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The founder of Facebook likes to send us garbage by changing the whole system of the site, and they made the 'new' wall ugly! :-x

I love how much people cry about the new Facebook because they've taken absolutely no time to learn how to use it and completely ignore that fact that MAYBE, with a little...oh I don't know...TRYING? It's a better system.

That, and no one's forcing you to use it.

AND there was like a 4-5 month period where they were constantly posting screenshots, and asking for feedback. Not their fault you didn't give it.

The founder of Facebook likes to send us garbage by changing the whole system of the site, and they made the 'new' wall ugly! :-x

Why, oh why, did you revive this thread after a year and a half?

Regardless, I will take this chance to respond to a post in this thread from 2006 that doesn't even apply anymore.

Facebook is retarded. You have to register to VIEW a page and they regularly delete the BugMeNot accounts.

I refuse to register for a site without even anonymous read-only access.

I think you're seeing facebook the wrong way. It's for college students to stay in touch with each other, not some random stalker like you to find out information about people. Nice try

I resent that insult. I am (and was in 2006) a college student. My friends use facebook and often linked me to their stuff. Stuff I may have wanted to see, but couldn't without registering due to the then-elitism of the website. It is for that reason that I didn't WANT to register. Nice try at flaming.


I personally love the new profile pages. I've always been a big fan of the tabs on Google's personalized homepages. I just wish other people would quit whining and learn to use them so we get more interesting pages than "Info," "Wall" and "Photo."

I have some complaints about the new home page, but they're relatively minor, so I won't go on about them here.

It's basically MySpace but with annoying, totally random pictures.


I'm very confused as to how you could find Facebook more annoying than MySpace. The entire interface is so much cleaner, and I don't have to listen to your crappy music when I visit your profile.

This post creeped me the heck out, because I was just about to post something along those lines when I realized I already had. Two years ago.


I love the new Facebook, because someone finally realized it was OK to have a CSS stylesheet more than 5 pixels wide, so you can actually do shit without scrolling down for a year. Once they remedy the box situation, I'll call it perfect.

Also I don't see the big deal about registering to see profiles. Would *you* want some random stranger checking out your address and phone number?

It's already in the phonebook, what the hell do I care?

I don't think your average college student's apartment and cellphone number is going to be in the phonebook.

Mine wasn't...not as mine anyway. it was in there was Sunset Printing, a printing service that went under before I got their number. So I had to get my number listed so it wouldn't be listed as theirs...

...I still get phone calls from people looking to collect debt from their employees, but since I relisted my number I get a lot less.

And who are you? The thread police? :tomatoface:


"We" meaning all the old-timers on the board.

Or are you seriously advocating reviving 1.5-year-old threads?

It was my idea to revive it! :razz:


I like how facebook can keep you connected with friends. It's like an address book on steroids. I DON'T like how the comments are publicly viewable to whoever. Bunch of narcissists running around commenting on each other.

If you don't want people seeing your phone number and address you DON'T PUT IT ON THE INTERNET.

Um, I *do* want people seeing my phone number and address, just not people I'm not friends with.

The fact that you're suggesting that everybody else delete their contact info just so *you* don't have to spend 30 seconds registering frankly boggles my mind.

I love the new Facebook, because someone finally realized it was OK to have a CSS stylesheet more than 5 pixels wide, so you can actually do shit without scrolling down for a year. Once they remedy the box situation, I'll call it perfect.

I love the new Facebook because I no longer have to see the 5 miles of screenspace of applications that some people have on their wall. I just never go to the applications tab and I'm happy.

I love the new Facebook because I no longer have to see the 5 miles of screenspace of applications that some people have on their wall. I just never go to the applications tab and I'm happy.

I love the new Facebook because it automatically imports all my information from Last.FM, GoogleReader, YouTube, AND MORE, makes it way easier for me to share links and crud, and makes it SO much easier to sort through all the crap that and get to what I want.


On the first day of law school they told everyone to delete their Facebooks, MySpaces, etc. as a precautionary measure. Even if you have a totally professional page, a link to your friend's page where there's a picture of you enjoying life in an intoxicated state or a mention of your promiscuity is not a legal bar to employment, but it can definitely be considered. I have personally never utilized any variation of a personal page, so the only things with my name on them in Google are college-related. It's just safer that way.

On the first day of law school they told everyone to delete their Facebooks, MySpaces, etc. as a precautionary measure. Even if you have a totally professional page, a link to your friend's page where there's a picture of you enjoying life in an intoxicated state or a mention of your promiscuity is not a legal bar to employment, but it can definitely be considered.

This is why I go to arts school and/or may never have a 'real' job.

On the first day of law school they told everyone to delete their Facebooks, MySpaces, etc. as a precautionary measure. Even if you have a totally professional page, a link to your friend's page where there's a picture of you enjoying life in an intoxicated state or a mention of your promiscuity is not a legal bar to employment, but it can definitely be considered. I have personally never utilized any variation of a personal page, so the only things with my name on them in Google are college-related. It's just safer that way.

funny story. I applied for a job as a political intern for a local Republican governor. I'm a democrat but this was the only political job that actually paid. I was hired but my guy asked me why I had a John Edwards pin as my Facebook pic (I keep all my stuff private, but the pic is publically viewable)

I denied it saying that it was another First Name, Last Name (my name is pretty common). Still he said he wouldn't let me go for being part of another political party but it wouldn't look to good in front of my very consevative co-workers.

Later I deleted everything controversial from my facebook. My facebook is pretty vanilla now.


I use Facebook for complete bullshit. My status is either something I find funny or something fictional. My profile picture is often that of Lelouch from Code Geass.

The Visual Bookshelf app is pretty useful for keeping track of the 25 or so books on my "Want to Read" list and the 180 odd books I've read.

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