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On the offhand chance this thread gets axed or locked due to the current gathering of complaints over B-Day threads

NEVAH! I will continue to make birfday threads until you bastards tell me to STFU with the happy!

haha, awesome personalization.

Aw hell. I knew I forgot something in my previous post. Thanks for reminding me bgc.

Loved the personalized edit, Polo. Gave me a good chuckle :-D

And it was a laid back B-Day. Woke up late after deciding to put off my work for a day, watched a movie, kicked Sonic 3D Blast's ass like never before, and had homemade hamburger gravy for the first time in years (it's like dried beef gravy, but with hamburger instead). All in all, a relaxed, lazy day.

Thanks again folks :-)


No party? NO WAY. Let's have a donation program for Coop's next birthday party. Anyone donating more than 50 dollars is invited to participate. Personal kegs will be provided for anyone donating more than 100 dollars. Let's get sauced!


I've been in Washington D.C. for the past 5 days, but even though I'm really late... happy belated, Coop. Hopefully, this time next year, you'll be lookin' back and saying, "boy, ANinyMouse sure wished me a happy birthday! Woowee!"

Yeah. :nicework:

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