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Well crap, the Mushroom Kingdom has turned to ruins. I don't understand. That's kinda sad if you ask me. Do they mean that the whole kingdom is like that? Sorry, I'm one of those weirdos who actually cares about the Mario story / timeline.

Well crap, the Mushroom Kingdom has turned to ruins. I don't understand. That's kinda sad if you ask me. Do they mean that the whole kingdom is like that? Sorry, I'm one of those weirdos who actually cares about the Mario story / timeline.

Bowser Won.

Bowser Won.

But that's impossible. Bowser never wins. Mario always beats him.

Okay, for real, maybe this has something to do with Brawl's plot? Anyway, it just disturbs me. I don't know why a deserted Mushroom Kingdom disturbs me so much, but it does.

Well crap, the Mushroom Kingdom has turned to ruins. I don't understand. That's kinda sad if you ask me. Do they mean that the whole kingdom is like that? Sorry, I'm one of those weirdos who actually cares about the Mario story / timeline.

I think this was Bowser's old territory, hence all the castles and caves around the entire place. After Mario trounced him, Bowser had to build another castle a considerable distance from the Mushroom Kingdom, and after just 23 years Peach, constantly getting kidnapped, hasn't had the time to issue building permits for this expansive but deserted section of her kingdom.


As much as I hate scrolling stages and think we're getting way too many, this stage looks really freaking cool. And occasionally getting World 1-2 instead? Awesome.

Although that would have been a really nice surprise...

As much as I hate scrolling stages and think we're getting way too many, this stage looks really freaking cool. And occasionally getting World 1-2 instead? Awesome.

Although that would have been a really nice surprise...

as would snake... and sonic...

but this is not the brawl thread...


Mmm, thinking about this, does Nintendo even have an "ultimate arching villain"? Final Fantasy usually has some extremely potent dark force, perhaps the Subspace Emperor could fill this void? I hope the end boss music is at least half as epic as that of Bowser's one in Galaxy.

And on that note, Captain N for Brawl.

...does Nintendo even have an "ultimate arching villain"? Final Fantasy usually has some extremely potent dark force, perhaps the Subspace Emperor could fill this void? I hope the end boss music is at least half as epic as that of Bowser's one in Galaxy.

FF games usually have a boss to wrap up the plot neatly, but it's failed a couple times:

FF1 Chaos neatly wraps what little plot there is full circle (literally).

FF2 Emperor was fairly bland.

FF3 terrible -- no plot connection at all. Should have made Zande be the last boss.

FF4 Golbez is sweet, but Zeromus doesn't cut it for me, though he's the best of the "bad".

FF5 Exdeath well connected to the plot, but I would have liked to see Enuo.

FF6 Kefka is amazingly badass...and he's the only villain on this list to succeed with his plans.

FF7 Sephiroth is the coolest, though Kefka is still more fun.

FF8 Ultimecia doesn't get enough plot mention the first 40 hours of the game.

FF9 even worse than FF3/8 -- the endboss is a random character that hasn't been mentioned the entire game.

FFX Plotwise, the best villain yet.

As far as Nintendo goes, Ganon is the only "evil" boss that comes to mind. They've never had any other crossovers, so it's hard to say if there will be a clear boss above the bosses. Let's bring back Wart from Subspace! :P


I feel it's just inevitable that the Brawl roster will get leaked, and I will undoubtedly read it by accident. So instead of trying to not find something out for a month and a half (an impossible task), I am instead looking forward to it being leaked.


Well, since this is not the smash bros. brawl topic, I'd like to ask a question. I go to Wal-Mart today to grab my copy of No More Heroes. Which I have heard from Kotaku that it had been pushed ahead to the 22nd, this news made me happier than me getting the game latter (It's also the reason too!). now being in the place of Idaho, somehow games get here one day latter. So now it's the 23rd, I go to my Wal-Mart because I had 20 Mart-bucks from returning a duplicate game we had. I go their and I could not find that said game. Discouraged I had to leave to go to calculus, in which case I ended up getting high from a sharpie (remember to have a writing utensil OTHER than a sharpie.) Then I decided to go to my Gamestop (horrid I know...) and the guy working there had never even heard of this game. I though how do you miss THIS game? The one good looking game till brawl? He said that their getting it on the 4th. So I go home discouraged again. and here I am sobbing about it. So here's my question. Do I buy this online where they say it's out and use the Mart-bucks for groceries, or do I simply wait for the faulty Wal-Mart or Gamestop to realize how much they suck and bring out the game?

EDIT: Man that sharpie is getting to me...


Here's what you do:

1. Trade in your Wal-Mart 'bucks' for cash and, and never go to another Wal-Mart again, because when you shop there, you help spread their evil.


If you can't trade for cash, buy the groceries and some pens and never go to another Wal-Mart again.

2. Buy No More Heroes off of a trusted site on the internet. Try not to think about it until it comes in the mail.

3. Check your mail a week later and find it in the mail. Put the game in the Wii and play it.

4. Tell us what you thought about it.


Well, I went and did the latter. Yet it wasn't that I did not have any pens or pencils, I just forgot them. I swear though I am CRAMMING them down my backpacks throat. Now I eagerly await my No More Heroes as I watch the video of where I apparently have to simulate masturbation in order to win. (watch the trailer.) Man I want this game!!!

In an unrelated note, I finaly got around to playing my brothers Metroid Prime 3. How foolish I was to wait. Give whoever brought stackable beams back some cake.

EDIT: I don't care what you say, it won't make me regret this. I think... at least I'm hurting Wal-Mart...


Has anybody picked up and played Endless Ocean yet? I just bought it today but haven't opened it because I'm still not sure whether I will truly like this game or not. The whole relaxed part about it is what intrigues me most but I'm hoping it will be rewarding as well. I'm wondering what people that have played it say about it even though most game review sites have given it a 7/10 or 8/10.


I got it last night and played it for 2 hours. I've never played anything like it before. It's pretty cool, definitely relaxing and immersive. You might get a kick of excitement from seeing new creatures, sunken treasure, and stuff, but it's mostly like 'swim around and look at stuff'. For now - like I've said, I haven't played it enough.

The only thing I'm really disappointed with (so far) is the boat. I thought you could pilot the boat manually and look around from the deck, but no.

I'm going to wait and get a few more opinions on No More Heroes before I purchase it.


Alright, WTF. No More Heroes seems to not be "officially" out from everywhere I looked. Amazon said Jan. 31, and WalMart doesn't have it (go figure). Grr...:-?

I did beat Killer 7 yesterday though, which was amazing (and exremely wierd). I am now ready for more suda51 goodness.:-)

Edit - ebgames.com has it in stock, ready to ship within 24 hours.

Alright, WTF. No More Heroes seems to not be "officially" out from everywhere I looked. Amazon said Jan. 31, and WalMart doesn't have it (go figure). Grr...:-?

I did beat Killer 7 yesterday though, which was amazing (and exremely wierd). I am now ready for more suda51 goodness.:-)

Edit - ebgames.com has it in stock, ready to ship within 24 hours.

I blame Nintendo. My GameStop store received a shipment of 2 today. And one of those was a preorder, so there was only one copy for the general public. Needless to say, it was gone by the time I started work at 5:30 today.

No wonder Suda complained that 3rd party games don't sell. Nintendo isn't giving them enough support. Oh yeah, and the 3rd party games are crappy ports, etc.

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