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Hehe.. Apparently, Retro may have leaked a 4th wall spoiler into Corruption with one of the scans.

"Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion."

I almost wonder if maybe they built some sort of Corruption/Dread bonus into it, like they did with the past 2 games, and that might have been one of the reasons for the delays.. They needed to know what to work with, to give the secret bonus features..


I already read the Metroid Prime 3 review on IGN. For the most part, I completely agree with it. Also the written review is pretty much as spoiler-free as you can possibly get, anyone worried about spoilers shouldn't worry about anything being spoiled if you read the review. Remember, the keyword is read.

Also, I know its too late now but for those that preorder their games on-line and have to wait a while to get the game, next time you may want to try Gamestop's street date preorder shipping. You can pre-order online and for a little extra cash, get the game on it's shipping date. Basically if you did this for MP 3, you would be recieving it today rather than wait for tomorrow like the people that pre-order at the store.

Man I can't wait till tomorrow.

  SilverStar said:
Hehe.. Apparently, Retro may have leaked a 4th wall spoiler into Corruption with one of the scans.

"Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion."

I almost wonder if maybe they built some sort of Corruption/Dread bonus into it, like they did with the past 2 games, and that might have been one of the reasons for the delays.. They needed to know what to work with, to give the secret bonus features..


Got a pic of said scan?


North American Virtual Console releases today:

Super C (NES) - It has 'Super' in the title but is on the original NES? MY MIND IS BLOWN

Breath of Fire II (SNES) - On the same day as the curry item for Smash Bros

Ghouls 'n Ghosts (GEN) - Why can't the Virtual Console release a series in order?

  Merk said:
North American Virtual Console releases today:

Super C (NES) - It has 'Super' in the title but is on the original NES? MY MIND IS BLOWN

Breath of Fire II (SNES) - On the same day as the curry item for Smash Bros

Ghouls 'n Ghosts (GEN) - Why can't the Virtual Console release a series in order?

If I weren't itching for some Corruption, I'd grab BoF2.

  SilverStar said:
Looks like it's official.. Gamespot has a hate-on for Wii.

MP3: 8.5. According to Metacritic, it's the lowest score out so far, for that game.

Yes, because an 8.5 out of 10 is an absolute FAIL of a score. :roll:

I don't see you giving Gamepro any grief, despite that they gave it the exact same score and had similar pros and cons with it.

Anyone else in the world would see an 8.5 as pretty damn good.


That's not surprising since it's a pretty by-the-books sequel, which is nothing bad about except in terms of originality.

I play and enjoy a lot of games that scored 5.0's or lower in metacritic scorings so..

  The Damned said:
Yes, because an 8.5 out of 10 is an absolute FAIL of a score. :roll:

I don't see you giving Gamepro any grief, despite that they gave it the exact same score and had similar pros and cons with it.

Anyone else in the world would see an 8.5 as pretty damn good.

An 85% average was good enough for me to be allowed in a pre-university program leading into medicine.

But yeah, for a videogame, its horrible.

Read other reviews by that guy, he may be a tough scorer.


8.5 is a crappy score in my opinion. Gamespot tends to be very hypocritical with its scores sometimes. They claim to always want something new and fresh and yet they give out 9s to so many lack luster and unrevoultionary FPSs. They also claimed Zelda TP was just a port and not a true ground up Wii game, yet Prime 3 is and it gets a lower score and not mention RE 4 got a higher score, which is also another port. Gamepot's reviews have always seemed very biased in my opinion. Its very clear the editors there prefer certain types of games over others. 8.5 may not be bad, but I think MP 3 is much more deserving.


All game review sites are too biased for my liking, imo. IIRC, there was an article at GameDaily explaining the problems with video game reviews and journalism in general (lack of maturity, etc.) but I can't find it. Besides, why should a single elitist a-hole or group of a-holes decide which games are awesome and which suck, and to what degree, for all who play games? I'd just rent a game I'm interested in and form my own opinion on it based on experience. Although reviews give an idea how good a game is, you won't really know just how good until you try it for yourself.

  Power Surge said:
All game review sites are too biased for my liking, imo. IIRC, there was an article at GameDaily explaining the problems with video game reviews and journalism in general (lack of maturity, etc.) but I can't find it. Besides, why should a single elitist a-hole or group of a-holes decide which games are awesome and which suck, and to what degree, for all who play games? I'd just rent a game I'm interested in and form my own opinion on it based on experience. Although reviews give an idea how good a game is, you won't really know just how good until you try it for yourself.

Or hit up something like metacritic, and see what everyone else is reviewing it, so you can see who thinks a game sucks for no good reason. And leave your own review/rating of the game.


My review of the Metroid Prime 3 Reviews

Contradiction 10/10 - Wow. They gave Twilight Princess a higher score, a solid Zelda adventure, but not built ground-up for the Wii . Wow, most mentioned how it has the best controls for a console shooter ever, and it gets a lower score than say, other FPS's at the time.

Criticism on lack of innovation -7/10. It's a sequel, yet it's not completely different, so we can't give it that coveted high score, can we?

General bias - 8/10. Let's see what Halo 3 and Resident Evil 5 get, why don't we.

Console comparisons - 5/10 Mentions how the controls can't be done with certain consoles and how certain graphics can't be done with certain consoles.

Flat out bullcrap - 10/10 Score is lowered for load times (You don't even have to deal with a loading screen and the loading times are still way short compared to many other games) You may have to wait for some doors for 5 seconds. Gasp!

Total score: 6.5 / 10 - Mediocre. Not exactly horrible, but they should have worked out issues like bias and general contradictory bullshit before releasing these reviews. If they would have done that, then these reviews could have gotten a much better score. After all, lots of useful information was there, it's just the bullshit that gets in the way.


I don't trust 10 point grading systems for games. Especially ones that go into decimals. What's the difference between a game that scored an 8.5 and an 8.6? Obviously the room temperature. Metroid Prime III, as anyone who has played it will tell you, is a better game at 70F than 80F. Simple fact.

  Merk said:
North American Virtual Console releases today:

Super C (NES) - It has 'Super' in the title but is on the original NES? MY MIND IS BLOWN

Breath of Fire II (SNES) - On the same day as the curry item for Smash Bros

Ghouls 'n Ghosts (GEN) - Why can't the Virtual Console release a series in order?


consider that a vc rom thats gonna be purchased as soon as i get home from work

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