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OCR00295 - Mega Man 3 "Needles"


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The intro is great for the first time you listen to it! However, when you just want to hear that funky latin beat some more, you really want a version that skips the whole thing and gets right down to it. That's definatly my only request. This track is GREAT.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The intro to this song is perfect, I really want to know who was speaking all of that spanish, whoever it was they sounded like a native speaker. The salsa song that follows is great, a must get for people only downloading and keeping select tracks from this site.

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I really want to know who was speaking all of that spanish, whoever it was they sounded like a native speaker.

If I'm not mistaken (and authoritative corrections are allways welcome)Mustin did the Spanish. Not sure who did the man with the raspy voice, but the guy with the radio was definatly nyKad (head on over to vgmix.com if you want to find him.) And of course Dale North, Nate Cloud, and Mustin all had a hand in making the beautiful music.

I remember when this one came out, it was one of the more popular releases. Every once in a while there is a song on OC ReMix that everyone listens to and then just can't believe what they heard. Makes for an interesting day in the #OCReMix whenever that happens.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, an introless version would make this piece flawless. It was a little entertaining to hear the first time, but after that, when you just want to listen to the music, it's irritating. This goes for a lot of songs, too. Same with sound samples in songs too. Unless they are used very sparingly, they just annoy me, and make playing the songs around non-VGM fans sort of embarassing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

C'mon guys! You can always skip the intro by scrolling the control bar in Winamp! Or even edit the MP3.

The most important is that this remix is awesome! It puts most other remixes under the table. I always loved MM3 songs, and these guys took one of the least inspired tunes of the game and made such a lovely piece of music.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah...I really can't say anything that hasn't been said before, but I too will show my appreciation of the easily lasered pointy one's theme.

I actually like the intro, it sort of adds to the spirit of the mix, and gives it a nice buildup that other mixes sorely lack. Sort of like an intro at a concert, where rather than the band just playing, there's the opening band to get you in the mood, and then the announcer guy tells you to put your hands together for THE GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME, whoever that may be that night.

One problem. The trumpeting of the original MegaMan stage select theme. MegaMan 3 was the only one that had the alternate stage select theme. Although I didn't really notice it until like the sixth time playing it. Okay, forget what I said.

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I love the way it takes a song I previously hated and makes it sound good.

And I also love the reference to McVaffe's Gemini Salsa (though people tell me it's not actually "Salsa"). In any case, this fits right in with McVaffe's equally flawless mix (though I have to admit that I like McVaffe's a little better since I prefer Gemini Man over Needle Man).

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I love this song, the whole thing just sounds right. When I listened to it the first time I was hoping for an outtro at the end. Aw well, the intro... hillarious, and the song clips fit in real well. Great work! Listen to it all the time... still.

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  • 6 months later...

Im new to shis site and this is one of the first tunes i listened to, and i really like this stuff.

The song is excellent and what comes for the intro, i love it.

What is the song in the intro at 0,31 , it sounds like the best megaman tune ever. Is there a remix of this song out there? I have to find it. I love the megaman series, megaman, mario, zelda and secret of mana have the greatest songs ever.

sorry, got a little of topic :lol:

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What is the song in the intro at 0,31 , it sounds like the best megaman tune ever.

That would be the Intro Music to Mega Man 3, and yes, it is the best Mega Man tune ever. :wink:

The actual version that you hear in Needles isn't even the original, but a ReMix of it. And not only is it a ReMix of it, but it's a ReMix of it on this site (a cameo so to speak). It's called Blue Bomber Forever, and it's also by Mustin, who had a part in this.

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Really great mix here, especially the sound quality, Iv'e heard very few songs on OCR that can match it's quality of sound. I like the intro I agree that it adds flavor to the song, my question is can anyone (maybe mustin himself) transelate some or all of what the guy on the radio is saying in Spanish? Just curious that's all. Keep up the good work.

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