orkybash Posted June 6, 2002 Posted June 6, 2002 Seiken Densetsu 3 'Hostile but Cuddly' Ooh, I was wondering when we'd hear a remix of this song! For a first effort, this is pretty good, though the samples weren't as... defined as I would have liked to hear. Also, the melody kind of gets lost under the saw waves during the 'hostile' section. Arrangement's pretty high quality, though. Nice mix all around, and one which I would definitely recommend. Quote
m68030 Posted June 6, 2002 Posted June 6, 2002 hostile but cuddly? Like a giant concrete teddy bear that can rip your arms off but knows no reason? I dunno, but this remix definatly has some nice stuff going on. The break beats are particularly hostile sounding. Very sharp and fast. The lead synth has sort of a smooth coldness to it.. I wouldn't call it very cuddly. Maybe around the 1:33 mark when the drums walk off stage left it becomes a little less evil hostilish. It's a little more cuddly there.. but we already know it has teeth, so I'm not gonna go rubbing up on it. nice work. Quote
Fieari Posted June 10, 2002 Posted June 10, 2002 Welll... I was a bit iffy about this track at first as well. But it's grown on me. A lot. The midi-like synth tones gave me the premonition that it would get very repetitive and ugly as the track went on... but it didn't. And although I could have wished for a bit more variety in the main instrument (starting with the synth tones, and later blending into a more classical instrument perhaps?), it sufficed. That is to say, it wasn't bad, and it wasn't exceptional. But that's just the instrument. I saw no need to adjust my speakers throughout the peice. The loud parts were loud, and the soft parts were soft, but this works MUSICALLY. Variety is the spice of both life AND music... and volume changes are just part of that! 1:28 is where this mix really blew me away though. I like quiet music. And this is a wonderful example of such. It's MUSIC. The background comes foreward in an ear pleasing manner, and the foreground waits until 1:53 to come in. And when it does, it's mixed with this treble instrument that washes out certain parts of the melody in a very... hm, I want to say rythmic manner, but I'm not sure that's the term I want. Syncopation might be a bit closer. But although the melody is washed out for those few notes every once and a while, it's still there, and that gives the steady tone varying color... a suggestion of the melody without overwhelming you. This section is a mastery of subtlty! I'm listening to it again now, and that synth really sounds... mellow? Hollow? Something like that. At the beginning at least. When the drums come in, that adds the needed depth, and when the wall of sound comes in behind it, that adds more... with the hollowness of the main instrument still there in the forefront. This is a good contrast, and works pretty well. I tend to like songs that have a different kind of contrast, and are deep and developed throughout the range out sounds*, but this is ok. All in all, this is a song that is worthy of being an OC Remix. It has a quality that sets it apart from some of the songs I've seen posted in the WIP forum (formerally the ReView forum) that just didn't cut it. I've downloaded those, played them once, and either had to turn 'em off in the middle of the song, or I listen through once, then delete 'em never to be heard by my ears again. This, I've already listened to at least 5 times, and will probably be played again, such as when I'm writting, doing homework, or surfing the net. It's going into my "Secret of Mana" winamp playlist for certain. I'd like to hear more from this mixer... this is a good start. The instruments could be changed to improve this track greatly, but the arrangement itself is wonderful. I can't wait to hear what he might be able to do with some other songs... esspecially if he gets some better samples! * Mustin's "Cry From the Forest" is an exception to this, where the NES tones in the middle really really ADD to the peice... but this might be due to the fact that ALL the other instruments are very real sounding, esspecially the piano and chello... and that's just gorgeous. The NES tones are thus a much, much deeper contrast, and of course, the ral sounding instruments came in first, giving the listener a positive first impression, as opposed to the negative first impression this song gives the listener. Quote
ella guro Posted July 29, 2002 Posted July 29, 2002 Contrasting to the last post's length, here's my review: Good tune, solid remix, download now. Quote
TalonFFL3 Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 the remix is of powell powell is aka "rabite forest" rabites are hostile yet cuddly im hoping someone besides me and the artist knew that Quote
Newfie Posted December 17, 2002 Posted December 17, 2002 My brother is biting me to get off the computer, so I'll make this breif.. This is a really great song, nice beat to it, and if you played SD3(Secret of Mana 2), you'd love this as much as I did. Thats all i can really type for now.. My brother is an idiot.. Quote
Mongoosedog Posted April 4, 2003 Posted April 4, 2003 Lemme just help TalonFFL3 spread the word. (did I get your name right?) This is a remix of the Rabbite Forrest song from Seiken Densetsu 3. The Rabbites are enemy monsters (hence the hostile) but not only are they the weakest and most docile enemies, but they are by far the cutest! (hence the cuddly) Quote
SlashEdgewind Posted April 7, 2003 Posted April 7, 2003 I knew the whole Rabite forest thing, but sadly afterwards the sound on my thingy went out, so I had to play without sound for that game for some reason, anyway. I love this song, but too me it doesn't sound too rabiteish, it sounds more like, I dunno, but something more badass, or mabye something in a desert. Quote
