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Like I said before: I'm happy nintendo is selling so much, but I wish there was more for me to get too, besides the usual minor upgrades of games.

let me introduce you to a company called Capcom....

But yeah, i know how you feel. It's not like you can pick a game anymore, and be satisfied with it for weeks at a time. Except for games like (MMO)RPG's.

That doesn't happen very often, anymore.

I dunno....e3 is making me question my purchase of this system.

More 3rd party shit please.

I think the problem so far, is that it's all we've been hit with. 3rd party shit. Nothing of real quality, anywhere to be seen, yet.

At least Sony didn't seem to try to steal anything from Nintendo this time. That's a first.

let me introduce you to a company called Capcom....

But yeah, i know how you feel. It's not like you can pick a game anymore, and be satisfied with it for weeks at a time. Except for games like (MMO)RPG's.

That doesn't happen very often, anymore.

Well, I did enjoy the old Megaman games... and Streetfighter :) but there's hasn't been any good ones on Nintendo systems since Alpha 2 right? I actually still play that game frequently, which is why I keep saying I don't need next gen to give me what I need per say. ( I would have been happy with a Cube version :))

You're probably referring to Resident Evil though :) ehehehe.

I'm not a big fan of the shooting when it involves blood and gore and stuff, but I'm actually willing to get over that (weak stomache permitting) and give it a try. (again, me small demographic)

The only problem I have with that is that if I do turn out to enjoy that kind of game, it'll just be another game on that list of "sequels of this series will be good".

New ideas please :)

Well, I did enjoy the old Megaman games... and Streetfighter :) but there's hasn't been any good ones on Nintendo systems since Alpha 2 right?

New ideas please :)

You're forgetting Alpha 3 on GBA (though that wasen't done by Capcom), Capcom vs SNK 2 on GC, and the Megaman Battle Network series on GBA and GC.

And Capcom had brought some new idea's in the form of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Godhand. *cough*Clover*cough*. Though i wonder if any of those franchises will find their way onto the Wii...

You're forgetting Alpha 3 on GBA (though that wasen't done by Capcom), Capcom vs SNK 2 on GC, and the Megaman Battle Network series on GBA and GC.

And Capcom had brought some new idea's in the form of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Godhand. *cough*Clover*cough*. Though i wonder if any of those franchises will find their way onto the Wii...

I said good ones ;)

0_0 don't know anything about Capcom vs SNK 2 on Cube, but then Europe never really gets that sort of thing. I'm still waiting for the Megaman compilation as well...

Didn't like Viewtiful Joe much...Okami is not on Nintendo system and uhm never heard of the other ones...

I think that unless next year will be a great Nintendo year, i'm gonna have to get another console afterall...or just keep playing my old games haha.

Thanks for the info though :)

Well, granted, this is one of their patented phases that they've been sporting by releasing as many mini-games that so many kids pick up, decimate and boast about in such short periods of time. Meanwhile, the rest of the gaming populous is desperately waiting for that big game release that will "...possibly occupy" us for extended periods of time.

My thing is, I didn't really account for Nintendo to start the Wii on the mini-game kick. I mean, there was Wind Waker and a few others, but then it slipped into the release of mini-games - - hardcore. Now I'm reading up on Mario Kart and Smash Brothers and this seems like what some of us were actually waiting for.

I'm not inclined to disagree with you on Nintendo not being on track into profitable ascension, but they have this unique habit of slipping into their mini-game habits.

I can understand that this is the problem for serious gamers, but out of the 260,000 Wii's sold in the US, how many of them do you think went to "serious gamers"? The Wii brought in a whole new crowd of people for its minigames and wii sports and wii play and wario ware, and I imagine thats how Nintendo wanted to startoff their next gen console.

Not to mention great games like the ones we will be seeing in 4 months take a while to develop with the new Wii control system and dev kit. Goldeneye came over a year after the N64 was released, and Perfect Dark 4 years later.

I can understand that this is the problem for serious gamers, but out of the 260,000 Wii's sold in the US, how many of them do you think went to "serious gamers"? The Wii brought in a whole new crowd of people for its minigames and wii sports and wii play and wario ware, and I imagine thats how Nintendo wanted to startoff their next gen console.

Not to mention great games like the ones we will be seeing in 4 months take a while to develop with the new Wii control system and dev kit. Goldeneye came over a year after the N64 was released, and Perfect Dark 4 years later.

You missed by a whole order of magnitude. That should be 2.6 million Wii in North America. But the actual numbers are closer to 3.6 million, now.

Out of 3.6 million units, how many went to "serious gamers"? I'd say.. the entire launch shipment, and everything through the holidays.


Capcom should have held on to Clover. Maybe they could have marketed those games better.

Maybe consumers should have been less skeptical and bought those games.


Finally got a chance to watch more Metroid Prime 3 vids, as well as read the hands-on for that and Mario Galaxy. The more I hear about those, the more excited I am to play! After reading the hands-on for Umbrella Chronicles, though, it's sounding less and less appealing. Dammit Capcom, why didn't you just make it like RE4 like you were supposed to?


You guys complaining about a lack of 3rd party support have to look at it this way: Publishers probably looked at history, specifically how Gamecube did. After seeing that the Gamecube sold poorly and the PS2 dominated everything, I'm betting most publishers decided to commission games to be made for the PS3 and figured it wouldn't be worth spending the money on Nintendo.

What happened? The Wii took off like a rocket ship and the PS3 languished behind. Note the alarming number of game cancellations for the PS3 after the systems had launched. Meanwhile, after the holidays, reports came out about companies slating more games to be released for Wii. Given that it's going to take them at least a year to really crank anything worth buying out, I'd say 2008 is going to be the return of 3rd party support for Nintendo.

