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OK, to everyone that thinks now that I've labeled them as "useless" and "nothing" ... is an "Unmodder" the only thing you are? What about a regular user here at the OCR forums? All of the people involved are not what I was glad to see go. It was the forum itself.

Do you know how dangerous that place was for my work browsing behind? Someone would want me to go check out something there for real, and the next thing I know I'm looking at chicks with dicks or a tentacle rape and I'm scrambling for the X button. For a place that seems as uber-legitimate as it does (OCR) on the outside, when I saw Unmod it just gave it a filthy feel. But not the people of Unmod. I NEVER said that.

Maybe it's just because I'm a old-skool moralistic bastard. Who knows? Is it the death of Unmod itself if the act is cleaned up? Or can the fun keep going? Can't you have a "And it made me smile..." thread still? I mean, I'm just hitting the tip of the iceberg of Unmod I know, but I don't have enough room to talk about all of it.

All in all, please accept my apology and know that I appreciate the PEOPLE of Unmod a whole lot. My own main man TO lurked in that dungeon all the time. Even if he is an Aussie.


It's been a hell of a week. In 5 years I don't think I've ever seen quite so much excitement here, except maybe the 350 dollar hat thread and the great sidebar war of '06. But seriously, as confusing as it is to sort out all the issues, UnMod needed to go. There was definitely fun to be had there, but overall the forum had almost nothing to do with OCR. I think its deletion bothers people simply because it was the redheaded stepchild we hid in the basement for so long that it felt right to have it there.

But OCR isn't a site for posting porn, trolling, etc. And if Dave allows that to grow, we'll be just like the GameFAQs forums in a couple of years. Nobody wants that. Nobody. NO. BODY. I have been suprised by the amount of banned members and locked threads, and I'm not sure I agree with retrobanning in certain cases (i.e. You did something evil 4 years ago and now you're screwed), But truth be told, the mods have had a fairly good reason for every thread they've locked, consolidated, or moved. It's incredibly difficult for even a group of people to maintain order on a forum this active, especially because none of us like having our intarwebs stepped on. But the culling is necessary, because there's a huge amount of adbots, spambots, trollers, and generally mean people that simply detract from whatever thread they post in.

Hopefully it'll settle down after the wheat is removed from the chaff, but it's gonna be hairy for awhile. But I think the mods are doing a good job. I also don't believe the judges are Nazis for that matter. Furthermore, the site belongs to Dave, and I say hooray for keeping the original vision in view. The timing of the deletion might've been (read: was) rather bad, but deleting a forum like that is never gonna be pretty So keep on keepin' on, shtymod/jdg/djpfgts.


Maybe it's just because I'm a old-skool moralistic bastard. Who knows? Is it the death of Unmod itself if the act is cleaned up? Or can the fun keep going? Can't you have a "And it made me smile..." thread still? I mean, I'm just hitting the tip of the iceberg of Unmod I know, but I don't have enough room to talk about all of it.

That's the problem with most people that are glad to see unmod gone.

But I've talked enough about the unmod deletion topic. Bring on offtop, if it fails, well, we'll always have that thing we rarely use but that could come in handy in cases like this, it's called "Real Life"


Personnally i'll be glad to have a version of unmod without all the fad thread, flood and random porn we were used to found. I have nothing against the boobies thread or the eichi thread, we need to keep that type of stuff in a thread rather than randomly showing of everywhere. And i understand blad, about save browsing at work.

Anyway my enjoyement in unmod was coming from imms, sigmaking, and random talk about stuff that are not VG, anime, music related.

I'm sad about the deletion of unmod too, but it's done. The show must go on. the old unmod i liked and used to know was gone after the sidebar for me, so unmod was just agonizing since then.

I just put my expectation in Offtop, because unmod was moderated during it's last day anyway.


UnMod gets deleted. a ton of people leave.

I think a lot of the problem for the staff is realizing that OCR is actually not as impressive as so many think. Look at how many people came here just for UnMod. Doesn't that speak about the rest of the place? The balls have been cut off and now people are waiting for the last of the blood to drip.

