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Those 2 videos weren't that impressive to me. I like metroid, i beat prime and own 2, but I'm just not sure i want to get corruption. What's so new and exciting about this one besides the control scheme and the dark samus thing?

The control scheme itself is badass, including turning doors with your hands and all kinds of crazy stuff. You start out with a bunch of items, which you don't lose after the intro stage. There's a ton of voice acting, you can use your ship to aid you in battle, you travel across several planets, there is a new hyper mode system, you don't switch guns - instead you have a stack system like Super Metroid, the graphics are significantly improved, new enemies, new worlds, new attacks, more cinematics and story elements, and a fight with Ridley whilst decending down a bottomless pit, oh yeah - And it's a Metroid game -

Hm, besides that, I don't really care to play this game.


So then.. is THIS what Reggie was saying?

Or are we going to maybe wind up with something like this for Smash Bros as well?

Because that'd be outright pimp. A Wii version of the Smash Bros website, with some exclusive content and maybe even some sort of minigames to get people in the mood.

And they should also do it for Mario Galaxy.

Also, something I realized.. this could be used to great effect, to create.. add-on games. When you own the game, just put it in then launch an add-on channel for it, to gain things like.. a whole multiplayer type game, that just uses the in-game resources, re-mapped in a whole new way, to save things like start-up time of launching the game itself.

The control scheme itself is badass, including turning doors with your hands and all kinds of crazy stuff. You start out with a bunch of items, which you don't lose after the intro stage. There's a ton of voice acting, you can use your ship to aid you in battle, you travel across several planets, there is a new hyper mode system, you don't switch guns - instead you have a stack system like Super Metroid, the graphics are significantly improved, new enemies, new worlds, new attacks, more cinematics and story elements, and a fight with Ridley whilst decending down a bottomless pit, oh yeah - And it's a Metroid game -

Hm, besides that, I don't really care to play this game.

Those are some good points. The stacking system from SM should be a welcome addition. i'll probably pick it up at some point. But Persona 3 is coming out, and jam sessions is soon too.


Just connected and got the Metroid Prime 3 channel. All I have to say is, "That is the best video game trailer have seen in a long time!". Can't wait till 8/13 and definately can't wait till 8/27.

Just connected and got the Metroid Prime 3 channel. All I have to say is, "That is the best video game trailer have seen in a long time!". Can't wait till 8/13 and definately can't wait till 8/27.

I think the best thing about this advertising kick is it's gotten Nintendo to finally release Super Metroid on VC.

Super fuckin' Metroid!

There go the 800 points I was saving for Earthbound.


Regarding the new channel:

My brother and I simultaneously slapped our hands to our faces as the narrator lady said "and the worst part is...she LIKES it." Urrrgggh. Still, I like the channel, and it's a cool idea. But why don't they just implement a fully-featured Video Channel and release demo vids of all games, including virtual console? It couldn't hurt and it would really be pretty easy.

Also, I second the cry of "super fuckin' metroid". Now all I need is Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Goldeneye, and maybe DKC3 and I'm SET. (And yeah, I know we're not ever going to see goldeneye and CT is unlikely.)

Still, it's a great suggestion.

No argument there, although I think I prefer the "make each console its own channel" bit to "make the Virtual Console its own channel."


Well the story seems very interesting. Also I remeber reading an interview in Nintendo Power where one of guys at retro said that fact that she starts to enjoy the so-called coruption ands up playing a big part in the story later. I really like the stories for all the metroid games and this one is definately no exception. Also can't wait for metroid and super metroid to hit VC.

Someone mind PMing me spoilers for Metroid Prime 2? I could never finish that game. Took too much of my patience and I couldn't stand it.

You could always watch a speed run of the game :P at least it'll make you kinda feel like you played it, lol.


You know, Metroid Prime was a great game, and it was probably one of my favorite games of all time. But Prime 2 was also a great game, and I think it was WAY underrated. A lot of people talk about how bad it was compared to the first one and while it wasn't AS good, I don't see how you couldn't even have the patience to finish it.

Anyway, just as a random aside, the VC is reminding me how hard Link to the Past was for me to beat as a kid and how much harder it is compared to the modern games...

You know, Metroid Prime was a great game, and it was probably one of my favorite games of all time. But Prime 2 was also a great game, and I think it was WAY underrated. A lot of people talk about how bad it was compared to the first one and while it wasn't AS good, I don't see how you couldn't even have the patience to finish it.

I guess some people just don't like a challenge :P j/k I think a lot of people just hate backtracking.

Also, I just thought about something. Since Retro was able to implement the Screw Attack and wall jumping in MP2, I wonder if we'll maybe see the Speed Booster in MP3? That'd be pretty cool to see, but they'll probably make it so we'd have to make a running motion with the Wii Controller/Nunchuck if they did.

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