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i got a DS Lite today :]

here is my new Mario Kart freind code:



i'll post the rest later, thats the only game I've played so far. I don't have a Wii yet :[


JOE!! :]

what's up g?

gets on teh skype for the chats!



i got a DS Lite today :]

here is my new Mario Kart freind code:



i'll post the rest later, thats the only game I've played so far. I don't have a Wii yet :[


JOE!! :]

what's up g?

hey dude

still crazy busy?

hey Atma!

not so much, my project has stopped for a while and school has kinda slowed down. get on skype so we can talk ;]


Wow's... haven't seen crab in like forever. Sup man?

I also haven't been in here for ever either. I don't have a wii as of yet, but I've recently picked up Portrait of Ruin. Fun stuff :D. Apparently for each new file you make has it's own friend code. So I'm going to post up the three that I have right now

Jonathan & Charlotte: 249 193 927 217

Richter & Maria: 047 330 989 695

Sisters: 360 863 602 342

i got a DS Lite today :]

here is my new Mario Kart freind code:



i'll post the rest later, thats the only game I've played so far.

I don't have a Wii yet :[



So is this thread doomed to die like the last two times. Obviously it's only on page 2 so not yet.

I have absolutely no say in this at all but I shall say it anyway. We have 3 different Wii threads...and this one obviously can't be integrated into the main Wii thread since it involves DS and being that it's less popular it'll be easier to see if someone wants to play something. I think, though, that the post your Mii thread should be integrated into this one...since Arek could simply copy a link to everyone's Mii in the first post along with all the codes, this way there aren't three different Wii related threads. Anyways I still have no say in this as I said but here's my two cents.

Anyone wanna play some Metroid Prime Hunters?


As for the first post updates, I believe Arek is taking a break from the Internets for a while, so don't expect any updates, however Drack is working on the database, so we might have that soon.

Everyone's Wii code that is on the front page is now on mine.

I expect to be added sometime soon you lazy bastards.

5781 1633 3229 6576 - Zeklan

If you posted in this thread I have your Wii number.

I expect to be added sometime soon you lazy bastards.

I am now on Skype as well. Name is Zeklan, duh.


-Arek - 6586 0721 1379 0472

-Atma Weapon - 7276 4910 9302 8393

-Joefu - 1218 2528 9087 7839

-Necrotic - 7269 8964 0562 6551

-Bigfoot - 3590 9337 2027 2417

-Viol8ter - 7426 7827 3606 4408

-Power Surge - 4780 5993 9591 3462

-Miami Guy - 5004 8901 0430 3444

-Drack - 0217 6307 3769 0582

-Neoforte - 1961 5211 4064 5860

-Pzykotikfreak - 0627 3378 6858 6673

-Laughy - 8600 3097 7014 9879

-Bean - 3140 8182 2845 7423

-Pi_R_[]ed - 7173 2123 9684 2826

-Nikuki - 2931 8981 3429 4120

-TheCatPhysician - 2240 7138 7917 0960

-Smoke - 6212 2334 6280 4125

-Infinity's End - 4475 6948 3578 5717

-DjSammyG - 7054461919807323

-Black Chakram - 4026 4114 9386 3105

-OA - 8916-9648-2403-4915

-Dark Chocobo - 1495-3289-8226-1380

-Bahamut - 1146 3760 7639 0241

-KakTheInfected - 2161-5508-8746-4872

-Zeklan - 5781 1633 3229 6576

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