UnMod gets deleted. a ton of people leave.

I think a lot of the problem for the staff is realizing that OCR is actually not as impressive as so many think. Look at how many people came here just for UnMod. Doesn't that speak about the rest of the place? The balls have been cut off and now people are waiting for the last of the blood to drip.

Or, it could speak about how many people visit this site. This site is far more known than people seem to think - the mirrors and the main site move ~6 TB monthly after all for good reason. One could argue that it wouldn't dent the audience at large with a look at some of the stats.

But again, this is irrelevant to the points of discussion, and really is just a petty comment.


Umm.... no. As a site dedicated to video game remixes, OCR is a vastly impressive accomplishment, with a vibrant community of semi-sentient musicians, artists, and plain old human beings, with prices starting in the 300's. As a back alley cesspool where people come to troll, post porn, or start flamewars, I'm afraid it's rather lacking at this point. If you want that, I recommend going here, where the majority of unMod has gone anyways, and where I will continue to go when I feel like doing dirty deeds on the internet.


While it's good that the discussion is ongoing, some aspects of it are more constructive than others.

Unmod is gone- I'd be willing to place a large bet (on myself in round 1) that it ain't coming back. And even if it was restored, miraculously, resurrected before our eyes- it wouldn't be the same. Because of the people that have already jumped ship entirely, or decided they'll never come back, etc. Also, the aforementioned fear of losing it all again is major. What happened made a very real rift in this place as a whole.

So, how to fix that? I don't know if you really can. You can't rebuild what Unmod was. It's gone forever. Offtopic will be a different place, and maybe, over time, it can attain some of the things that made the deletion of Unmod such a sad event.

I'm going to try and get involved in it when it shows up, and I'm very interested to see what develops. It won't be Unmod, but it will hopefully become its own place, if it is allowed to do so. I enjoyed the random silliness that Unmod had, but regrettably I never got involved in the deeper aspects. I wish now I had, but maybe I can contribute to something like that in OT when it arrives. I do hope that things like photo caption contests, random image threads, etc. are allowed to thrive.

Anyway, I think we need to move from saying what was wrong about this- we all know that. Nothing can be done to fix it. All we can try and do is aspire to make OT a place with a history of its own, and ensure somehow that what happened to Unmod doesn't happen again. Even so, it will be a while before people can forget that they lost a part of the net they considered home. That doesn't just get better overnight, even with apologies, new forums or whatever else. It takes time, more than anything, and that's what was really lost and can never be replaced- the time people spent making Unmod what it was, good and bad. If you notice, a lot of these posts look something like euologies. That says quite a bit.

Now an exception to what I said about the complaints- part of the process of getting past it, for some, may be saying how much the deletion sucked- then so be it, I say, do what you have to. But if it's just pointing out what was wrong for the sake of saying how it was wrong- well, I think we all realize that errors were made, on both sides.

Anyway, I just think we need to look forward and be constructive. This post is just to say what I think I'll do and how I'm feeling about it, not really to give much advice- it isn't my place to speak for anyone else. I hope OT can be a place I want to spend time in, and I hope I can help make it that kind of place- but we won't know for sure until we see what's allowed and what isn't, and who will be there. So until then I'll just wait and see. I will say, though, that I hope to see many of you there.

Perhaps even the shtymodjdgfgts. ;)


I was always under the impression that part of what made OCR's forums good was UnMod and it providing a place for all the stupidity to be isolated. I never contributed to it and just looked at the image threads. Oh well, there's the rest of the Internet, but most of the image threads were pretty good filters for the rest of the Internet.

I don't even want to know what it would've been like with advance notice, especially considering the lack of maturity that some exhibited and are known for.

I would like to point out that we did sort of have an "advance notice" when Darke mentioned OffTop before all the drama started taking place. Honestly, I don't think that many UnModders at all would have been too against the concept itself. However, with all the powertripping and disrespect coming from the mods just before the deletion of the forum, we were (and still are) naturally very skeptical that OffTop would become any more than "GenDisc 2," where the mods could ban anyone that they had a personal grudge against - Hell, I'm sure zircon wouldn't have hesitated to ban someone for trash-talking him or Pixie on UnMod despite the fact that the original purpose of the forum was to provide an outlet to bitch about DJP, of all people.

