RETROMAN Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 Another kinda crappy game I just remembered having is Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (NOT Alex Kidd in Miracle World, 'cause that one rocked) for the Sega Master System. I'll let this screenshot speak for itself. Or what about Cyborg Justice for the Sega Genesis? A slow, ugly game with sluggish controls and absolutely no variety in gameplay. I tried to convince myself it was a good game. Quote
JSZilla Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 AS Troll bait I think I will say... Bubsy 3D. Anyway, I need to see Oregon Trail again. What an insanely goofy game. I died of Dysentery all the time. =/ EDIT: I hate Bubsy 3D. But I would say Shadowman for N64, but I dont think its crap...Yet everyone I know says it is. I think its awesome. Period. Quote
patella femoral syndrome Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 Wow, I remember the original dos version of Oregon Trail. Anyone know where I can download it? I take it you mean the original for the TIES system that the teletype machines used? I think you do because the DOS version was 21 years away from being the original one. And here: Quote
IamtheAlieo01 Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 HEHE i can't belive you are forgetting the crappest game of them all, Battle Toads for the Genesis. The game was all sorts of crappy. The enemies where annoying, and stupid at the same time (damn Ravens). The 1st and 2cd Air/jetski levels where so annoyingly hard that you wanted to tear you eye-balls out. Finally the last reason was that it was so damn additive that you kept coming back for more torture. Quote
Eon_Blue Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Has anyone said Pokemon Snap? Because I swear to god I'll say it. Quote
Kenobio Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Pokemon Snap was awesome (also got some pretty high reviews across the board). Quote
patella femoral syndrome Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Pokemon Snap was awesome (also got some pretty high reviews across the board). And this Sega fanboy says it's the only reason to own an N64. best Panzer Dragoon rip-off ever! (well, excluding Rez.) Quote
jaysiff Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 crappy games everyone likes ehh? how about halo 2? think about it. it may not truley suck, but compared to the original its terrible. and not only that with all the modders, standbyers, boosters, and glitchers online theres no one playing the game legit anymore. lets just face it. halo 2 got ruined by everyone who only cared about having a high rank, and didnt care about enjoying the game. Oh and How about most of these games based on anime? dude I swear the only people that buy those games are not gamers, but only the fans of that anime. the game usually sucks itself. especially those Full metal alchlemist , and inuyasha games. Although there are a few good games based on anime such as budokai, and naruto(not the crappy american version of the naruto game with the gay voices, but the japanese one) and finally I know i am so gonna get flamed for this but i dont care... MEGAMAN SERIES!!! Im sorry, but megaman was great in his first 30 games, but the whole idea of the megaman series has been way too over used. go there! lol! I counted 100 megaman games! and i didnt even count all his cameo apperances in games like marvel vs capcom. all good things must come to an end so please if in anyway possible can we kill the blue bomber?!!! Quote
chfuji Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 I'm going to have to concur with whoever went to the trouble of dredging up the horrible traumas that are Mickey Mousecapade and Clash at Demonhead. Man, Mickey Mousecapade...I think myself and my two younger brothers each forced our way through that horrible game. I think anyone who has played it knows the fun of the invincible Minnie Mouse, and the pain that is the four seasons of the forest stage. Nothing beats the ending though...all that effort for @#%$-ing <spoiler> Alice <spoiler>!! Some secret friend... Clash at Demonhead I feel I played at too young of an age, along with a metric crap-ton of other NES games. The problem with growing up with the 8-bit generation's start is that I played a lot of games at an age that was younger than the target audience may've been. Clash was perhaps a game like that for me. That game was so weird though. And it's opening sequence, featuring full female upper-back nudity, so daring. (I'm looking at you Tekken 3 U.S. version...) Quote
Zutnunzor Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 Another vote for Clash at Demonhead. Everytime you fell in the pit, I wanted to throw my controller at the wall cuz the game spewed legions of minions at you and you can only hope the exit is right next to you. If you didn't blow on the cartridge either, the game would glitch, and start you off on the mountain with no money or items or anything, it was scary. Oh yeah, try playing the first final fantasy again, funny translations and purposely-annoying sounds... I'm amazed I even got through a quarter of that game. Quote
parasoul Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 Oh yeah, try playing the first final fantasy again, funny translations and purposely-annoying sounds... I'm amazed I even got through a quarter of that game. I thought the first 3 FFs were pretty bad. They didn't get decent until SNES imo. Quote
