like all the rest. Maybe that's the problem? Perhaps the program that converted to .mp3 used the wrong layer?

But yes, sorry about that, I think I was wrong about the 32000hz. I should've double-checked with another program before posting, how embarassing. :oops:


The main project MP3s were encoded under the highest quality VBR settings. There is pretty much no loss of quality between that and the original WAV files. The bonus material, that was all encoded by each individual artist, so if there are any problems with those just re-encode them yourself.


Great album. Easily one of the best i've ever heard, and way beyond my expectations.

Although it took a while to warm up to it, once I did, it became my most played album for a few weeks.

At first, after playing through the first Disc, I was partially let down, as Icecap Zone, and Launch Base Zone were at first, utter unrecogniseable, and seemed to fly past without me noticing them, and the fact the whole disc was rather quiet and peaceful.

However, with time, this faded. Rather than give feedback on the whole album, I'll comment on the first disc for now (Dont want to clutter the page with a GIANT wall now do we?)

The first track took me by surprise, as I wasnt expecting an actual track from the opening, nor it to go "SEGA!" but the short peice was awesome and sets the scene pretty well.

Second track, is a normalish track which I expected, good, but not overly great, but, it helps build the setting, as the album progresses. All in all, when you take into account that Track Two is the save data ascreen, from which you acess the main game, the fact this role carried on to the track is pretty cool. Well done to the person who pulled that off

The third track, seems like a continuation of the second at times, but does indeed have the feel of Angel Island Zone, if rather slow. Also, I keep hearing stuff that sounds like other games in there (I swear I hear a theme from Spyro near the start..)

Fourth, is rather good, its also where the album seriously picks up the pace as far as im concerned. The miniboss theme from the original game was always pretty dismal and didnt sound like a boss theme in any way to me. Therefore, I was dubious as to how this track would turn out, but in the end, it was great, and amazed me with how the same boring tune was reused to make this track.

Fifth, is one of the best on the entire album, I just love the sound of it, which is strange since I at first, didnt like the Hydrocity theme. Now I cant get enough of it. Words cant really describe how much I like this one

Six is an oddball track. It has a strange sound to it, and lyrics but I like it nonetheless for its unique feel to the rest of the album. Especially as the lyrics near the end match the Marble Garden theme :P

Seven, this one, I was really curious as to how it would turn out. A theme for a carnival zone, remixed. But I love how it turned out, and the start of it sounds like a track from the Rachet and Clank series. I always look forward to this track when playing the album

Eight, I was really looking forward to hearing how Icecap was going to done this time, but on my initial play, I seemed to miss it, only to think "Huh, where was Icecap?" I must say, the drastic change shocked me at first, but I quickly grew to like it, and the more its played the more I get a feel for it. At first I could barely hear the faint Icecap tune.

Nine..this track surprised me. I was expecting something like "Launchface" but it turned out to be something so much different. I seriously cannot hear the Launchbase theme in here ANYWHERE. That said, it strangely feels as if it IS the theme, itt defintely has a connection. Despite not hearing the Launchbase theme, I still like this track a lot, and brings the main part of the disc to a nice close

The final track, I hear it is supposed to be the miniboss theme from Sonic and Knuckles, but..I dont hear any similarities. Its a lovely closing track that finishes the disc regardless.

I was surprised that the last track wasnt the ending theme from Sonic 3. As the Disc 1 is Sonic 3, and Disc 2 is Sonic and Knuckles, I figured it would be there..

Also, I was surprised at the lack of the "Knuckles Theme" from Sonic 3

The third track, seems like a continuation of the second at times, but does indeed have the feel of Angel Island Zone, if rather slow. Also, I keep hearing stuff that sounds like other games in there (I swear I hear a theme from Spyro near the start..)

Six is an oddball track. It has a strange sound to it, and lyrics but I like it nonetheless for its unique feel to the rest of the album. Especially as the lyrics near the end match the Marble Garden theme :P

I was surprised that the last track wasnt the ending theme from Sonic 3. As the Disc 1 is Sonic 3, and Disc 2 is Sonic and Knuckles, I figured it would be there..

Also, I was surprised at the lack of the "Knuckles Theme" from Sonic 3

Given Rexy's affinity for it, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some Spyro in her track. She loves sneaking bits of other themes into her remixes like that.

The singing in Knuckleduster actually matches the original Marble Garden all the way through. Listen closely. ;-)

I think they used the Sonic 3 theme to end the main project with because Sonic & Knuckles doesn't have a dedicated ending theme (just a medley of all the S&K zone songs).

Isn't Knuckles' S3 theme quoted in "Echidnas Will Eat Your Brain"?

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