And honestly, the "retroactive banning" crap was just bull, because the mods were deliberately opening wounds from eight months ago which we thought had largely healed. Those members thought they were given a second chance for something that was really quite petty in the first place, and then when some of the mods decided on a whim to ban them without warning it became all too clear that that was merely an illusion and that some of the mods did not care at all. I hate to sound like a child, but they started it.


Man, I want to say something that will get me banned, but I wont.

Well, I should say I want to go on a tirade and make fun of some peoples... actions... but I wont.

Damnit, I want my UnMod or OffTop... either one. As long as we can do all the same stuff we did in UnMod, except the illeagle stuff, than I'll be sorta happy.

Also, making fun of the mods, or anything like that, should NOT be bannable in OffTop. Offtopic is, after all, offtopic(lawls, and UnMod really was UnModerated. --_--)

Please, don't stop on our account.

You know, I know a lot of folks here either don't like me(A couple) , just give me shit to have something to do(more people), or are meh about me.

I was REALLY thinking about starting a trend in my posts... and I might. It depends on his crappy OffTop and Gendis is.


Though a lot of shit went down and a lot of it was bad, things might not be so bad. The .org community isn't new Unmod, but something else which is good in itself, and time might prove that the deletion of OCR unmod was actually beneficial to .org. If off topic fulfills any of the potential it has, I think most of what used to constitute unmod would be catered to.

Now, if I understand things correctly (and feel free to correct me if I don't), this OT forum is made without direct relation to the primary activities and intents of OCR, or to phrase it differently: more of a community forum, and the its reason to exist is that it is people who make up OCR. People who not only wish to discuss topics more or less related to music or gaming, but all sorts of things with their friends they made through the common ground OCR has provided.

Anyway the whole point of this is make it more clear where I'm coming from with the point I'm so painstakingly slowly am trying to make. If we have a staff who automatically asumes that discussing the future (or non-future as it were) of a community with what constitutes it would lead to more bad things than just suddenly ripping it away there is no possibility of making this off topic work in the long run. Converesly it's not that good if parts of the community nurtures a culture of resentment towards the staff simply because they cannot see the many positive things they do for the community. As many have pointed out much more eloquently than I can, one of the reasons things got this tense was due to the lack of interaction between the staff and large parts of the community.

This leads me to a suggestion: In the forming of the new forum, why not let those who intend partaking in it have an active role in its forming? I know that there are some things that necesarily cannot be allowed, and that neither djp nor anyone else has some sort of obligation to the community, but I really think that inviting the future users of OT to have a say in what it's going to be about before its launch would help to alleviate some of the tension between staff and parts of the community. It would also probably help promoting a mutual understanding of what "the other side" wants from the new section of the OCR forums. Hopefully there won't even be a need of such dichotomous descriptions of the situation in the long run.

For example the users of OT could be allowed to have opinions on who moderates it, or what additional rules to the absolute minimun that is required there should be.


Well, good for those who don't care, but coming from a part-time unmodder, this sucks the balls of King Kong.

Yes, there was a lot of gross and disgusting crap there, but there was a lot of quality and fun there too. Sometimes you have to crawl through shit to get to the good stuff, and that was the case with unmod. And the best stuff ever was on unmod, not gendisc. Crazy pictures, random topics that usually don't make any sense, fad threads - it's all good stuff.

Hell, gendisc, was cool a few years ago, but I've slowly watched it decay to this, and it grew even worse when PPR was created, which resulted in most fun topics crawling to unmod and PPR.

So a big boo-hoo from me and a salute to what remains of Unmod. The site itself kicks ass like never before, but the forums aren't anything when compared to what they used to be - which explains why I don't post here very much anymore.

Hey, but the boss is the boss, and Pretzel busts his ass for this site, so that's how it goes.

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