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Let me start off by saying this: Years ago, I was too young and video game ignorant to have heard of Final Fantasy. Or even the Playstation. I keep on hearing about how great FF7 is, and I'm wondering if anyone thinks Nintendo might remake it, as it has for FFI through VI. Here are some possible (But not official) circumstances (Both for and against FFVII being remade).

Pro-remake circumstances:

-Nintendo has remade many FF games recently, and might continue

-The DS does seem to have the potential for this kind of game (And the ActImagine (Or whatever it is) videos should make the cutscenes look great!)

-We have already seen a DS remake (FFIII)

-FFVII is a classic. The fanbase might explode if there isn't at least a re-release.

No remake circumstances:

-The agreement Nintendo has made with Square (Or whatever the hell it is now) might not cover FF games not released for a Nintendo system. Or there's some other agreement with Sony.

-I'm not sure how a DS compares to Playstation. There may be hardware limitations, and I'm wondering if a multi-card DS game is even possible.

-Nintendo might have issues with some plot elements (It IS Nintendo, after all)... But I havn't played FFVII before, so this may just be noob talk.

So, is there the possibility of a handheld remake? And did I miss important information? What do you think?

(Note: I'm not really a 'forum person', so I might take a while to respond.)

Let me start off by saying this: Years ago, I was too young and video game ignorant to have heard of Final Fantasy. Or even the Playstation. I keep on hearing about how great FF7 is, and I'm wondering if anyone thinks Nintendo might remake it

Nintendo doesn't remake other companies' games :[

Also it's probably not possible. Too much content. FF7 has what, 4 discs?


I think its still too "new" for a remix. of the game.

If Square was to let it get remade, they would most likely wait until a lot of the fan base is gone and FF20 is out...

Did square say at one point that FF7 was to be a 20 Year Project?

Also it's probably not possible. Too much content. FF7 has what, 4 discs?

Like the other guy said, 3 discs.

But that's actually because of the cutscenes. All of the story and battle data is stored on each of the discs. (This is what lets me play FF7 even though my first and second discs are mildly fucked up.)


I doubt they'd have enough space no a DS cart for all the data, particularly the 3D models, even without the cutscenes. Sure, they could remake the cutscenes by reusing the in-game models, but they still have too much other content in the game. Not to mention all the code needed for the various minigames. People wouldn't like the game nearly as much if a bunch of content had to be cut in order to port it, and it certainly wouldn't fit with Square-Enix's new trend of adding more to re-releases.


Considering the smallest DS cart is 1 Gigabit (128 meg) I think its entirely possible for them to shove the entire game onto 1 cart, thats with the removal of cut scenes though and replacing them with in game engine cut scenes. I'd expect 8 Gigabit carts to make an appearance at somepoint.

Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Probably not...


Why do people like this thing so much dammit. It's fucking archaic as far as RPGs go now a days, but still too young to have any nostalgia to allow it to be remade like FF4 or 3. Plus if it's coming out somewhere it's on the freaking PSP. It's practically decided already, everyone knows it'll come out sooner of later, it's just a matter of when, not if.


its possible for a ff7 on the ds but come on, the remake has to be on ps3. i mean i got ff7 on psx and psp, why would i want it on ds? i'm waitin for a ff6 remix...that and chrono trigger(please chrono trigger at least on the gba!)


FF7 just wouldn't fit on the DS. I know they remade FF3 to fit, but that was still a game based on 8 bit principles. FF7 was a fully 3D, including the concept. Everything.

Sure, FF3 has pulled off 3d models and cutscenes, but it has a style that's still very old school. FF7 does not carry that old school flavor. It was wildly different from, say, FF6 in terms of design. I just can't see myself enjoying that game on a DS, or even a PSP. Certain games just weren't meant for it. FF7 is more cinematic than previous titles. A lot of the newer FF's are.

Handheld consoles need games that don't have as much cinematic flair. AT least, that's how I like my portable games.


I can't believe so many people are mentioning FF3 in this whole discussion because there's absolutely nothing to compare between FF3 and FF7. FF3 for DS has fully 3D models and environments, and it did fine. FF7 had 3D characters and the occasional object, but completely 2D backgrounds. Yes, that's right. I have no clue what you people are talking about when you say FF7 is "fully 3D" but it wasn't in any way, shape, or form. The system could easily handle either method as has been shown. As people have mentioned, cutscenes would cause trouble. But then you have to consider the resolution of the DS screen, it's exponentially smaller, plus some of the more sophisticated compression methods that are constantly being developed. And, if you look at the tech. specs of the DS it's somewhere around or greater than a PS1 in power (though I have no idea how things like RAM would compare.) Nobody wins this discussion because all points are moot. The DS is limited yes. Companies get past those limitations, yes.

Like people have been saying (and this point is completely solid) the cutscenes add up, and a lot of the catridge space would probably be spent on them so I'd be hard-pressed to say it would be worth-while.

I don't even care about this discussion much, just the fact that people need to understand technology before they understand. An FF7 remake or port would be sweet though, but I could think of other games I'd way rather have moved over.



Why not make Final Fantasy VII look like a SNES game? Or better yet, why not make it 2D? Oh, whoops, too late. :P

Jokes aside (I'm actually interested in a SNES-version of FF7), I can see a FF7 remake, but I'm not sure on what handheld or console. It's possible for it to be on the DS, but not plausible. Nonetheless, I'd like to see it remade on anything than the PS3 because I won't buy that console with my life depended on it... Would that be suicide???


I'll just make this one point, and that is that space and hardware capability are not a problem. FFVII was four cds, each cd is roughly 700mb so that is 2.8gb (roughly) that needs to be handled at the worst. Admittedly, the two cart sizes for the DS are 512mb and 1,024mb; but let us not forget the GBA slot. The problem with a multi-cartridge games has to do mostly with saves, so long as certain information is contained on a GBA game, information will not be a problem. And then there is the simple fact that more efficient coding can greatly reduce the space of the game. Square has had quite a few years to refine its techniques and so should be able to drastically reduce the size of a game like FFVII.

But now lets go back to the problems, a game that takes up 2-3 cartridges plus a GBA slot will be expensive and the graphical leap from upgrading to the DS from the PS will not be quite as great as many fans might wish for (FFIII had better graphics than FFVII, but not drastically better).

In truth, I'd prefer a console remake. I may not have enjoyed Advent Children much as a complete movie, but after seeing what they did for Aerith and Tifa, I don't think I'd settle for anything less.


For the sake of reiteration:

Like the other guy said, 3 discs.

But that's actually because of the cutscenes. All of the story and battle data is stored on each of the discs. (This is what lets me play FF7 even though my first and second discs are mildly fucked up.)

The only thing that made FFVII need three discs was the FMV's. Figure out how to do that with less space, and hey presto!

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