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The real consequences of blurring video games and real life..

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Once, when I was told to reboot (My computer had frozen up), I slapped my chest twice.


I would use objection! a lot too if I were in an English country.


Holy wow. I dunno, pretty much all I do is use n00bs, nublet, pwn, pwnage, and FOR GREAT JUSTICE!

Yeah, I'm not as bad as some, but I still get funny looks in the mall.


After playing Elite Beat Agents way more than can be considered healthy, I can't hear any of the songs that are in the game without the "Cha-ching!" noise it makes when you complete a section of the song. Also, I tend to motion out the beats to the song in mid air.

What else... My friends and I make general internet jokes all the time, like that the school's internet tubes are clogged. We also tend to mimic Counter Strike animations in random situations, like throwing a flashbang into a room before entering, and crouching and aiming from behind doors. Like others in this thread, we get weird looks, but it's fun doing it.


I would use objection! a lot too if I were in an English country.

You could say 異議あり! instead.

As for real life... I slapped a desk nearby once and blurted out objection, too. Seems to be a pandemic.

Anything else...I find myself saying "muda da!", "wryyyy" and parts of the "...miserable little pile of secrets" conversation every now and then.


I was obsessed with Chrono Cross when it first came out. One day during math class, I was thinking about it instead of what was going on around me, and the teacher was calling names to take grades.

When she finally got to my name, instead of saying my grade, I shouted "CHRONO CROSS," earning WTF stares from most of the class... and hyena-like laughter from all my friends.

After playing Elite Beat Agents way more than can be considered healthy, I can't hear any of the songs that are in the game without the "Cha-ching!" noise it makes when you complete a section of the song. Also, I tend to motion out the beats to the song in mid air.

After playing that game for so long, my friends can now tell when I think a song is good by watching my hands. If they can see me tapping out an EBA-style pattern, they know I must like the song.


Every once in a while I hold something i just bought over my head. I do it on purpose, and every once in a while it gets some laughs.

There was also one time, after playing far too much Kingdom Hearts 2, when I was playing with my cat and I kept waiting for the triangle action symbol to appear.

And yeah, I've accidentally done the ctrl-Z ting while drawing too. Then I always wish i had done it in photoshop.

Every once in a while I hold something i just bought over my head. I do it on purpose, and every once in a while it gets some laughs.

Yeha I do that as well... But do you make the noise?


Several years back I was playing a lot of Final Fantasy XI. I always turned the names that float above people's heads off, because I find it obtrusive. So as I walked around cities and other crowded areas, I would be flipping my target around looking at different people's names. One time when driving to work I wanted to target a car in the other lane to see what the driver's name was. Though there was no one around, I was still embarrassed with myself.

My brother and I are the best of friends and both spend a good deal of time online. Our conversations contain many memes, internet lingo, videogame references, and other various inside jokes. It's all in fun and joking around since that's what we do most of the time anyway. I don't believe I've ever used internet lingo in any serious conversations though.


Yeah, more than a few times I have wished for an undo button in real life. I don't play games much anymore. I think that sort of thing happens when you spend all your free time playing games haha

Although many times when I see a guy and girl chatting in the distance, it reminds me of The Sims and building up those positive points between characters. I can almost see the green plus symbols above their heads :) Interesting since I only played Sims for a short time years ago.



My brothers knows about plenty of memes by looking over my shoulder and peeking in my image folder. O RLY, nice work and "in my pants" are used in some of our conservations.


To go a little more serious..

One of the real problems about blurring video games and real life, involves the ever increasing level of realism in video games(physics, damage models, weapons, characters..), and what can happen when you suffer a momentary lapse in sane judgment, as seen in this thread.

Ever suffer from deja vu? What if you ended up with a real event that closely resembled something from a video game, triggering a moment of deja vu and resulting in one of those lapses in judgment. What do you think would happen, then?

What if you ended up with a real event that closely resembled something from a video game, triggering a moment of deja vu and resulting in one of those lapses in judgment. What do you think would happen, then?

Dunno about you, but I would go to the save menu.

Ever suffer from deja vu? What if you ended up with a real event that closely resembled something from a video game, triggering a moment of deja vu and resulting in one of those lapses in judgment. What do you think would happen, then?

Deja Vu? You mean like if I woke up in a bathroom stall suffering from amnesia and had to find out who framed me for murder?

Deja Vu? You mean like if I woke up in a bathroom stall suffering from amnesia and had to find out who framed me for murder?

No, it's when you're in a specific situation, and think 'Hey, I've already seen/done this somewhere', while you haven't. Like, recognising someone you've never seen before.

I tried to press triangle to steal vehicles in non-GTA games. Even on systems without triangle. Not the same thing, but still.

i don't do it, but i think that sometime. ""oh quick triangle!"

another stuff that happen to me is trying to hit Maj to run (it's where the run fonction of the HEV suit in hl2 is on my keyboard)


I had been playing Halo for about five hours or so. It was on legendary and I was having to restart and reload a lot. I went downstairs to get a drink. I accidentally dropped the glass and sat there for about ten seconds. My mom came by and looked at me. She asked me what I was doing and I realized that I was trying to hit the start button with my hands. I then realized that I looked pretty retarded trying to do that with thin air. It had just sort of become instinct at that point.


when me and my friend are playin video games for some reason our wordchoice and syntax all go to crap. this is partially because we think its funny reading the engrish on games like Way of the Samurai I & II, and also partially because we want to focus exclusively on the action on the screen and expend the least possible cognitive effort on our communication. As an example one time when I was playing Way of the Samurai II I went into this one area at night and my friend said "You're bout to get understood by the drunk" And as soon as I walked on the screen I got slashed and killed by a Ronin (who drop the item "sake" when they die, thus making him "the drunk"). I don't know where he got "understood" from but I knew exactly what he meant when he said it. So that's funny, but I usually figured that was just a funny thing me and him did when we played games. Until last week when I was at the store with some other friends and they were comparin two items, which was when I said, "Its the same as much." (referring to the cost).

So sometimes I make basically understandable wierd utterances, and I believe that this has to do with my experience of playing games, based on both content of the games, and also my state of mind when playing the games.


One time I caught myself reaching for my knife when I wanted to run faster.

I don't know if anyone here plays Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy, but sometimes, I'll try to jump to reach something, and if I can't jump high enough, my first reaction is to see if I'm out of force points. I also remember trying to run up a wall one time by running at it and hitting jump twice... that didn't work out so well.

No, it's when you're in a specific situation, and think 'Hey, I've already seen/done this somewhere', while you haven't. Like, recognising someone you've never seen before.

Sorry, my lame joke was too obscure for you.

To go a little more serious..

One of the real problems about blurring video games and real life, involves the ever increasing level of realism in video games(physics, damage models, weapons, characters..), and what can happen when you suffer a momentary lapse in sane judgment, as seen in this thread.

Ever suffer from deja vu? What if you ended up with a real event that closely resembled something from a video game, triggering a moment of deja vu and resulting in one of those lapses in judgment. What do you think would happen, then?

Interesting subject, but I'd rather not let this thread get derailed into PPR territory. Perhaps this topic could be brought up there.

I'm gonna rename this thread to "funny" consequences.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I can't do that anymore. Whoops.

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