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Star Fox 'Clan McCloud'

I think right before he made this tune djp must have went to the music store and purchased some new instruments and/or software because the sound quality of his mixes started making leaps and bounds forward with this cool tune. The percussion is particularly good, I think. So are the strings which sound very smooth and clean. In the second half the song quiets down to make room for some cool piano, then gets going again. I thought that was a brilliant touch. Nothing at all bad to say about this ReMix. Well I could probably find something bad if I really wanted to, but I don't want to.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Starfox is one of the greatest flight sims of all time with some awesome music. I had forgotten how awesome until I heard the theme in SSBM. So I came here, found this remix, and suddenly want to whip out the 'ol Famicon (Japanese Super Mintendo, no difference).


Mmmm, I listened to this to no end. DJP really makes this sound fresh, like there are new melodies thrown in (are there really). He said in his review there is a part of the first stage in here. I might be able to hear it, but it's been awhile so I could be listening to the wrong part. I can't find anything wrong with this. I can't seem to find things wrong with any of the mixes I like. Who would want to?

This brings a feeling of power. Something something something ahhhh I suck at reviews.

  • 4 months later...

Now, this is the type of "all keyboard" song I love. Orchestral. (yeah, I'm not a big fan of "bomp boing, yay, I'm at a dance club" but I do love keyboards. There's a dif.) The way the different tunes blends into each other is swell! I don't think it ends too abruptly, it's a dramatic ending just like there is in classical music. Nice work.

  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Well, I've decided to go on another rating rampage today like I did a few months ago.

This is a nice mix of the Starfox theme song. The drums and horns give it a military feel, and [to put it in a sissy, "I think people care about what goes on in my head" way] it's as if Fox is walking down to his Arwing.

Bah, I hate doing papers like that in English class... :x


  • 3 months later...

Wierd. I feel like i've heard this before even though i've never played this game. Must be that neat little military mood. I like that alot. This piece sounds very much like a mission from the game. It actually reminds me more of the N64 version. (Yes I have played that one. :wink: )

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

The drums at the start kind of remind me of stomp. Where they use everything except musical instruments to make percussion sounds. Anyway this piece is excellent. A must download.

  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I'm sorry, DJP; I wasn't impressed. The orchestral samples were good, don't get me wrong. Those drums, man; they pop out to bite ya, though. I don't wanna be bitten... There's just not enough velocity variation or something. And the piano is like... muted or something. And everything else isn't? No, I can't say I like this one. Epic ending but, no filler.

  • 2 years later...

Samples are showing their age, but they still blend together decently well. The percussion is unflinchingly brutal though, I think perhaps the snare player was having a bad day. I really like the main Starfox theme and this is still enjoyable, even if the samples don't stand up nowadays, the arrangement is still pretty good; nice transitions between the sections, and the additional counterpoint on the piano would sound good if there was more spatial separation . Old school, but still worth a listen.

  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

This is the mix that drew me into the site, thanks to Newgrounds. I still love this piece, although it did seem a lot more epic back in the day.

It has an air of James Newton Howard about it, especially at 1:48 which is very reminiscent of his work on Signs. I really dig it. DJP's signature of having things sound busy and linear at the same time was solidified with this mix, with myriad keyboard samples blasting away to the tune of those crashing drums. It would be extremely chaotic if only it didn't make complete musical sense. The samples are what they are, I never really complain about samples from old mixes. That's like cursing a 90 year old for having a bad hip.

I remember when this was a pinnacle of mixing. Back when I thought those samples sounded almost realistic. Those were the days. The arranging in this mix is still as strong as it was back then, and is why the mix is still enjoyable. Awesome stuff; definitive OCR.

  • 2 years later...

Not bad at all. I enjoyed the percussion and the military beat used during the majority of the ReMix, although it could stand to be a wee bit heavier. The pacing and arrangement of the song was good and the ending was amazing. Pretty good for an older song.

  • 1 month later...

Usual DJP here with the extended intro. (50 seconds) I dig the piano that comes in at about 0:15, and the percussion is very well done throughout the whole piece. Lots of attention to velocities. Overall, I'd say good, but not great. Something you enjoy listening to in the background but not something you'd stop what you're doing to specifically pay attention to. 4/5

  • 3 years later...

Wow. This is a HUGE step up from the previous DJP mix on this website. For one thing it actually seems to have some kind of direction with the instrumentation and arrangement (:v sorry man)


The orchestration is more Runescape than John Williams but that doesn't mean it sounds BAD, just not "authentic". Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Who says music has to sound "realistic". You really took the samples to their highest level and it does sound good. Definitely a worthwhile mix, and definitely a good listen for being number 40. 

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00040 - Star Fox "Clan McCloud"

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