Bahamut Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I agree in that Offtopic should be sort of like unmod - useless stuff (fad threads and the like) since most of the great unmod threads were far better than anything else that you would find in the entire forums. But the announcement by djp makes it sound as just another moderated gendisc, where the topics are off-topic from the ones in gendisc.(which is stupid imo, since the topics on gendisc are mostly offtopic from the site's purpose, that is, remixes. But oh well) Well, we don't want an overflowing of the fad threads (come on, you know that some of those cases were pretty extreme and stupid), but yeah, we just don't want massive trolling, flooding, spamming, and abuse of that nature. Essentially Unmod with the crap taken out. Also if someone acts really dense and posting to piss people off, they will get just as moderated, so as to keep the forum clean of that. Also, I'm not sure where the whole no porn thing came from - even djp was like "no porn?" We'll probably be discussing this in the next few days (I'd lean more towards the end of the week though).
Martin Penwald Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I... kinda like the OCR forums nowLess threads to check! Says the guy who made a shitload of (fad)threads every single day...
supremespleen Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Coop mentioned it, and I will to - the worst part about this whole thing was seeing people that I like and respect on both sides act like dicks. For someone like me, who has a foot in the door of both sections of the site, it was fairly disheartening.
Señor Quetzalcoatl Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Off topic was a place for the topics that actually generated interest in unmod. ie: Consider it a "Best of unmod" forum. Even if that stuff was dirty, or questionable material (think cockbee or boobies thread) that would have a place there. I personally thought that this was a great idea because it took away the unattractive parts of unmod that were keeping a lot of staff members from taking the forum seriously. I strongly enjoyed visiting unmod daily for those funny threads where everyone was free to participate without limitations, and the lack of the forum hurts me as much as it seems to hurt a lot of people on OCR. I can only hope that when Off Topic does open, it's given the leeway to play out what it was initially intended for. The main problem here is that many of those who were "best of unmod", as you put it, and who "generated interest in unmod" have been driven away. And suddenly at that. Imagine you have a pretty kick-ass party going on and then suddenly throw everybody out because a handful of people simply piss you off. The night is young, so those who want to continue partying organize their own party. But then you open your doors again that night and start calling people up to come to your party. You can't really expect all those who left to come back. There's another party going on elsewhere already. At best, there will be two parties. Some will return, others will drive back and forth, and some will always stay at that other one. I really think there are situations in life that are beyond repair, and this is one of those. People from both sides just went overboard. But as I said, there is no way to make amends. Off-topic will start something new, but not like the "best of unmod" in my opinion. .org won't be the "best of" either. Just two parties going on at the same time.
The Orichalcon Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 All we can do is continue and hope that people enjoy the new forum. Maybe some of those people who made unmod great will come back if the forum really is a "best of".
SS4Matt Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Who decided it would be a good idea to get rid of UnMod? I mean, frack, I was gone for a few days to go to college, get everything set up, and UnMod is GONE? WTF man? Who in the blazes decided that would be a good idea
Dhsu Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 It'd help not to give them what is essentially a huge middle finger.
SS4Matt Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I really REALLY hope Dave is just drunk right now(we all know he likes a drink every now and then) and I hope that he figures out how STUPID a decision this is.
Bahamut Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I also have said that pic should definitely not been posted (I was in the pic for fun, as were some others like rama) - I said that right when the picture was taken.
Dhsu Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I'm not even referring to the picture...I'm talking about the nonchalant deletion of UnMod and just the staff's unapologetic attitude about the situation in general.
Bahamut Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 The plan has always been to delete Unmod - the question was of when it should be done. The new forum should be up by the end of the week, once we flesh out the rules for it. How this was handled definitely could have been better though.
Dhsu Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I didn't make it...a lot of UnModders have it, but I guess they either left or were banned. Thanks though.
The Coop Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 All we can do is continue and hope that people enjoy the new forum. Maybe some of those people who made unmod great will come back if the forum really is a "best of". Only time will tell, Orichalcon. If it does, it won't be immediate. Those who left will be watching to see how Off Topic is run, and just where the boundaries are. A lot of trash was talked by both sides, and it continues to be as we've seen. So it'll like take while for the dust to settle, and for people to chill out. I too have hopes of Off Topic allowing everyone to do the image threads, the contests, the edit threads, and all the things that generated interest and many a good time in UnMod. But since so little has really been mentioned, and what was said sounded extremely restrictive in how it was worded, it's a "wait and see" game for now. I won't miss the thread breaks, the image/text bombs, the massive fad thread outbreaks (though a few were funny), and their ilk, but I'm hoping I won't wind up missing all the things that made UnMod fun to take part in. Edit: Hellcom- I made that badge after a few folks asked for one about UnMod's deletion. If you like it, feel free to use it.
