Faduger Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I had a revalation, or a revolution...just a thought. I haven't really been up to date with games, but i have played a bunch of old ones and have experienced a not so good emotion. Alot of video games suck. Not just crappy publicized remakes of movies n such. The Series for an entire company is based on a plummer? I can definately understand how they can be appealing. I do believe the potential of game is much greater then what they have. All the final fantasy series gameplay is boring. Its just that, boring. Gameplay needs a boost because they are excelling on everything but. Mario games are so basic it can boggle the mind. They spend Way to much time on making superb grphics and sound. Wher is the complication of gameplay? Smash brothers has complicated physics in many ways to master it in competition. It could be so much better. So why, why do they insist on making games simple. The more you can do, the more you can master and have a great experience. To anyone how can reason, share my understanding of blan games, why are none so innovative? Alright, after people reeming me on their perspective's i have decided to edit my first post. The games are subjective, and the upper paragraph was an opinion i shared at the time. I've learned people like being dicks, fun isn't a good word to use to describe an experience, and games are interpreted differen't by everyone. Alot of games gave me great experiences in which i didn't acknowledge. I admit games are way better then i gave credit, but i still think they aren't what alot of them should\could be. When i say mario sucks, i'm just wondering what made the little guy so popular. Sorry for confusing my opinion. It is still fun to talk bad about successful franchises. Quote
lazygecko Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Complication of controls does not equal fun games. Usually it just makes them confusing and less accessible. Quote
Gollgagh Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Sometimes, the simple games are the most fun. Quote
EpicPoster Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I think what you are trying to say is that skill based games are more fun, and I agree with you. I enjoy games such as Starcraft and Street Fighter 2 more than say Zelda. I enjoy Zelda and I have played through them all, but I play SF2 way more. Quote
Faduger Posted March 8, 2007 Author Posted March 8, 2007 I do confuse my words alot, skill based games are usually more fun. all games are fun, i'm not questioning that. I am saying they can definately be much better. Simple controls make simple fun. Quote
Rainman DX Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 I think one of the greatest appeals of SSB:Melee is the simplicity of the controls - not a lot of options, subsequently easier to make rapid decisions. A counterexample, perhaps, would be Soul Calibur 2 - lots of combinations, but button-pressing won't get you anywhere, so it's a more expert-level play. But while enjoyable, not as engrossing as SSBM, I'd argue. Agree? Disagree? Quote
ILLiterate Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Soul Calibur is a pretty shitty series IMO. With all the combos, not many are utilized and it's more of a "BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK COUNTER ATTACK" type game then anything else You can just use a glitch to instantly win at SSBM. I can wave dash around you all I want and L cancel all I want but if I suck shit I suck shit and I'll lose. It takes some fucking skill, no matter what character you use, some take more, some take less, but if you're referring to things like Wave dashing being a glitch? Heh, they full well knew that was going to be in the game, it's in the debug menu somewhere, they put that in there on purpose. As did they put in L-Cancel and a few other things You want a game with complicated controlls to make it more fun? Steel Battalion Yeah, nothing like paying an extra $200 to experience one game that is insanely difficult and not really fun Quote
anne amère Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Just one less thing for you to enjoy and for me to keep enjoying. YOUR FUCKING LOSS Quote
Tael Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Here's a good read on the subject: http://www.tleaves.com/weblog/archives/000637.html Quote
Benjamin Briggs Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 I'm just going to cite Super Mario 64 and leave it at that. It defines "fun video game" for me. Quote
Boogiep0pPhantom Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 Meh, some of the simplest games in terms of controls and abilities can also be quite complicated and in-depth, and consequently, a great deal of fun. My favorite games are still old Nintendo puzzlers like The Adventures of Lolo and Fire and Ice. But I do understand the feeling of games losing their lustre, so to speak. I have a ton of new games in my queue to play, but I just haven't had the motivation (or sadly, the time, to devote to playing them). The last game I really got into was Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, and it was a damn simple game, and somewhat entertaining, but meh. I am, however, looking forward to having the free time to complete Okami, Bombastic, and Final Fantasy XII. ;O Quote
