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Xenogears 'Chu Chu's Flight'

This is pretty good. Aside from the intro and ending, it follows the Xenogears flight theme rather closely. I personally would liked to have heard a bit more variation from that oh-so-familiar theme. Pizzicato strings and choirs were a nice touch. And even though it may have been able to use a little more variation, it's always nice to have another version of my favorite airship theme :D.

  • 2 weeks later...

In a word - epic. I loved the mix, not in the least because I'm playing Xenogears now. I love to hear good orchestral remixes and this certainly fits the bill. I won't go into detail about the song, just listen to it. It stays true to the original theme, but adds so much more. On my rating scale of "A" to "F", this one gets a 10.


One of the first things I looked for on this site were purely instrumental beauties such as this one. So of course this has become one of my absolute favorites, especially since its so well done.

At first listen I was kinda turned off by the intro, but then I realized how well it built into the rest of the song. When the piano came in thats what really made me keep listening. Then, as djp noted, the percussion, which I especially like, comes in as one of the major highlights of this piece. A good job indeed.


A note before I give my review. I haven't played Xenogears, or have heard much of the original track. Heh I need to play that one of these days.

This is by far one of my favorites on OC. The intro was a bit random, but it was a nice touch to the overall effect of the piece. Once the piece truely got started it took off, and it didnt stop at all. I get goosebumps when I hear it ^_^. I actually like the entire piece, and I don't see many flaws. The ending is great I think. The tempo just instantly drops, and then the music softly plays, which in my opinion is a nice touch ^_^.

I give this one a 10 out of 10 ^_^

  • 1 month later...

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I must say that it certainly does more than justice to one of Mitsuda's best works. One of my most favorite pieces on the site. Excellent work here, Jared.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, well I had written a longer and probably more detailed review last night, but I accidentally clicked a link somone gave me and it deleted what I had written. Here it goes again:

I can't understand what nitpick DJP has with the choir in this song, for me, it makes the song. But perhaps he was just correct in saying that I would get so caught up in it that I could care less. The choir patch, along with just about every other sond in here, seems to be explosively vomitting realism. Well, maybe not THAT much, but for the most part this sounds like a real orchestra. It makes my hair stand on end, its so good. The only pick I have is that the strings at the end are obviously fake because you can nearly hear the end of the sample. Download it.

  • 1 month later...

..Beautifully done. BEAUTIFUL. Simply and utterly genius. This guy MUST be pro at orchestrals! I have so much respect for Jared and EVERY single remix he's done. Even the songs he's written himself are far beyond anyone's talents on OC.. No offense to anybody, but Jared's screaming to be heard.. 8O

  • 2 months later...

First off, being a hardcore Xenogears fan, I'd like to point out that this is NOT Chu Chu's theme, even though it is heard for the first time when she is introduced as a playable character. This is Seibzhen's version of Maria's theme. But other than that THIS IS THE DAMN NEAR COOLEST PIECE OF MIXIN' IVE EVER HAD THE GOD GIVEN GIFT OF HEARING!!!! My hats off to you, Jared!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This track is one of the best I've heard so far. While I didn't care for the beginning, once it picks up it carries you away. This one gave me goosebumps. It's been a few years since I played Xenogears, but I had an epiphany listening to this. I finally understand Chu-chu's part in the story. She was by far one of the least powerful characters you could have in a group, but this song defined her role. This song perfectly displays that feeling of aiming high and using everything you've got, that feeling that you'll give everything you've got. One word. Inspiration.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, this is the piece that put him in my top three favorite OCR arrangers (not that any of his others don't deserve the praise as well). My other two faves being Ailsean and djpretzel (and following closely behind: McVaffe, Mazedude, Rosencrant & guildensterN, and Dj Crono)... thanks to all these guys for making great music...

But wait... this is Jared's thread.

How to describe this one... the intro, though not the greatest or most interesting of musical moments, acts as a very good aural prep. Think lubricant, before the colonoscopy. Only... not unpleasant in the least. Yeah, that was probably one of the worst examples I could have picked. Anyway, it introduces the ear to the instruments to come, and that "getting used to" time works to the song's advantage.

