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Wait, Nintendo said that the ZM ship isn't the SM Wrecked Ship? Stupid -- the whole design for it was very obviously taken from Super Metroid. Besides, it's cooler that way in any case.

The ZM ship is a pirate vessel. Nintendo says the Wrecked Ship is a federation ship. And the Wrecked Ship is supposed to have been there much longer.

I say, the proof is in the security drones. They're the same, so it's the same ship.


Or its a standard security drone design.

Or you know, a federation drone could have been stolen by space pirates.

I mean, one of them must have stolen something at some point...

I mean... they are pirates...

The best proof that the ZM ship is not the same as the SM ship resides in Maridia.


On the topic of Super Metroid, I dunno if it's because I haven't played it in forever, but the intro gameplay videos seem different. I remember seeing a Crystal Flash being executed in one of the gameplay videos when you just let the game sit there. I let them all recycle through until I saw the first one again, but I didn't see a Crystal Flash.

Also, I find it funny when you start a new game, the Metroid is always animated in the still pictures.

Anyway, this game looks so great on my widescreen TV.

I gotta buy a classic controller. The button layout on a Wavebird just isn't right for SNES games. I need the four buttons laid out in a diamond, not a... triangle-like shape.

Or, at least for SM, you could just set the buttons to how you want. I find it does help out, because you can use a trigger for speedboost/run, A for shoot, B for jump, Z for select, and still leaves you with X, Y and a trigger, for aiming up/down and cancel.


IGN, 1up, and Gamespot all have previews of Metroid Prime 3 up now and, no I am not going to post links, stop being lazy and type in the URLs.

I must say I was very disappointed with 1up's preview. That preview shows exactly how biased and mainstream 1up is. Gamespot's was ok, but it seemed like they didn't spend a lot of time with the game or they just weren't all that excited. I really liked IGN's because it was very detailed and you could definately tell they gave their full attention to the game.

These previews (at least gamespot's and IGN's) make me really excited about this game, even more so than before. I just can't wait till 8/28 now.


The 1UP preview is terrible. Shane brings up Bioshock and explains that Metroid doesn't look nearly as good. Well no fucking shit jackass. Wii owners know not to expect Bioshock level graphics on the system. Making that comparison was just creating an opportunity to throw in a complain.

If Shane is on the Prime 3 review, expect a 7.5 or 8.0. IGN will probably overrate it (unless it is fucking mindblowing), and Gamespot will probably be right on the money.

The 1UP preview is terrible. Shane brings up Bioshock and explains that Metroid doesn't look nearly as good. Well no fucking shit jackass. Wii owners know not to expect Bioshock level graphics on the system. Making that comparison was just creating an opportunity to throw in a complain.

If Shane is on the Prime 3 review, expect a 7.5 or 8.0. IGN will probably overrate it (unless it is fucking mindblowing), and Gamespot will probably be right on the money.

This is why I love reading comments on Wii games on Gametrailers.com "360/PS3 looks better than this! Crap, this game sucks!"


Gotta love today's generation of gamers. Graphics = everything.

Anyway, I'm not going to spoil myself with any preview/review until I get the game.


Man, every time I hear news about SSBB and MP3, I want a Wii more and more. Prime 3 looks like it'll be amazing, as expected, possibly outdoing the first two easily. Brawl... well, it's Smash Brothers. I love the original, I love Melee (and play it all the time), and Brawl looks fantastic. Other games are also looking great, and I can't wait to experience some of them.

... Not having money to spend anymore sucks.

As for the previews of Prime 3... I'm not surprised. But like Bigfoot, I'm not going to read them. I'd rather go into the game and be surprised.


Wii has officially outsold the 360. Not by much, but it did it in less than a year.


Wow. So much for being a fad, huh? I guess this means, with such a large user base and a high sales rate, that the Wii is going to be around for a while. Which in turn, means that more developers are going to see potential sales, which means more games for us.


Wii has officially outsold the 360. Not by much, but it did it in less than a year.


Wow. So much for being a fad, huh? I guess this means, with such a large user base and a high sales rate, that the Wii is going to be around for a while. Which in turn, means that more developers are going to see potential sales, which means more games for us.


I'm surprised it happened (not to mention so fast), but VG chartz has a tendency to pull their numbers down from time to time, so let's hope this isn't one of those times. I remember them having Xbox 360 sales at 9.x for an awkwardly long period of time as well, fueling speculation there was a bias (the members on the site are predominently Nintendo fans). Seeing as how so many companies said they exclusively made games for PS2 because it was the market leader by such a significant factor, I wonder what kind of franchise shifts could possbily result from this (as you suggested).

Wii has officially outsold the 360. Not by much, but it did it in less than a year.


Wow. So much for being a fad, huh? I guess this means, with such a large user base and a high sales rate, that the Wii is going to be around for a while. Which in turn, means that more developers are going to see potential sales, which means more games for us.


