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Woot! First review!

Pretty decent.

The flute at the begining could have been a bit better, and it was too short, but overall, I quite enjoyed it.

Made me think of a drinking song. :)


Nice live sound.

Like the judges said, it doesn't deviate from the original melody too much but there's plenty accompaniment to keep it fresh. Great feel to the whole song. I felt as though the guitar and piano could have used a little more variation, especially the piano with the strictly staccato hits.

Sucks that the short intro comprised 1/4 of the song, but, I guess that which you have less of you hold more dearer to your heart :)

Oh and I really like your rendition "Eternal Wind".


A little on the short side. I would have liked to have heard this mix mold into perhaps another CT song. I'm a sucker for long medleys (Means less fumbling around my playlist every few minutes to choose a song. I'm OCD.) Moving on, the recording is *TOP NOTCH* - excellent dynamics, sounding full utilizing perfectly necessary panning (Can make or a break a song). Generally sounds like I'm sitting in a small room seeing these guys playing live. Definitely plenty of talent to go around here. Please continue submitting ReMixes to OCR. I love this.


I've always liked Frog's theme, and I like where you went with this. Unfortunately, the song was just way too short for me. I'd actually prefer a song that's too long than too short.


This song is very close to being a straight cover. It's good, but it's hardly original. The tempo has been altered slightly, making it a bit faster. That's really the only major change that I've noticed. It's strikingly similar to the arranged From theme that came with the PS1 remake (I believe). The only thing missing is the percussion.

Not to say that it's bad, by any means. It's just not very original.


Here is some easy proof that you've created something excellent; I listened to it a couple times, grabbed a pair of headphones (Ear buds, technically), slammed them into the back of the computer in exchange for the speakers and set Winamp to Loop.

Granted, I can agree that it's very close to just being a cover, and it's on OC remix, but the quality is superb. I really liked the solo-flute opening, so much so that I listened to it a few times by itself.

A suggestion for any and all listeners, lest you have some extraordinary speakers, turn them up high or put on headphones; there is very subtle detail you can't hear unless you've got either going for you.

Awesome. A personal favorite now. I have to gather up some cash and purchase Select Start's CD; I didn't even know there was one.


Did anyone else hear the flute and violin being very slightly out of tune with the rhythm instruments and with each other, especially the first time the violin plays the melody?

As mentioned, the flautist was a bit off on the solo, mainly playing triplets unevenly.

The best part of the song for me, and perhaps the one thing that differentiated this from the original version (besides instrumentation, of course) is the chord substitution in the second major part of the tune.


Gee, seeing as how I'm already a big fan of Select Start (I have two of their albums), I'm disappointed to say that I actually prefer their previous rendition of Frog's Theme with just the two flutes. (It may be the same one, but it's two flutes.)

This one, while initially capturing the mystique of the greatest theme in one of the greatest RPGs ever made, somehow loses it with the bouncing bass line halfway through. The dichotomy of majestic against lighthearted/bouncy is too strong for my taste.

So, in essence, not taking away from the talent of the band, but I think this interpretation of Frog's theme could have been better thought out before submission to OCR.


Dry and not very derivative from the original piece, this is little but a live recorded rendition of the original piece, which I must say, has been done too much, with close to every piece from Chrono Trigger.

In my opinion, you need to do something fantastic these days to make a listen-worthy remix of Chrono Trigger. I mean we've all heard each and every song dozens of time, and dozens of remixes of it, and when I hear something like this, I find almost no interest in it, it follows along with the original all too well. No new melodies came with this track, just the all too short melody found in Frog's Theme.

My last problem with the track though, is that it doesn't even reach two minutes, that's the problem with choosing such a short original track, if you can't stray from the original piece at all, it will not have any length to it.

I can't listen to this piece again and I don't think I'm able to listen to any Chrono Trigger anymore, PM me when something good comes out of this overdone soundtrack.

3/10, sorry Select Start, it was a bad choice in song, some people never get tired of CT, i'm through with it though.


Exactly. I still listen to several remixes of the CT sound track and even some of the original pieces. However, this I could make myself after a few hours of tweaking with just a midi sample and Fruity Loops or Reason.

However, this I could make myself after a few hours of tweaking with just a midi sample and Fruity Loops or Reason.

That is preposterous. MIDI isn't a sample in the first place, and if you were to use a General MIDI scheme from your sound cards synthesizer, you would come no where close to the quality of this. The timbre and smooth articulation changes of a real instrument and instrumentalist (though modern sampling techniques are getting close) just can't be beat (if they are good), especially when compared to General MIDI, with any sound card.

Though, you can certainly try :)


I'm a huge fan of all of Select Start's work, and this is no exception. This is a top notch recording, and the performance is good as well. However, I'm surprised that this got passed by the judges, while everything is great, this is extremely close to the original. On the OST, Frog's theme was 1:50 seconds long, this is 1:52, and the arrangement is so close to the original that it wouldn't be unsafe to call it a cover.

I still think this sounds great though, and it'll be going on my mp3 player with a good deal of Select Start's other works. There's no denying that this is a tight recording, but definitely not a remix in my opinion.


It was pretty good. The song reminded me of Zelda WW with the violen. The flute at the beginning sounds like it went it bit out of pitch on the lower notes. Otherwise i liked the mix. Nice work.


It's a good piece. But I feel a little ripped off. I mean, had someone not part of a live band submitted something this short and simple, I don't think the judges would've taken it. Why do I think that? Because I've seen them turn down similar mixes for those reasons.

And I don't disagree with them, not really. OC Remix has had some great quality mixes lately. This one just doesn't cut it for me, regardless of whether or not I like the song.


The flute at the beginning gives it a nice touch, and I can tell that this is a melody that's not easy for flute alone. Then when you developped it into a medieval dance tune it really revealed what the flute tune was all about, which kept things more exciting. Perhaps you could have added a little bit more to develop this mix with a more complex result in the end, but of course, if that was not your intention i.e. you wanted to maintain the kind of atmosphere you did already, then that's great too.

Overall, it's spritely and fun, short and sweet. God job.


I don't know why the previous reviewers had such a problem with the flute in the beginning. It was slightly shaky at some parts, but hardly noticable if you didn't look for it. That being said, I think this mix is awesome. It is simple and captivating. Catchy in the best way possible. I sincerely wish there was a lot more stuff like this on the site but alas, there isn't. 9.2/10 Great work.

I don't know why the previous reviewers had such a problem with the flute in the beginning. It was slightly shaky at some parts, but hardly noticable if you didn't look for it. That being said, I think this mix is awesome. It is simple and captivating. Catchy in the best way possible. I sincerely wish there was a lot more stuff like this on the site but alas, there isn't. 9.2/10 Great work.

Some ppl just don't understand that even the best musicians out there can't record their music 100% efficiently. I'd say this is as damned close as a non-profit musician can get to being superb.


I don't really like the flute solo,normaly I don't care about out of tunedness if it fits the song, but the intonation and fingering is very sloppy here and feels more like a giant mistake, it hinders the song more than it helps.

However once things get going after the intro it isn't quite so bad, and the lack of tuneing between the instruments seems to give it a better (more organic?) feel than if the tuneing had been perfect.

Overal I like it, its kindof short, and I wouldn't really say its a direct cover of the original either. A pretty good arrangement though, baring the flute solo anyway...

Edit: Oh yeah, since people are mentioning it, the problem with the flute solo has little to do with recording ability if you ask me, its the musician playing it that is weak, the solo would be good if it had been executed a bit more skillfully. Because really...that little bit should not be difficult for a moderate level middle school/highschool student to play.

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