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I'm interested in participating in the tournament. My Pokemon friend code is:

4424 7983 2459

edit: oh yeah, added it to the database, too.


I can see why you'd want the move lists, but personally I think it's pretty lame. It takes out any element of surprise if you teach a Pokemon a move with a TM that is not expected, which I feel can play a big part in the battle. If people hack they can do it well enough not to be detected anyway, aside from teaching pokemon moves they can't normally learn, which should be obvious enough to their opponent (and easily checked if it's not). Knowing exactly what you are going up against takes a lot of the fun out of it, I think.

I can see why you'd want the move lists, but personally I think it's pretty lame. It takes out any element of surprise if you teach a Pokemon a move with a TM that is not expected, which I feel can play a big part in the battle. If people hack they can do it well enough not to be detected anyway, aside from teaching pokemon moves they can't normally learn, which should be obvious enough to their opponent (and easily checked if it's not). Knowing exactly what you are going up against takes a lot of the fun out of it, I think.

evilhead you silly fgt

its for my records only

your opponent wont see the movelist


I am definitely in. I'm glad we have a bit of time before we play. I soloed my game so I could get the national dex, so I don't have many pokemon. I'll give you my list later.

evilhead you silly fgt

its for my records only

your opponent wont see the movelist

Then what good is it?

1) Arek gets moves, but doesn't see fight to see if they match

2) Opponent sees fight, probably doesn't know every move your poké can and can't learn is.

I think a better solution for this would be logging the battle. Record every move you and your opponent make, similar to a chess match. No pokémon lists, no move lists, just have both players log it. If some weirdass move is used, after the battle it can be looked up whether that poké can learn that move (some of the TM and egg moves learnable are just absurd), and if it's impossible, user is disqualified.

Even without logs, you can just record what weirdass moves used were, and look them up later.

I don't think hacking is that big a threat anyway. You need specific hardware to do it, and most everybody at OCR use legit cartridges.

evilhead you silly fgt

its for my records only

your opponent wont see the movelist

oh, okay, I was under the impression you told everyone what pokemon and what moves you were bringing into battle.

and while I don't think hacked pokemon will be a big problem, it's easy enough for people without flashcarts to trade for hacked pokemon.

Then what good is it?

1) Arek gets moves, but doesn't see fight to see if they match

2) Opponent sees fight, probably doesn't know every move your poké can and can't learn is.

I think a better solution for this would be logging the battle. Record every move you and your opponent make, similar to a chess match. No pokémon lists, no move lists, just have both players log it. If some weirdass move is used, after the battle it can be looked up whether that poké can learn that move (some of the TM and egg moves learnable are just absurd), and if it's impossible, user is disqualified.

Even without logs, you can just record what weirdass moves used were, and look them up later.

I don't think hacking is that big a threat anyway. You need specific hardware to do it, and most everybody at OCR use legit cartridges.

That sounds good, but again I would like it to be sent to me and only me. I can have someone with more pokeknowledge *I WILL PICK WHO* to look at the battle logs to see if they are cool or not.

I don't want your opponent to know EXACTLY what moves they are going against, cause that takes some *see: all* the fun away from a match and makes a bland numbers game.

That sounds good, but again I would like it to be sent to me and only me. I can have someone with more pokeknowledge *I WILL PICK WHO* to look at the battle logs to see if they are cool or not.

I'd recommend OmegaDonut for this. He's been credited in the famous blueshirt Guide on Gamefaqs for coming up with a lot of the Ruby/Sapphire movesets. He should know a lot of the legit movesets. Also, this prevents him from playing, seeing how he's all famous and hard to beat, giving the rest of us a better chance.

I don't want your opponent to know EXACTLY what moves they are going against, cause that takes some *see: all* the fun away from a match and makes a bland numbers game.

Number uses number on number!

It's super effective!

Number fainted!

Use next number?

Also, my Pearl Code is 3136 3273 5995. Add it to the list.

Now, who wants a legit Mew? The first five people that ask, get them.

Now, who wants a legit Mew? The first five people that ask, get them.

Holy fudge popsicles I would LOVE a Mew. I will give you my Friend Code when you confirm my request.

Hmm...want a Happiny for it? I have no use for her.

Wait...do I need a National Dex first?


Also, Wii friend code: 6573 4948 3893 1408

Hmm...want a Happiny for it? I have no use for her.

Neither do I. Got a female starter? I need the fire and water ones.

Also, I still have a lot of female starters from the GBA games, so if anyone is still interested in any of the nine starters, just ask.

Now, who wants a legit Mew? The first five people that ask, get them.

I'll take a Mew! I'll get you something nice in return ;)

Now, who wants a legit Mew? The first five people that ask, get them.


i cant exactly get in a trade right at this moment is that ok

like later tonight i can

and i have lots of other dudes but you probably have them all already but i have them anyway if you need something

Also, Wii friend code: 6573 4948 3893 1408

Neither do I. Got a female starter? I need the fire and water ones.

Hmm...that might pose a problem.

Tell you what, name me all the Pokemon you want, and I'll see if I can grab any.

Hmm...that might pose a problem.

Tell you what, name me all the Pokemon you want, and I'll see if I can grab any.

The only ones I really need are some of the obscure legendairies, namely Lugia, Celebi and Manaphy (and of course, Fione). I have pretty much everything else from my GBA games.

Well, this is more of a giveaway than anything else, so just grab something you think is worth a Mew.

EDIT: And with Bahamut, that makes five. Congrats, you guys, enjoy your mews. I'll just hang out on the clan OCR IRC thingy... wait... what was it again? I don't see it on the first page.

Requesting Dialga. Not giving you anything in return cause I don't have anything to give.

Figured since people are always giving away stuff to others that I might as well put up a request.

cant give you that but i may be able to fork a jirachi sometime in the future


I would like a Zapdos if anybody has a spare...

Any LG/FR game restarting happening?

As low a level as possible, and if you get the opportunity to name it (which is completely unnecessary, but if you're nice enough, that would be wonderful), call it Ohm.

If anybody can do this, I would be extremely grateful, and would try to do something in return. I have all the starters from all 4 generations, gibles, ummm I could trade/retrieve a Dialga... really I'm not all that far.

1890 7731 5803 Friend code


I just 6-0'd some folks yesterday with the team I've been planning the past couple days.

Read up and build an awesome team, guys, I want this tournament to be fun!

Edit: If you need pre-evolved forms with certain egg moves I can breed em for ya! The only downside is then I'll know what poké you're using!


If you happen to find an adamant female Sneasel I'll love you forever (not really). I just need one for breeding purposes.

But seriously I've hatched like...50 eggs now looking for one. I just can't find anything I want in this game so far and it's turning into a big painful grind.

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