What we've gotten so far were the scrap offerings. The initial "Eh, it's just a Nintendo system. We have a crappy movie license to make a game on, right? Do that one." and the later "Oh shit, that thing's actually selling? IT SOLD HOW MUCH? Why didn't we make games for this thing? Quick, port Scarface over while it's still hot!"

You missed by a whole order of magnitude. That should be 2.6 million Wii in North America. But the actual numbers are closer to 3.6 million, now.

Out of 3.6 million units, how many went to "serious gamers"? I'd say.. the entire launch shipment, and everything through the holidays.

I would've said a little over 3 million, but you may be more accurate. Still, those serious gamers are holding out for games like Smash Bros., Mario Kart... I can point out even more who are waiting for the release of Metroid and Mario Galaxy, just to get their hands on a Wii.


Wait, why does Mario have a bee suit? Nintendo was kind of underwhelming this year. Wii fitness seems kind of neat, it's a much better concept than execution at least in my mind. I'd probably buy one, but i don't like exercise and it would just gather dust. While i was watching the press conference i was like "i can do all those things right now without the pad" (not that i would, hell I'm laying down as i type this) So is Smash brothers online or not? I didn't see a mention of it anywhere.

You guys complaining about a lack of 3rd party support have to look at it this way: Publishers probably looked at history, specifically how Gamecube did. After seeing that the Gamecube sold poorly and the PS2 dominated everything, I'm betting most publishers decided to commission games to be made for the PS3 and figured it wouldn't be worth spending the money on Nintendo.

What happened? The Wii took off like a rocket ship and the PS3 languished behind. Note the alarming number of game cancellations for the PS3 after the systems had launched. Meanwhile, after the holidays, reports came out about companies slating more games to be released for Wii. Given that it's going to take them at least a year to really crank anything worth buying out, I'd say 2008 is going to be the return of 3rd party support for Nintendo.

What we've gotten so far were the scrap offerings. The initial "Eh, it's just a Nintendo system. We have a crappy movie license to make a game on, right? Do that one." and the later "Oh shit, that thing's actually selling? IT SOLD HOW MUCH? Why didn't we make games for this thing? Quick, port Scarface over while it's still hot!"

Another problem stemming from the under performance of last Gen Nintendo systems is 3rd party developers put their third string, fourth string, and lower dev teams on projects, turned out lesser games, then complained that their games weren't selling on Nintendo platforms. I think it was Miyamoto who pointed out that if they want to compete, they need to put their top development teams on projects. That's what they need to do, and should start doing this generation since the Wii is gaining a dominant place in the market. It's just going to take 3rd parties a while to catch up.

So is Smash brothers online or not? I didn't see a mention of it anywhere.

First of all, Smash Bros isn't making a serious appearance at E3. It doesn't need to be there stealing the thunder of other titles. Everybody who's interested in Smash Bros already knows about it and is being fed a steady flow of tidbits daily. So the likelihood of any Smash related announcements coming out of E3 are remote.

Second of all, it's doubtful Smash Bros will have a full fledged online fighting mode, if it even goes online at all. This is due to the limitation of sending info online. Lag, even a little lag, would kill, murder, and destroy the Smash experience. Smash Bros relies on precision response time. If Smash Bros does have an online component, it will be something different from the primary game play.

Wait, why does Mario have a bee suit? Nintendo was kind of underwhelming this year. Wii fitness seems kind of neat, it's a much better concept than execution at least in my mind. I'd probably buy one, but i don't like exercise and it would just gather dust. While i was watching the press conference i was like "i can do all those things right now without the pad" (not that i would, hell I'm laying down as i type this) So is Smash brothers online or not? I didn't see a mention of it anywhere.

E3 was underwhelming in general. To me, Nintendo's was the least underwhelming - at least they announced some new stuff and closer concrete dates than was expected for some stuff (i.e. SSBB, SMG, Mario Kart).

E3 was underwhelming in general. To me, Nintendo's was the least underwhelming - at least they announced some new stuff and closer concrete dates than was expected for some stuff (i.e. SSBB, SMG, Mario Kart).

Any bets for how long until they bring back the old format of E3, or at least until something similar springs up, for the entire industry again?

Any bets for how long until they bring back the old format of E3, or at least until something similar springs up, for the entire industry again?

That's a good question...What was the reason they downsized it again though? I don't remember that little bit of info.

I don't think it'll change back though, these sort of things are usually set in stone for whatever reason.

That's a good question...What was the reason they downsized it again though? I don't remember that little bit of info.

The person in charge of it (a woman, go figure) decided that she didn't like the whole idea of a testosterone-filled, babe-stuffed, giant extravaganza and announced the downsizing while claiming it was to promote and encourage smaller developers to break out at the show. Basically, she didn't like how big companies came out with giant, house-sized booths, scantily-clad females, and bombastic speakers and swept smaller companies under the rug their noise was creating.

So, short version: They downsized it to give smaller companies a chance to show off.

Personally, I'm still just seeing the same news with the same bravado from the same companies. She probably pushed the downsizing on E3 because she was embarrassed to head up the "Biggest Nerd-Circus on Earth."


Except that a lot of companies just aren't bothering with anything this year, unless it's their own private showings.

Notice how there's been like.. 20 conferences so far, this year? Even Squenix had their own, instead of showing off at E3.

I think they need to go back to the whole centralized thing. Maybe someone should make their own mega center and rent it out the other 360 days of the year and put E3 on during an extended long weekend or something.

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