patella femoral syndrome Posted January 30, 2007 Posted January 30, 2007 I thought the first 3 FFs were pretty bad. They didn't get decent until SNES imo. Agreed. They were bland until Square started copying Phantasy Star. ...just like they copied Space Harrier and OutRun. Quote
JSZilla Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Clash at Demonhead Clash was fraggin crazy!!! The idea was neat but it sucked so bad. Or so I say. Quote
Broken Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 I forgot to mention Power Rangers: Fighting Edition. It is the most surprising gem I've played. It's a 2d fighter with pretty deep gameplay mechanics, and the animation and sound is really fighter style. For SNES, it's probably better than Street Fighter Alpha 2. I almost forgot about that game. Good times were had being that flying blue lion guy w/ the gold armor. Now, how many of you remember Fighters Destiny 2 (N64)? I was helplessly in love with that game. And to its credit, it did put a different spin on the fighting genre. Moves were interesting to watch (although clunky), and the graphics were decent for the time, but in the end the game was just a button masher (darn counters were too hard to use.) And the bosses were not only stupid in design ( ie. a fighting cow/ a hooker), but they were hard as crap to beat. To this day I've never remained in the ring with Mou for more than 60 seconds. Quote
Citris Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Shining Soul II for the GBA. It's a real-time RPG set in SEGA's Shining Force series, and it got terrible reviews. Nevertheless, it's one of my favorite games, both for the GBA and just overall. The storyline is weak as hell, some animations are pitifully limited (particularly those of the first boss, who has a two-frame, 360-degree axe spin attack) and the enemy AI is retarded - it takes a straight line to you, even if that means trying (and failing) to walk through walls - but the game still manages to be both challenging and awesome. Multiplayer - both co-op and versus - is great, too. I think it might actually be the best game the GBA has to offer in terms of multiplayer. And it never stops being fun to try to continue levelling up your character. Shining Soul II also has what I think is one of the better weapon and spell systems I think I've ever seen in a real-time RPG. Shining Force 2 got bad reviews? I downloaded a ton of GBA roms not too long ago and that's the only bearable one. I love it. I forgot to mention Power Rangers: Fighting Edition. It is the most surprising gem I've played. It's a 2d fighter with pretty deep gameplay mechanics, and the animation and sound is really fighter style. For SNES, it's probably better than Street Fighter Alpha 2. Is this the one that came out at the same time the movie where they get the ninja zords did? Because I rented that one and played it endlessly until it was time to return it. The ninja zord was the best. Also Dragon Crystal for Game Gear. Repetitive, confusing, and THE DRAGON DOESN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING EVEN THOUGH IT EVOLVES! Not to mention the ability to end your game if you pick up the wrong item. I love it though. Every so often I'll sink hours into this game. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 Anyone who went to the pre phpbb forums here probably seen where I would request remixes of Clash At Demonhead about every 3 months. I did for a while on here too. I still try to get Shawn Phase to do a cover of it, which he said he would for NYPWP 7. He better, or I shall kill... Quote
ifirit Posted February 2, 2007 Posted February 2, 2007 Bram Stoker's Dracula (SNES) This film-to-game title had something like 10 different releases on separate consoles. The controls weren't very reponsive, the levels weren't cohesive, the action was cheap, the platforming was frustrating and the ending completely sucked. But, for some reason I love this title. Really great music, especially on the later levels. Rule of Rose Game magazines absolutely hated this game! Their ratings were almost as bad as those for Superman 64. Problem is that I don't agree with them one bit. Sure, the fighting was terrible, but that was just from a poorly-designed collision-detection program. Great story, awesome music by Yutaka Minobe (Panzer Dragoon, Skies of Arcadia), beautiful character designs and FMVs. I love it. Quote
JSZilla Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I wanna be a prick for just a second. Has anyone posted FF7 yet? Perhaps Metal Gear Solid? I'm shocked no one mentioned SUPERMAN 64!!!!!!! Quote
Back_Lit Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I'm shocked no one mentioned SUPERMAN 64!!!!!!! Sadly thats a game not even a developer could love. Quote
JoeFu Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 Didn't read through the whole thread, but because it seems everybody hates on it... Baten Kaitos. I really liked that game. Quote
Gollgagh Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I wanna be a prick for just a second.Has anyone posted FF7 yet? Perhaps Metal Gear Solid? Yes, but you're doing it wrong. Read the first post carefully. Quote
Soveriegn_Legend Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 I thought Shadow the Hedgehog was alright. But it got a 1 out of 5 on X-Play and I think 3 out of 10 on IGN. So I guess the general opinion doesnt agree. Then I again I can't say I loved it and it's not in my top 20 favorite games but it was OK. Quote
GhostMercXIII Posted February 4, 2007 Posted February 4, 2007 Top Gear for the SNES all my friends hated but me. Quote
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