The pizzicato that drives the song into the main theme and beyond is a fantastic touch. What more can I say? I don't know how repeating the word "fantastic" an extra hundred times could get my point across any further, but I'm tempted to try, just the same. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V make that job much easier, but for now, I shall "not and say I did." Or whatever it is that you hip young'uns say, these days.

The main theme is presented in a gripping, or rather, touching fashion, definitely on par with the original in terms of the emotional message (although I believe Jared's is just a touch more on the sentimental side... a difficult claim to substantiate, but... well, it's what I got out of it).

As Nemesis already stated, the choral addition at the end was beautiful, and JUST the right touch. Ever want to just become one with the music? Like, have you ever wished you could just make your body split in half, and emerge in a form that can somehow get closer to the song you're listening to? No? ...you say that's just fucked up? Well, it may be, but this is one of the very few songs to have that effect on me.

The ending was just the thing to break you away from the song without demanding that you turn and go on an "I must hear this song a million times" clickety spree. This is not a bad thing; it's a very fulfilling ending, that really tops it off in such a way that the song is complete in a single sitting. It's an almost "post-coital" feeling. Verrrrry nice.

Anyhoo, that's my brief analysis/commentary. I'd REALLY like to know what soundfonts went into making this mix, which remains one of your finest. If you or anyone else can tell me, that'd be grand.

Thanks to Jared Hudson for this incredible mix, and Yasunori Mitsuda for a great song in its own right, that paved the way to the creation of this fine arrangement.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

if there's an orchestral enthusiast out there that hasnt heard of OCR's wonderful collection of orchestral remixes, i would suggest letting them listen to this one first.

the intro is very unoragnized yet still seems to have created a renegade melody, right until about 0' 50" where the drama starts to kick in.

follwing the short little introduction, the listener may think "man, this track sucks, who the hell made this crap!?"

well, they can think that until about 1' 22" where the percussion takes over and really gives the piece power.

Now right at about 1' 35" is where tears usually come from my eyes, ABSO-FU**ING-LUTELY BEAUTIFUL

At about 2' 00" the real melody of the song takes over for the rest of the track, despite a brief intermisison from it at about 3' 17" to about 3' 43"

as the drama created earlier begins to diminish, the chorus takes over and replenishes it as part of the "Grand Finale" effect at about 4' 34"

The ending is very well integrated, i'll leave you to decide about that yourself =)

all in all, this track is probably my favorite orchestral piece on this site, and most likely my favorite on the site, no other song i listen to can bring tears to my eyes every time quite the way this one does.


Lotta good stuff going on in this piece, so much so I hope you'll forgive me if I don't go into details; most of it I'd just be repeating from other comments. Couple things that bothered me though...

The percussion in the intro seems out of sync, maybe you meant it to sound less tight but since only one instrument does it, it sounds weird to me.

The sound quality is great. It's too bad you can't get some live brass ;) They really want to shine, those lackluster fonts don't do it justice. And I agree with djp's assessment of the chorus. As an orchestral fan, I know you've made the right choice with the chorus there, but in spite of good intentions it is really failing to compliment the piece. It's too sterile and the attacks are all late.

Anyway, an enjoyable mix indeed Jared. Great work.

  • 6 months later...

Indeed... it was an interesting coincidence that I had just double clicked the icon to this song before coming to the site to check for updates.

I guess that meant I should talk about it.

It's really a wonderful piece of work.

All I can say.

  • 1 month later...

After listening to this song the first time, it didn't really stick with me, upon listening to it again with more attention payed to it, well it's alright.

I am a real big fan of the original which I listened to for at least a half hour straight in the middle of the game instead of advancing dialouge.

I like the intro and its slight tribal maybe even Korean feel with the clave/cymbal interplay, and the intro does enhance the song, though the whole song seems like it was meant just to stick a chorus in it. I dont think I could do any better which is why my hats off to Jared ,but its nothing that most people couldn't have done. I don't hear any Jared in the song it needed more Jared less Mitsuda.

  • 6 months later...

I liked this peice alot. It is very strong feeling song..only way I could think to put it. I listend to the origanl for hours and now this one for just as long. Very good work.

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I mean, wow. I just listened to the original but I really, really miss the short piano parts and the background voice! Congrats for this excellent song!

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