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So I google myself again for fun and end up finding a last.fm page for "Flik" which is also linked from here. How and who made that? It's inaccurate as I did not make everything shown there. There's even a last.fm page made for my real name.

I guess it's kind of cool that those are there, but I didn't make them and really don't want inaccurate info on them (can I even control what's in there?). Can someone fill me in on what this is all about?


This is sort of like that Zelda song by System of a Down. It's not by System of a Down, but if someone with the Audio Scrobbler plugin plays a track on their computer that has it labeled as SoaD, then it will pop up as a track played on the SoaD page. Same with House of the Rising Sun and the dozen bands that it has incorrectly labeled.

Between mislabeled tracks and several people using the same moniker, you're bound to have things like this.

there may be more than one artist using the name 'flik,' which is where the innacuracy comes from. there's only one suzumebachi, and my page is accurate (some of my stuff on there dates back 5+ years and i didn't even know people out there on the internets had that crud).

There is an album by "OverCoat" on my last.fm page that isn't mine, but all the plays are of my songs.


As chicken said, http://www.last.fm/user/flik/ logs the music the person registered as flik listens to (in a player with the last.fm plugin), and http://www.last.fm/music/flik/ logs music all last.fm people listen to with the flik as the artist in the ID3 tags.

So if my last.fm user profile looked like this,


It will probably have auto-generated an artist page for "Chris Serani (Flik)." Yep-- http://www.last.fm/music/Chris+Serani+%28Flik%29


Ok, so technically if the auto generated stuff is there and my username hasn't been officially signed up, I can sign up and take some control of what's there?

Whoop, I actually just tried registering Flik and it looks like someone else took it. Guess I have no control at all there.

Edit: Ok...so apparently I can't actually register a username with a space between words. How the crap am I supposed to register my real name when it won't allow it, yet it's shown that way in the auto generated stuff? Man that site sucks for when the real artist wants to sign up.


the username suzumebachi was also taken. by some narutard, no less. but i was able to register suzumebachi85 and at least write a profile for my music page. in order to do that though, i believe you need the proprietary software crud (the audioscrobbler).

i like the stats on the site, though. like for example, currently my #1 listener is a 20 year old girl from the netherlands (and i'm currently the #1 thing she listens to).

what's even more impressive is the musicbrainz stuff listed at the bottom. somehow that thing scoured the internet and came to the conclusion that i am ty guenley, and i was a member of disciplining percy and children of the washing machine. all of this is true, though how it figured that out is beyond me, especially considering both those "bands" were supposed to be secret!

Ok, so technically if the auto generated stuff is there and my username hasn't been officially signed up, I can sign up and take some control of what's there?

Whoop, I actually just tried registering Flik and it looks like someone else took it. Guess I have no control at all there.

Edit: Ok...so apparently I can't actually register a username with a space between words. How the crap am I supposed to register my real name when it won't allow it, yet it's shown that way in the auto generated stuff? Man that site sucks for when the real artist wants to sign up.

Have you tried "ChrisSerani(Flik)." or "Chris_Serani(Flik)." Or something similar?

the username suzumebachi was also taken. by some narutard, no less. but i was able to register suzumebachi85 and at least write a profile for my music page. in order to do that though, i believe you need the proprietary software crud (the audioscrobbler).

i like the stats on the site, though. like for example, currently my #1 listener is a 20 year old girl from the netherlands (and i'm currently the #1 thing she listens to).

what's even more impressive is the musicbrainz stuff listed at the bottom. somehow that thing scoured the internet and came to the conclusion that i am ty guenley, and i was a member of disciplining percy and children of the washing machine. all of this is true, though how it figured that out is beyond me, especially considering both those "bands" were supposed to be secret!

is she hot


Just out of curiosity, I looked at my last.fm page. While some of the tracks listed on that page are actually mine, the majority of them aren't. I don't really like having tracks with the name "Dip It Low" and "Got Urself A Gun" attributed to me.

I think chthonic's got it the worst though; he shares his name with some Taiwanese metal band.

Ok, so technically if the auto generated stuff is there and my username hasn't been officially signed up, I can sign up and take some control of what's there?

Whoop, I actually just tried registering Flik and it looks like someone else took it. Guess I have no control at all there.

Edit: Ok...so apparently I can't actually register a username with a space between words. How the crap am I supposed to register my real name when it won't allow it, yet it's shown that way in the auto generated stuff? Man that site sucks for when the real artist wants to sign up.

I think you have to create a label first, then you can add yourself to it as an artist. I don't think there is a way to control what you're credited for, though. That's completely out of your hands and only up to people who are using your name as an artist in their playlist.

i like the stats on the site, though. like for example, currently my #1 listener is a 20 year old girl from the netherlands (and i'm currently the #1 thing she listens to).
Hmm, apparently I'm one of your top listeners as well. Must be because I listened to RoFL recently.

... you did 'Happy 2 Dux' too? Wow, I had no idea!

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