Evilhead Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 when you play texas hold em all you are doing is betting or folding and it's a lot more challenging than any video game with extremely complex controls. simple games can be difficult. Quote
Faduger Posted March 9, 2007 Author Posted March 9, 2007 I suppose you can say even simple viewed games find themself complex. Mario kart can be mastered in many ways. I'm just thinking with all the talent the big named companies have, games wouldn't be so repetative the closer our future comes. games just need to be more fun, fast pace and innovative than they are or i'm going to stick to enjoying the outside world. Quote
Tenucha Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 I had a revalation, or a revolution...just a thought. I haven't really been up to date with games, but i have played a bunch of old ones and have experienced a not so good emotion. Alot of video games suck. Not just crappy publicized remakes of movies n such. The Series for an entire company is based on a plummer? I can definately understand how they can be fun. I do believe the potential is much greater then what games have. All the final fantasy series gameplay is boring. Its just that, boring. Gameplay needs a boost because they are excelling on everything but. Mario games are so basic it can boggle the mind. They spend Way to much time on making superb grphics and sound. Wher is the complication of controls? Smash brothers has glitches and ways to master it in competition. It could be so much better. So why, why do they insist on making games simple. The more you can do, the more you can master and have fun. To anyone how can reason, share my understanding of blan games, why are none so innovative? I think maybe you are just board and are taking it out, mostly on video games. Are games boring? Sure some are... but to the magnitude that you suggest? I dont think so. DDR and Guitar Hero... there are two games that are highly fun and challenging as well. If you dont think so then you just dont have an interest, right? Yes there is a series whos hero is a plumber. He's also been around since the 80s. If you want to talk about simplistic games... look back in the early days when you play a complex of pixels and you go from point A to point B... if your lucky there's a hazard with a simple pattern blocking your path. Dont fix whats broken... that kinda gameplay has passed on all they way up to current games but I seriously dont see Mario or Final Fantasy (which you named off) as being so simple its boring. Look at the basic concept and sure it looks ridiclously easy. Compleat 3 sets of stages (underground, aquatic, on land) and then access the boss dungeon. Repeat for 8 stages. This i back when there really was no story to play to. The original Zelda starts you off in the middle of an open field... Ready, GO! The only reasson to grow board here is becasue you dont have a fairy or plot to drive you from one place to another. The original Final Fantasy was the same way. You started out outside of a castle and the King proclaims you to be thr 4 Warriors of Light and then sends you on your way to the dungeon up north... that was the first minute of gameplay. Final Fantasy is getting a bit more on the easy side as its catering to casual gamers more then your "nerdy RPG" gamer set. It started off with VII ... it caught on with a huge audence and proceeded from there. VIII made its self harder then it really was and IX, my personal favorutie, was the best out of these more recent titles due to story, locations and side quests (all of which are in the previously mentioned games). Once X hit I noticed a signifficant loss in something. I neverr reached a game over, I beat it in a record time I'm sure and when I reached the final boss the game automatically taught all my characters the moves I had not yet learned on the evolution chart thing... plus giving me Auto Float, Regain, Life etc on the final boss... and THIS is the game everyone is obsessed with saying its THE best and there favourite. And why? Most commen reasson I see: The graphics. We are in a gaming age where the machines are powerful enough to fully emerse the player in a realistic 3D world to be explored. Maybe becasue it's a 3D plane it seems easy to access places then back on the NES or SNES/ Genesis days when you had to locate the secret places thorugh concealed walls and so on. Becasue of this the actual gameplay has taken a backseat to vivid story and graphics and there is a large audence of people who are mistaken this as true gaming experence. I think there are alot of fun games that are out there for the sake of being fun. Not all games need a point further then the lead hero's ocupation... as long as it delivers and you enjoy yoourself. There are now a lot boring and lackluster titles that try to feed you pretty graphics and tell you its good. I just dont think theres any true way to say gaming is boring. BTW I just woke up from a nap so excuse me while my mind is everywhere ><; Your agument can be appliced to anything... such as... Music nowadays is boring. Personally I think this is a very true statement... however I have found a TON of bands and preformers that meet to my ear's requirments simple games can be difficult. Very true. These games end up being my very favorutie. Ever try Rez? Can you get any more simple with a current-gen game? (Hey its on PS2 which is stll current) Quote
