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Any cheapasses? Better get to a Best Buy asap...

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This whole thing is an in-store-only deal, right? I mean, we can't order these games online and expect to get the same price, I'm imagining.

Other than that, this is sweet :D Thanks for letting us know!


I called my store and they said that clearance items were eligible for price matching, so your results may vary, I suppose.

And I went down to my Best Buy but as all these games are relatively old they didn't have any of the decent ones in stock. Hopefully stores with a large game department will be different, so I wish all you luck.


Yeah it really depends on your area. Some areas have most of these games in stock I hear, but never near whereever I am so I never bother. In fact I happened to be in Best Buy earlier today to buy printer ink and I only saw GTA San Andreas there of those on the list.


Dang, I wish Iowa wasn't currently inundated with a foot of snow or else I would scope out the joint. I'd like to get my hands on Fire Emblem, Mega Man X, MP2:Echoes, Sonic Gems Collection (I really want to play Sonic CD) and of course, Beyond Good and Evil. Hell, if a game looks halfway interesting, I'll pick it up because I could probably get more for trade-in credit then the price I bought it at.

(And I start a page yet again without anything witty to say)


I'll scout out one or two best buys tomorrow afternoon in San Diego and tell you guys if there's anything good or not.

I'm mostly for myself in the market for Mario Party 7, Four Swords Adventures, Sonic Gems and Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. If I get at least one of those I'll be happy.

So I just went down to my local best buy (inland empire, ca) to ask about this, and no one had any idea what I was talkin' about. Are they treating this as routine stuff or am I missing something...
This is what I'm worried about. Someone remind me to call ahead and double check before I leave.
If anyone finds a game like Oblivion Collectors Edition for the 360 or Psychonauts for XBox cheap, I'm willing to pay a little extra & shipping for your troubles...on the off chance anyone cashes in on it.

I second this statement for any Xbox DDR games, and also DDR Extreme 2 for Ps2. Also for Psychonauts, Ninja Gaiden, and the 9.99 Ltd Halo2.

As for recommendations for anyone else, besides the obvious BG&E, if you've never played a katamari game, for the love of god, buy it for $2.


Well I went to BestBuy which normally opens at 10am but today it opened 20 minutes late. Anyway I went to check the games and none from the list were there except really crappy ps2 ones. What a waste of time. Damn employees must have bought em all. :sad:

Well I went to BestBuy which normally opens at 10am but today it opened 20 minutes late. Anyway I went to check the games and none from the list were there except really crappy ps2 ones. What a waste of time. Damn employees must have bought em all. :sad:

Employees at Best Buy can't buy anything on the clock or in uniform, as far as I understand it from a friend who used to work there.


Well, went in as soon as Best Buy opened and they didn't have anything (aside from no-name games and those Jumppack demo things or whatever they're called). Don't get your hopes up...

Employees at Best Buy can't buy anything on the clock or in uniform, as far as I understand it from a friend who used to work there.

Eh, I used to work there and whenever people couldn't buy something yet, they'd just set it aside in the back. Only time they really enforce not allowing employees to put stuff aside or buy early is big releases like halo 2.

Eh, I used to work there and whenever people couldn't buy something yet, they'd just set it aside in the back. Only time they really enforce not allowing employees to put stuff aside or buy early is big releases like halo 2.

Perhaps that was a qualifier that I missed.

In any case, most of these games are hard to find anyway. You can't find Advance Wars DS that easily now. And honestly--there may have been one copy of the Collector's Edition of Elder Scrolls laying around in one store in a remote city and that's the only way it made the list.

Eh, I used to work there and whenever people couldn't buy something yet, they'd just set it aside in the back. Only time they really enforce not allowing employees to put stuff aside or buy early is big releases like halo 2.

Yeah. I had a friend who used to work at Circuit City and it's the same there too. But whatever may be the case, there's never any games at the Best Buy or Circuit City in my town. I doubt it would be different if I go to a location in Manhattan. From the looks of it, I don't think anyone is having any luck. =(


Well, I guess I'll be the first to post what I got.

PS2 - 1.99 - DBZ Budokai - I played it before and enjoyed it.

PS2 - 4.99 - Shadow the Hedgehog - I've seen the bad reviews, but I wanted to see it for myself.

PS2 - 1.99 - The Bible Game - I just couldn't resist. It got better reviews than Shadow :razz:.

PS2 - 9.99 - Megaman X Collection - They didn't have it for 1.99 on GCN, but I was willing to pay 9.99 for this.

NDS - 1.99 - Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects - *shrugg* Another DS game?

GBA - 1.99 - Namco Museum - Cheap time killer.

GCN - 1.99 - Spongebob Squarepants movie - A gift for a friends birthday.

NDS - 1.99 - Spongebob: The Yellow Avenger - Same as above.

Even though I got there at around 30 minutes after opening, I was one of the first people there and luckily I wasn't interested in any of the games that were picked over already. This one guy had about 25 games in his basket.

I also had a gift card and picked up Diablo II at Target. So total, I spent about 33 Dollars for 9 games, not too shabby.


Okay, me and my little brother just got back from BestBuy. Can't say there was a very big selection of good stuff, but we got some stuff...


Feel the Magic (DS) - for $1.99, why not?

DrillDozer (GBA) - it's gotten some pretty good reviews


Rainbow Six Lockdown (PS2)

187 Ride or Die (PS2) - youngest bro will like it

Samurai Western (PS2) - not even sure what the hell it is.

Vietcong Purple Haze (PS2)

Killer 7 (PS2)

Not too bad for a total of $15.

Had a good time geeking it up with the other guys there.

And to top it all of, I just won two tickets to see Pirates of the Great Salt Lake at the Foursite Film Festival. Sa-weet.

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