It has Nintendo on it. Of course it's going to sell. But less than a year of sales does not a longevity success make. It's great to see Nintendo doing well, but I'd take a page from the DC story, and not proclaim the system's longevity just yet. It could come back to bite you in the ass ;-)


Of course it's not guranteed to stay successful, but it's selling because of casuals and since no other console caters to them...

Unfortunately this means it may take awhile before we start seeing some quality 3rd party projects on the system...but hey, the DS got them eventually.


I see no reason why it won't continue being a Wii60 kind of a gaming generation. PS3 is still losing support and exclusivity (except for their own 1st/2nd party titles really. Which isn't too bad since their 1st parties are outright amazing) and Wii will obviously get a lot of the casual, family friendly stuff and Nintendo franchises which keeps selling no matter how crappy or great they may be.

I don't even need to bother saying it, but everybody should know that the demographics for the Wii and 360 are not exactly the same. This isn't to knock Wii down, but the 360 has the hardcore crowds since those games aren't exactly accessible for non-gamers or enthusiasts (let's see casual gamers plunk $50 on online services. But many hardcore types do it).

And Damned, the Wii hasn't really been noted as a fad but as a bit of a gimmickry. 3rd parties are right now just in love with using its features even if they do it badly most of the time or just tack it on. Even some Nintendo titles really haven't used it to full effect until recently. And I agree with those who are hopeful for better 3rd party games for the system. For about a year now, it was all ports and remakes-ville.


I doubt Nintendo's catering to the casual market is singlehandedly driving Wii sales. Fact is Nintendo created a low budget console experience with a value on accessibility and interface. The expanded audience gamer demographic responds especially well to that value, so that's how Nintendo's promoting their image at the moment. However, that doesn't mean Nintendo takes their old fanbase for granted if the Fall 2007 game lineup is any indication.

Really it comes down to this: long time gamers have been feed "game consoles need better graphics to warrant a purchase" and many are unwilling to adopt out of skepticism, leaving the expanded audience to carry Wii's hype and marketing image. Nintendo knows and loves us; the problem is we're not showing enough support.

Hehe I like that conclusion. :razz:


I think the Wii sold so well among the non-gamers because these people simply don't have high standards (yet).

I say this because I see people who are even impressed by the graphics of games on their cellphones of all things T__T; Clearly they have not played a console game...ever.

An overwhelming percentage of human beings is just...well mediocre and will settle for mediocre things. If you have nothing to compare to, you just take what you see and think it's the best.

It is true that these people will not likely end up playing 'hardcore' games. In fact, I think after a while they'll just leave their Wii standing in the living room for drunken parties or whatever.

Then there goes Nintendo's 75% income (not accuracte figures).

I just hope these silly people will stick with it and develope some standards and expectations and seek out to play "our" games as well.

I'm not too worried about the Wii's lifespan though. The GameCube managed to do just fine with the 'hardcore' supporters, and this time, Wii is actually getting more software support as well; not ALL games can be crap :)

*knock on wood*


So people who buy something they can enjoy are choosing something that is mediocre?

Seriously, I don't know if you are a nintendo retard, a 360 retard or a PS3 retard.

You seem like a rather well rounded retard.

If they buy the new Cruis'n, they're buying worth than mediocre. They're buying a shot to the face and their wife being beaten. At best.



So people who buy something they can enjoy are choosing something that is mediocre?

Seriously, I don't know if you are a nintendo retard, a 360 retard or a PS3 retard.

You seem like a rather well rounded retard.

There is much more to get out of life than what most people have. But if you don't know what more there is, you can be easily satisfied.

What I'm saying is, these are simple people, simple people need to be entertained by simple things.

Wasn't the whole problem that controllers were too complicated and scared non-gamers away? Things needed to be simplified so these people could also play.

Why do companies care? Because the majority of people IS simple and thus makes one hell of a demographic.

I'm sorry you felt the need to call me a retard. You clearly did not understand what I was saying. I hope the above made more sense to you. If not, then that is fine too.

You could have figured out for yourself though that I wasn't saying 'things that are enjoyable = mediocre'.

You know what? I'll give you a more concrete example: Wii Sports/Wii Play.

Both enjoyable games; at least one of them being a best selling title for Mike knows how long. But compared to a lot of other things, they are mediocre at best: no real challenge, no reward, no lasting ability. If you don't know what else is out there, then you wouldn't know this, and thus you settle for less.

Eventually, you will discover that this game is no longer fulfilling and you either A: wonder why the hell you ever got suckered into buying a Wii, or B: get out there and start looking for what else is out there.

This of course applies to the before mentioned non-gamers.

And that is what I'm saying.


So, because you fail to see the lasting appeal in Wii Sports, you assume there is none.


How is it possible that someone who comes off as trying to sound educated can make the biggest mistake of all: assuming his perception is the right one?

You know, I have played pretty much every console ever. I have tried many games, more than I can remember.

The simplicity in Wii Sports is a beautiful thing. If you fail to see it, its your loss. You will never be happy if you cannot find happiness in simplicity.

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