hhallahh Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Off topic was a place for the topics that actually generated interest in unmod. ie: Consider it a "Best of unmod" forum. Even if that stuff was dirty, or questionable material (think cockbee or boobies thread) that would have a place there. I personally thought that this was a great idea because it took away the unattractive parts of unmod that were keeping a lot of staff members from taking the forum seriously.I strongly enjoyed visiting unmod daily for those funny threads where everyone was free to participate without limitations, and the lack of the forum hurts me as much as it seems to hurt a lot of people on OCR. I can only hope that when Off Topic does open, it's given the leeway to play out what it was initially intended for. Unfortunately, this line of thinking fails to incorporate the fact that Unmod was a community of individuals which had evolved over several years. You can't just "build it and they will come", there are plenty of lame "off-topic" forums strewn around the internet. Unmod was an exception, though, one that had grown over time to its current form. And the mods gutted it, and everyone realizes that .org is "the cool place to be".. and unfortunately, this will continue to be the case, as many people of note who would visit this site will end up migrating to .org, now that it's probably hit the critical threshold of being a self-sustaining entity that will siphon off everything that made Unmod great from this site. This little social experiment will not work as intended. At least not as you would hope. The mods.. I'm sure they don't really give a damn, they would be happy to babysit a bunch of children in diapers as long as they got their precious respect.
Bahamut Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I'm not even referring to the picture...I'm talking about the nonchalant deletion of UnMod and just the staff's unapologetic attitude about the situation in general. We're going to have a talk about this - I'm trying to get it as soon as possible, but of course some people only come on at night. There are definitely apologies to be given from the staff though. We'll probably make an announcement about it and have each of us post in it with the relevant comments. I understand how some people won't be coming back - some of those people were wanted out, some not, but there has been some bad blood left behind that needs to be addressed. It is definitely something of concern though. However, people should not forget that there were many childish actions done during this time as well. The flooding and trolling that occurred after the deletion was a definite indication that something was wrong. I talked to some of the .org people earlier, and they admitted that some stuff was out of hand. The crux of the problem appears to be miscommunication, and I aim on trying to get that fixed for the future.
atmuh Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Coop mentioned it, and I will to - the worst part about this whole thing was seeing people that I like and respect on both sides act like dicks.For someone like me, who has a foot in the door of both sections of the site, it was fairly disheartening. both sides angered me as well WHERE DO I TURN???
Kitsuta Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 I think the real shame here, is that a lot of fun things took place in UnMod... things that couldn't have been done in Gen Dis. Anyone and everyone could take part in them if they chose to, and since you didn't have to worry about keeping it family friendly, that gave people a lot more freedom to be creative. That's something that a lot of people are going to miss. It was a place to do things that couldn't be done elsewhere on the site, and not have to tone it down. It's true that some abused that concept, but others used it in good ways. I guess now we're learning more about who only saw UnMod for the former part, and not the latter one. The problem with this is that the people who abused it did it in such a way that would get DJP and OCR royally fucked. Remember when that guy posted the video of the underage girl stripping? The video itself was removed yes, but people(as far as I remember) were still allowed to request it. That is, quite simply, illegal, and could get the entire site in big trouble. That's not even counting the various other things people have done in the past via the Unmod forum, whether it was harassing someone or posting illegal content. I am sad to see unmod go, but I can also understand why it was not preferable but absolutely necessary to remove it in order to protect the site. But maybe that's just me.
zykO Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 just thought i'd clarify that from my end, my lack of participation had nothing to do with my opinion of unmod - i did not need to be a part of unmod in order to support it and acknowledge how insanely fun it was. i just didnt' have any more time to participate there than anywhere else. i'm seeing a lot of generalization on both sides about where people stand. that ostracizes the few supporters you do have.
Xerol Oplan Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 just thought i'd clarify that from my end, my lack of participation had nothing to do with my opinion of unmod - i did not need to be a part of unmod in order to support it and acknowledge how insanely fun it was. i just didnt' have any more time to participate there than anywhere else.i'm seeing a lot of generalization on both sides about where people stand. that ostracizes the few supporters you do have. Well, no matter what happens, we'll have Pick'Em somehow next year.
supremespleen Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 both sides angered me as wellWHERE DO I TURN??? Do what I did. Contributed to gendisc by posting in good topics, while breaking the chain of flood that was happening this morning. :3
Brim Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 If OffTop is just UnMod without the illegal stuff, I'm fine with it.
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