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ActRaiser 'Lord PROTEKTOR'

A very odd and funky version of the quiet "town" music from AssRaider err I mean ActRaiser. Not as smooth as Yuzo's original, this has kind of a harsh sound to it. It's got a funky beat that serves it well. Better than you think if you listen to it a few times.


Wow. This remix floored me, personally. The song feels very, very... urban, for the lack of a better word. Not quite ghetto, but definately modern. Strong feelings and visions of a modern-day ActRaiser are evoked. Cuz I mean, how cool would an ActRaiser game in a modern setting be? Grittier than SimCity, but nobler than Grand Theft Auto 3....

Yeah, DJ Pretzel, you have me dreaming.

  • 2 weeks later...

During my lunch period every day, this song can be heard comming from my schools music hallway. My 3 friends and I (drums, bass, guitar, and keyboard) play this song and many other remixes and such every day and this one tops the list. The things that we've done with it are crazy though, speeding it up, slowing it down, different keys, distortion, the list goes on. Definately one of my OCR favorites.


This song really rocks it to Russia. Easily my favorite OCRemix (well, maybe that Banana mix, but that's a guilty pleasure ;P). The bassline is killer, and the mix has a great juxtaposition of urban/fantasy sound. Great stuff.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I'm working on a remix of this theme myself. But is it just my imagination, or does this remix only have about 15 notes from the original melody, and the rest is improvisation? That's not a bad thing, but it just struck me as being not much of a remix and more of a complete and total rearrangement.

But anyway, yeah, this does have an urban feel to it. It could have used more of the original melody, since the 'new' stuff can be annoying at times (like the scratching and the 'yelling' for lack of a better word). Overall, again, it doesn't seem like that much of a remix, and for that reason it's hard to review.

  • 4 months later...

Definitely an urban tune, with lots of scratching and a little random shouting. I've never heard the original, so I can't comment on how much of it shows up, but it's generally a basic beat/bass/lead song that, if you like the fairly harsh feeling, you won't mind listening to.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, God, does this bring back memories. I remember that game so well...well, actually, I just played it a few months back.

Lovely work. The elongated, distorted notes are quite, well, fantastic. Much Kudos.

  • 4 weeks later...

Well if I didnt want to play this game in the first place, now I do, if just for the music!! This one is very different from most songs on this site, thats right, its better. Not becuase the obvious fact that it...well.. rocks. But the fact that it is something different.. :D

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Yep.. this is one of my favorite remixes on the site, and I had a great time introducing it on VG Frequency last weekend..


Classic. I dig the Fillmore Funk, too (which, actually, was one of the first ReMixes I remember downloading + being floored by when I first discovered this site over two years ago) but this one just straight up rocks, and gets extra points for deviating stylistically from the original tune and making it sound so perfect.

I'm awaiting DJP's return from his ReMixing hiatus :)

  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Saw this come back up on the Reviews forum and I figured I'd review it.

I remember reading somewhere that lots of people consider djp's older (old school) mixes a tad "immature" in comparison to his newer stuff. [edit: it was in the review thread for AMEN Reflux] While I do agree that the older David Lloyd works are more cartoony and wild, to me that is not necessarily a bad thing, especially in the case of this one.

Whenever I make an OCR CD, this goes on it at some point. I'm not a huge fan of Actraiser or its music, but this is the funk, the freshness. The scratching, vocal samples, distorted synths all scream of old school hip hop goodness. When :18 hits, my head starts bobbing (I love that gated sample tons). This mix keeps the energy flowing and the beat funks up the place.

I can easily imagine a heavy breakin session taking place over this groove. Always has been one of my favorite OCRs.

  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my god O_O

I actually thought that djpretzel was trying to make fun of Actraiser with this mix.

It's embarrassing to listen to, and sounds to me like a corny tune and dorky sounds were added to add insult to the game.

I didn't know he liked the game until I read his submission review, when he talked about the original music being genius.

  • 5 weeks later...

When I first heard this the thoughts that crossed my mind were of bewilderment. What's happening? Did someone just smear some heavy grease all over my mp3 file? (Strange analogy I know.)

But after playing the game, I came back to this and suddenly it all clicked. What a whacked out version of the map screen.. but in a good way. Mythril Nazgul's review pretty much sums up my opinion on this song. Nice work.

  • 6 months later...
Oh my god O_O

I actually thought that djpretzel was trying to make fun of Actraiser with this mix.

It's embarrassing to listen to, and sounds to me like a corny tune and dorky sounds were added to add insult to the game.

I didn't know he liked the game until I read his submission review, when he talked about the original music being genius.

Of course you're welcome to your opinion, but what you're doing there is not stating an opinion. It's making an assertion that the music is bad and that all the people who enjoy it have no taste in or ear for music.

You are wrong.

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Another good mix from djp! This one is a bit goofy, yet in a very good way. Been a while since I played ActRaiser though, so I can't say how close to the source it is, but quite enjoyable!

  • 9 months later...

Nice rhythmic shift in the melody, and a ton of additional material turned into verses. A little crowded in some spots sonically. There's just so much going in in specific frequencies. It also repeats a bit much, but for an older mix it does show a pretty distinct separation of original and remix, rather than just midi + upgraded sounds and drums.

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