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I'm not fond of the change, but I'm sure I can get used to it with time. My only REAL issue is the smileys. They're fugly. Can we redesign them?

It'll be fixed eventually, and we'll most likely get the old smilies back. It's a minor thing though, so it's at the end of the queue.

Wow, new forum, this will take some getting use to.

I've wondered if you can possibly have a custom avatar.

No. Avatars stay the way they are.

I haven't yet seen a response to kamoh, KyleJCrb, and The Damned's comments concerning thread titles. As this affects me as well, running a competition, I'd be particularly interested in seeing that this is, at least, addressed.

Please don't overlook this...


I haven't seen any replies from mods or admins about my, Coop's, and AD's questions regarding character limit. 10 character minimum is perhaps the most run into problem for some users and terribly annoying. 5000 maximum PM character limit is cumbersome as I just found out in a reply to zircon, so I can agree with AD.

I would really like to see the 10 character minimum in "Post Reply" to be adressed.

As well as I would like to point out again some slight frustration with 4 image limit (which include smilies). For the avatar thread, for image threads and for extensive smiley user's, that's death. Can we increase that max limit to slightly more than that? Perhaps 8 or so?

Any hope for doing something about the smacktarded behavior of the "quick reply" window?

Yes, switch to threaded mode. Quick reply will automatically be enabled for the post you are currently viewing.


Yeah, I think some people brought this up also, but I don't know how to quote an entire persons post, i.e. post a quote of a quote. So if I am responding to someones argument in a PPR thread, and they quoted someone else in their post, I have to paraphrase what the first person said to make my post make sense. There might be a way to do this, though I'm not sure right now how to. If anyone could help that'd be great.

Yeah, I think some people brought this up also, but I don't know how to quote an entire persons post, i.e. post a quote of a quote. So if I am responding to someones argument in a PPR thread, and they quoted someone else in their post, I have to paraphrase what the first person said to make my post make sense. There might be a way to do this, though I'm not sure right now how to. If anyone could help that'd be great.

There's no simple way around this I've found. You have to use the "Multi-quote" button on every post you want quoted for it to be included. but this creates separate boxes for each quote. To make a nexus, you have to cut the first tag off and paste it just after the first tag of someone else's quote.

It takes effort now.


Has anyone had issues with Firefox's Adblock and the new forums? I found that with it enabled, a lot of the background images were blocked.

I don't have anything on www.ocremix.org blocked, for sure. I figure those images must have names that match up with one of my entries with a wildcard character, but I don't know which one.

If anyone who's had the same problem and has a solution could help me out, you'd be awesome.

EDIT: Hmm, never mind. For some reason, once I turned Adblock off and on, the forums were displayed properly. Weird.


Is the 10 character limit going to be changed? It is pretty frustrating, especially in a situation where one just wants to agree with someone, by quoting their post or simply saying 'qfe'. There's also that pesky 4 image limit, which really makes posting in a game screenshot or 4chan thread a pain.

Of course, these are all issues that primarily effect unmodders, so I am not so sure how much effort will be went to fix these. It almost seems like there is a general feeling of animosity from the mods and admins toward that section (even without unmodders bringing it on themselves).


Another really small issue, and I have no idea if it was brought up already.

When previewing a post, the font is tiny (the same size as posts were a couple days ago I believe.)



the link to the forums anywhere on the OCR wiki goes to the phpbb forum, just thought i'd mention

ok so I was too vague

I meant the info section (http://www.ocremix.org/info) which is also called the OCR wiki which is what I was talking about. The link to the forum on the sidebar there goes to the phpbb forum and not the new ones. I can't edit the sidebar.

and i know it isn't important i just thought i'd mention it.



I meant the info section (http://www.ocremix.org/info) which is also called the OCR wiki which is what I was talking about. The link to the forum on the sidebar there goes to the phpbb forum and not the new ones. I can't edit the sidebar.

Fixed; MediaWiki uses a separate (imo embarassingly craptastic) templating system, so when sidebar changes occur, it's usually the last to get them. Thanks for the reminder.

I haven't yet seen a response to kamoh, KyleJCrb, and The Damned's comments concerning thread titles. As this affects me as well, running a competition, I'd be particularly interested in seeing that this is, at least, addressed.

This is the second time this has been passed over...


I see the orange theme still exists in the "Next Thread" text just above the quick reply box, but I'd like to see it extend to the rest of the forum, as it used to be. You know, on the thread titles and such.

This is the second time this has been passed over...

Don't assume it's being passed over; in this instance, I just don't have a good answer for you yet. vB's permissions are very different from phpBB's, and we're erring on the side of being too restrictive initially, which is almost always a better approach than locking things down after the fact. Clearly, there's a real need for users to be able to edit their own thread titles - no argument there.

For minimum post length and max images, I'm going to consult the mods and vB best practices. For user editing of thread titles, I don't need to - this is something we had before that was pretty crucial, and as soon as I can figure out how to reimplement without granting any other permissions at the same time, I will.

Yeah, I think some people brought this up also, but I don't know how to quote an entire persons post, i.e. post a quote of a quote. So if I am responding to someones argument in a PPR thread, and they quoted someone else in their post, I have to paraphrase what the first person said to make my post make sense. There might be a way to do this, though I'm not sure right now how to. If anyone could help that'd be great.

Not trying to be a dick, I'm just not sure if this was addressed or passed over. There was one comment about using the multi-quote feature, which seems to be quite a hassle. It doesn't seem like something there would be a quick fix to, so I might just have to get use to this, but if it could be implemented a lot of people I think would appreciate it. Thanks.

Don't assume it's being passed over; in this instance, I just don't have a good answer for you yet. vB's permissions are very different from phpBB's, and we're erring on the side of being too restrictive initially, which is almost always a better approach than locking things down after the fact. Clearly, there's a real need for users to be able to edit their own thread titles - no argument there.

For minimum post length and max images, I'm going to consult the mods and vB best practices. For user editing of thread titles, I don't need to - this is something we had before that was pretty crucial, and as soon as I can figure out how to reimplement without granting any other permissions at the same time, I will.

Thanks. And sorry. It was just important to me.

Replace them with the standard letter, with no accent.

that work, ok, but once it's done, i can't add anymore people. It still report the error with the non standard letter.

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