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World of Goo is frickin' awesome. Have a friend staying with me for a few days, and gave him a whirl. He's not a real big gamer, but clearly enjoyed the hell out of the 4 or so stages he played around on last night, and opted to play each several times to explore different methods of building the structure.

Anybody check out either of the Art Style games yet? They look intruiging...just like quick, simple games. Not many review out yet, so if anybody has had some hands-on experience with them I'd really like to hear your thoughts on them.

World of Goo is frickin' awesome. Have a friend staying with me for a few days, and gave him a whirl. He's not a real big gamer, but clearly enjoyed the hell out of the 4 or so stages he played around on last night, and opted to play each several times to explore different methods of building the structure.

Anybody check out either of the Art Style games yet? They look intruiging...just like quick, simple games. Not many review out yet, so if anybody has had some hands-on experience with them I'd really like to hear your thoughts on them.

I've played Orbient and am stuck on the final stages. It's a really fun, imaginative game, but also extremely difficult in the later levels. It's fun to kind of just zone out while you play. If you like the puzzle and slow moving kind of games, it's a good buy for only 600 points.


I just realized that Cave Story =/= Maple Story. That's a very big mistake to make. Suddenly, I'm looking forward to this.

On the Nintendo Channel this week, I watched some videos of Wii Music. They were pretty interesting, but I doubt that many musically talented people will like it. Regarding this game, I've gone from "Oh Sweet!" to "ehhh" to "sweet!" and now back to "ehhh." After reading a bunch of reviews when this comes out, hopefully I'll be set on one of these.

GAME TO WATCH FOR: Dokapon Kingdom

Horrible name, horrible box art, no marketing. But alas, Nintendo Power gives it an 8.5 this issue. It appears to be a role-playing board game made by Atlus. Sounds interesting, eh? I hope to check this game out sometime and see for myself.

GAME TO WATCH FOR: Dokapon Kingdom

Horrible name, horrible box art, no marketing. But alas, Nintendo Power gives it an 8.5 this issue. It appears to be a role-playing board game made by Atlus. Sounds interesting, eh? I hope to check this game out sometime and see for myself.

I've heard fantastic things about this game.

GAME TO WATCH FOR: Dokapon Kingdom

Horrible name, horrible box art, no marketing. But alas, Nintendo Power gives it an 8.5 this issue. It appears to be a role-playing board game made by Atlus. Sounds interesting, eh? I hope to check this game out sometime and see for myself.

I like how you can screw over your friends/associates :lol:

And yet it also is coming out for the PS2..? wut..?

And yet it also is coming out for the PS2..? wut..?

Maybe developing for the PS2 is cheaper than the PS3. And lots of people still have PS2, and since the PS3 can play PS2 games (it still can, right? They haven't made any crazy BC cuts, have they?), they still get that market. It's a smart move, actually.

So, nothing big like another Metroid, Mario, or Zelda this winter, huh?

Man, my little white box is seeing less and less use. There's gotta be something coming up before Christmas.

Maybe developing for the PS2 is cheaper than the PS3. And lots of people still have PS2, and since the PS3 can play PS2 games (it still can, right? They haven't made any crazy BC cuts, have they?), they still get that market. It's a smart move, actually.

So, nothing big like another Metroid, Mario, or Zelda this winter, huh?

Man, my little white box is seeing less and less use. There's gotta be something coming up before Christmas.

Tales of Symphonia 2 or Animal Crossing.

I'll be getting both, and I have no free time at all. Yay!

Maybe developing for the PS2 is cheaper than the PS3. And lots of people still have PS2, and since the PS3 can play PS2 games (it still can, right? They haven't made any crazy BC cuts, have they?), they still get that market. It's a smart move, actually.

I was actually referring to, "how the hell would 4 player mode work on a PS2..?" :lol:

But I do see you're points :)!!

how would it not?

I don't understand

I didn't say it wouldn't I'm asking how would it work..? Not to mention there's only 2 ports for 2 controllers...

But hey if they're rolling with "passing the game pad" I should have heard something about it...

what, do they not have multi-taps around your parts?

haven't seen them since the snes days; especially for the ps2. All news to to me.

So does Dokapon Kingdom support multitap accesories..? I can't seem to find the info on the official site; considering the wiki info is nothing more than a stub on it... While I'm just real curious as to how it would work on the PS2, chances are if it's a real gem, I'll most likely get it for the Wii.

And yet it also is coming out for the PS2..? wut..?

It's made by Sting, the Riviera and Baroque people. They're porting their PS2 games to the Wii and Atlus is publishing both at the same time. At least, that seems to be their strategy.

Maybe developing for the PS2 is cheaper than the PS3. And lots of people still have PS2, and since the PS3 can play PS2 games (it still can, right? They haven't made any crazy BC cuts, have they?), they still get that market. It's a smart move, actually.

The latest versions (the only ones currently selling retail) have no PS2 compatibility to speak of. This is pretty awful, because it's not hard to do the software emulation the last couple versions have had (which is not total compatibility, but at least it's something), so clearly the move is motivated by greed or retardation. Maybe both.


I picked up Dokapon yesterday. Haven't had a chance to play it against a human opponent yet but what little I've played so far seems like it'd be real blast in multiplayer (although my luck is absolutely sh*tty when it comes to spinning or roulette).


I can't believe this topic turned all "I WANTZ POKAMON KINGDOM OR WHATEVS." Other people have actually heard about this? Another selling point: the game is $40 retail right now. Also, because it probably won't sell to the mostly uninformed Wii audience, it'll probably drop in price soon. I'd guess shortly after the holidays; either that or sweet Black Friday-type sales.

I agree with The Damned. I think the DS's library looks much sweeter these days. However, the Wii Shop channel has been ridiculous as of late, and I think Wii point cards will be sweet gifts to receive. I haven't downloaded anything since Startropics came out, so I'm looking forward to Strong Bad, Mega Man 9, Tetris Party, and a bunch of other stuff I haven't even heard of yet.


I got Wii Music, and I'm enjoying it like crazy. I haven't had this much fun in ages.

I am very much into music, though, but I can't play any instruments, so being able to do both is really cool for me. I also got my whole family playing with me last night, and we had a blast. The game is a lot of fun if you're musically inclined at all.

I actually played for about 5 hours straight yesterday when I got it, then realized that I should eat something. and that was without trying any of the minigames, the drum lessons or the style lessons.

I like it.

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