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I think that this has been a question unanswered for a long time.

Remember, this is assuming that you haven't done a mix or are currently incapable of doing so. This is strictly in the area of video games, just to eliminate confusion. What style(s) would you use? Would you choose electronica, reggae, etc.?

Anyway, I would "rearrange" something from Fantasy Zone or Legacy of the Wizard - two game scores that I feel are under-appreciated. (Electric Concerto tried to do a remix project for Legacy of the Wizard, and I commend him for that.)

Yes, but any mix I end up doing will be somewhere in the vein of rock, and definitely be a vocal rock mix - but really eclectic as well. Maybe some acoustic parts and an instrumental breakdown or two. They wouldn't stray too far from the original material. I think Fantasy Zone would work well with a reggae/rock style.

So yeah, I've got 200 bucks set aside, and I know a good studio. If I ever do this, I promise that it will be so good that it will be difficult for anyone to turn down.

So, how about you? Go ahead and talk your smack.


I've thought a bit about this, and have some ideas as to some mixes I wouldn't mind doing. I've even started work on some, but for some reason or another, never finished one.

I love piano arrangements, and so many a theme done with piano would appeal to me. I can play to a small degree, and my brother is a classically-trained pianist, so this isn't out of the question. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind messing around with house, happy, or ambient techno styles, and if I had the talent, there would be metal. And how.

As for specific ideas, I've had a few, but mainly I would love to do a jazz piano rendition of Protoman's theme, perhaps even incorporating the Cowboy Bebop theme song. I don't think I should have to explain why.


I would do an arrangement of both the bonus stage from Cool Spot and Shade Man's stage from Mega Man 7 (together in one song).

Listen to them both; I think it works as sorta am electronica style thingamabob.

one of these days...


i am slowly, ever so slowly, teaching myself how to make music via the creation of a knuckles chaotix remix

particularly of the bonus stage music "tachy touch"

be on the lookout for it in a couple of years, perhaps


Heh, if I had the equipment I'd like to try Xenon from DDR Max 2 and Vampire killer. I've always throught they'd work well together, despite being from drastically different games.

Too bad NoppZ beat me to it, it wouldn't be QUITE as novel, but still would be pretty friggin weird


I desperately want to do a mix of 'The Shaping of the World' from the Warcraft OST, in sort of a Metallica S&M style: orchestra meets metal.

I also wanna do a straight up balls to the wall remix of the theme to Metroid Prime 2.


I'd totally remix the song from the 9th stage from Super Castlevania. You know, the one in Dracula's treasure vault with all the gold?

I'm actually surprised nobody has done it yet...

oh yeah and pretty much everything from Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia. I wrote a whole Dark Space remix in my head WHY CAN'T I DO IT????

I know how you feel. I had a really cool idea for a Dark Space mix, with about 3x speed of the original. Sadly, I was unable to make this a reality, due to my lack of non-midi instruments and mastering knowledge. I should really go back and try it again.


I actually tried a while back to do a story-based/situational mix of Frog's Theme from Chrono Trigger called "Knighting Sir Glenn," which was meant to be an orchestral rendition of the reception at Frog's fictional knighting after, you know, saving the world. It began following Frog on a walk through a bustling courtyard with a bubbling fountain, then entering the castle hall and being given a drum march, after which the trumpets kicked in followed by the rest of the band. It would have been cool if I weren't musically inept and completely ignorant of such concepts as keys at the time.

I also had ideas to make a Schala/Magus megamix (another concept mix, at their final reunion in either dreams or death, with an appropriately ethereal feeling to it) and a Tyrano Lair mix, although that one was more a distant wish that I never fleshed out the ideas behind. I definitely liked to think up concept/themed mixes, though. They were most interesting to me.


Rock-ish remix of the credits theme from Virtual Boy Wario Land. No joke. It's been totally written out in my head for awhile. Can't really work on it now though because I want to keep going on my album project.

Also, I've had an idea bouncing around for a funk rendition of the Death Egg theme from S&K but it would be beyond my skills right now to actually make it.

Weird that neither of these is the style I usually wind up making. Maybe I ought to think about that more.


Got them all up in my head, but I can't mix for the life of me...

- Zora's Domain / Serenade of Water in a muzak, Chuck Mangione "Feels So Good" kind of way

- Rock version of Waverace 64, and several of it's themes

- Mariachi version of Katamari's main theme, if it hasn't been done already. I haven't checked out M+MK yet 'cause I don't have a psp, and haven't gotten the soundtrack. Can't sing either, and finding someone who could sing in spanish might help...

They're not so bad ideas. I can only hope no one steals them. When I have more time, in the summer, most likely. Expect something from me, I promise that. (I'll let you know when you need to start covering your ears and running for the hills)

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