Evilhead Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 Yeah, I bought Rez when it came out... I wouldn't say it's the most simple game for current gen though. The targeting system is simple but you have to memorize a lot of enemy attack patterns and be really good with that analog stick. Quote
watkinzez Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 More often than not, I find using 'fun' to describe gaming a poor choice of wording. Quote
Benjamin Briggs Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 More often than not, I find using 'fun' to describe gaming a poor choice of wording. That's a really good point, actually. I only have "fun" playing video games when it's multiplayer, and there's a large amount of external social activity. When I'm playing a really good game by myself, it's "lucratively entertaining". ...if that makes sense. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 FFIV Advance was pretty decent. I wasn't too impressed with what they did with the localization and script, as well as several battle-related issues, but FFIV's been my fav game since I was 9, and I love going back to play it. Also, I heart Rydia. Moving on to FFV Advance and from what I've played, they really did a cool job with the script. They were able to add alot more to the theme of friendship that goes with the game. More opinions later. Quote
Evilhead Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 More often than not, I find using 'fun' to describe gaming a poor choice of wording. Yeah, it's really true. I love Disgaea for instance, but I wouldn't really say ANY part of that game is "fun" per se. It can be very satisfying, addicting, entertaining, etc, but not really FUN. Quote
Tenucha Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 This thread is so bad. Agreed More often than not, I find using 'fun' to describe gaming a poor choice of wording. What do you use insted? Personally I try 'n use other more descriptive words Yeah, it's really true. I love Disgaea for instance, but I wouldn't really say ANY part of that game is "fun" per se. It can be very satisfying, addicting, entertaining, etc, but not really FUN. Ya, obviosuly you're having fun if you still go back and load up your game.... so what makes it "fun"? Shadow of the Colossus is a fantastic game. Would I say fun? I dont think that word can support this game. It's a ride... it's more then just "fun" Quote
watkinzez Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 It depends on the game. Silent Hill I'd describe as a gripping, mess-with-your-head experience. That's something I like, so I'll play it again. Ya, obviosuly you're having fun if you still go back and load up your game.... so what makes it "fun"? Stop trying to use 'fun' to describe it. Addictive is better. Quote
Bummer Posted March 10, 2007 Posted March 10, 2007 What the crap is this? The early games were there for the challenge, and they still are. Sure, starting out in the middle of nowhere with the only option to go left can be a quick summarize of the first Super Mario, and flattening moombas and frying flowers to their pixelated doom can be rather easy. The challenge is however is to keep it that way during the whole gameplay, and that is a very hard to do, at least for me. Scratch that talk about being not challenging, I like telling that fat plumber what to do in order for him to get his princess and earn some coins along the way. And FF1 is one of the most disturbing games in the world, but we love it because of that. The challenge, to be able to beat oldschool games and feel the nice feeling of nostalgia is what makes these games fun, not because of the plot or the character development. However, if the games of today is bad or good, now that's an entirely different question. Quote
Faduger Posted March 11, 2007 Author Posted March 11, 2007 *sign*.....want a challenge? solve some real world problems.Fun is the king of positive sensation...its not specific but its a sum of all that is good feeling. I hate loading screens, what games are faster with loading? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 Well if you're not having fun with games, then don't play 'em. This thread reminds me of all the threads bitching about the "golden age" of unmod. Quote
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