Eccles Posted July 3, 2003 Posted July 3, 2003 I like this one a lot... I think the main synth you chose for the melody could have been better, but then when it is accompanied by the electric guitar (or what sounds like one) I also like the ending...the grinding to a halt and stopping...just brilliant I wasnt familiar with the track before I heard this one, but I listened anyways and wsnt diappointed...I recommend pretty much everyone to take a listen to it. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 I really enjoyed this piece... It is definately one that grows on you, the bell like tones, which are midi-esque probably because they aren't very far from straight generated tones... probably a mix of square and sine... are very expertly executed because there is a strong combination of held notes and cut off notes. The rythmic things going on with the synth line throughout are very fun and well done as well. A very nice piece but I agree with many of the other posts, far from perfect and I think the dynamics and polish leave a little to be desired. 8/10 Excellent song choice. Quote
Cadmus Posted July 30, 2004 Posted July 30, 2004 the more listens the better this one gets. at first i thought it was so so, and now i'm really liking it. quite a good job at making a simple, yet addictive mix. Quote
Nanaki Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 I LOOOVE this remix. This song is just awesome. One of my favorites. Quote
Bladewind Posted September 6, 2005 Posted September 6, 2005 I LOVE the part from 1:05 to 1:22 I wish you made the whole song that way. The beginning is quite good, definetly something I'd listen to. But then we have everything after 1:22. After that point the song mellows down to the point of boringness. We have a lot of mellow songs at OCR. Why not some more fast paced ones. So, If you decide to submit a revision at VGMIX or someplace, let me know, because I'd love to hear it. Without the cool part I'd say this was 5/10 but with it, it raises it a whole 2 points so in other words, you get 7/10. Good job. Quote
Bummer Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 The name of the mix is quite confusing, but here´s what I think: The intro and the finish(cuddly) was good in the way that you had the same feeling left and picked a tremendously good instrument for the main melody. The middle(hostile) gained extra power that almost make me jump out of my headphones, truly good. Aim for the stars, not for the clouds dude! Quote
NinjaFlute Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 i think dis mix is kool, when i listen 2 it i got dis vision...u know sometimes u c on tv where the movement of the cloud speed up while the sun is risin' n down...n it slows down after da point's made...time past... we've done remix on dis song in 2 verzions, our 2nd remix. we posted it on the workin' in progress oc remix forum. tis called Seiken Densetsu 3 Powell Abstract --- http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=70328 but, we still don't know if we should work on it bit more or not...anyone's opinion would be a great help. :peace:out Quote
benevolensaurus Posted April 23, 2006 Posted April 23, 2006 I found this a while ago... Should have commented on it then. I really like it. Especially the part at 1:04. I extend my recommendations to this piece. Quite nice. Quote
Beat - the Sonic Superhero Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 This song is a really good remix. To me, it's kinda relaxing, I'm not sure why, it just is. Quote
Liontamer Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Never really paid this one any mind before, but the arrangement was very strong. Possesses a great deal of personality and variation. The percussion stuff coming in before 1-minute mark was rather bleh for part of it, but the changeup at 1:27 was a great idea, and the track evolved quite nicely from that point on. Quote
RavenCloud Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 This music is just wonderful, starts off calm, rushful, then calm again. Very similar to "powder" music list. A+ Quote
asmadeous Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 This is one of the most amazing remixes I've EVER heard! I've heard it once on a WinAmp shoutcast radio (and yes that's how famous this track is now) and I was like, "I have to get this song!". I downloaded the entire OCR songs just for this song. Now that I have this song, I also enjoyed the many others that people have made. Thank you Cloud for making such an amazing remix! Quote
Dionyseus Posted September 7, 2008 Posted September 7, 2008 The melody that starts at the 16 second mark sounds a lot like a sped up version of the melody from 'By This River' by Brian Eno. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 This mix started out pretty cool, with a fade in syncopated piano line, a small build to a moving piano breakdown, and a nice chord progression- so far so good. The percussion that came in was good, but it was muddy and lost a lot of it's punch because of it. Some more separation would have really kicked it up I think. Part of the issue is the excessively distorted synth taking up a lot of the same frequencies, so it just ends up sounding messy. There is a larger breakdown which sounds really good, but some of the counterpoint has a detune on it or something, so instead of it really clicking, it just throws me off. Overall a great source, and a very well thought out arrangement, but the production brings it down. Still very enjoyable though, and I encourage people to check it out. Quote
Marmiduke Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I'm actually really impressed with this one. Never really took much notice of its arrangement before, but I love its focus on contrast and impact through juxtaposed sounds. It has really nice touches embedded into both the harsh and slower sections that work side by side. I don't know if they transition into eachother so well, but I can ignore that in order to enjoy the other aspects. Distortion is always an iffy thing to add to a mix in this quantity, but it didn't upset me much. In fact, I thought it added a nice acidic tone to the proceedings before it descended into the cleaner, mellower portions. Other areas like the synth and a slight lack of cohesion betray this mix a little, but it's still a very solid piece and one I won't overlook again. Quote
swansdown Posted February 29, 2016 Posted February 29, 2016 Yeah! Fun and tough. It does go out a bit quiet at mid-way when I'm wanting more aggression. XD And I wish it were longer. Quote
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