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Oh man, i'm so ashamed to be 22 and into pokemon.. but its like freaking crack.

i'm really looking forward to some wifi battles and trades. Speaking of which, i wanna battle someone. Here is my friend code. send me a PM if you wanna battle sometime.


Who would be up for doing like an OCremix pokemon tournament? we could have like.. ladders and shit. It would be sweet.

Oh man, i'm so ashamed to be 22 and into pokemon.. but its like freaking crack.

i'm really looking forward to some wifi battles and trades. Speaking of which, i wanna battle someone. Here is my friend code. send me a PM if you wanna battle sometime.


Who would be up for doing like an OCremix pokemon tournament? we could have like.. ladders and shit. It would be sweet.

note: this has already be thought out and will almost definitely happen

and for anything wifi go to the clanocr thread

Oh man, i'm so ashamed to be 22 and into pokemon.. but its like freaking crack.

i'm really looking forward to some wifi battles and trades. Speaking of which, i wanna battle someone. Here is my friend code. send me a PM if you wanna battle sometime.


Who would be up for doing like an OCremix pokemon tournament? we could have like.. ladders and shit. It would be sweet.

I turned 22 today and i'm into Pokemon. Only the original rpg style games mostly. Though Pokemon Snap was all kinds of awesome. It's like riding a bike, you never forget how to play. I was suprised at how much i remember from red and gold.


Keep in mind that you're posting on a website about video game music remixes. This level of dorkish loserness is expected. Btw, I totally feel your pain. People at Wal-Mart give me funny looks when I'm walking around the store during my breaks with a DS.


everyone stop playing until I get my copy tomorrow


just kidding guys don't worry I'm not going to kill anyone yet


...Still waiting for an Australian release date. =(


I just beat the Elite Four and have over 140 pokemon seen. Just need a few more to get my National Dex...

Here's a tip: Train hard for Elite Four. Those guys are at higher levels than any of the previous games, and the pokemon have much better movesets than before. I'm quite pleased with their toughness.


I remember Abra being a pain to catch in red/blue. FREAKIN' TELEPORT.

I just randomly threw a pokeball at him first try with full hp and got em' lol. And mine has a spoon to raise psychic attacks :D


Man, back in the day of the Blue/Red days, I have well over 220 hours into my game. My friend's dumb woman friend decides to start a new game and save over mine.

I turned it on later to see:



TIME 00:01

I was so angry.

Man, back in the day of the Blue/Red days, I have well over 220 hours into my game. My friend's dumb woman friend decides to start a new game and save over mine.

I turned it on later to see:



TIME 00:01

I was so angry.

A couple weeks ago my friend's son managed to erase my Animal Crossing WW town I spent at that much damn time on... :(

Man, back in the day of the Blue/Red days, I have well over 220 hours into my game. My friend's dumb woman friend decides to start a new game and save over mine.

I turned it on later to see:



TIME 00:01

I was so angry.

I know my pokemon red game's counter stopped at 355 hours (I think that's it) long before I stopped playing. Now THAT'S sad.


Yo dudes, been awhile since I posted. (Not that I did very much anyways.)

I got the game on sunday and have been playing it for very little, as I have Uni finals all this week. I just got the first badge.

This is a very good game on the whole, and I especially like how the music changes dependent on the time and day. Anyway, this is the first DS game I have bought that I intend to play online hardcore, as Metroid Hunters wasn't to my fancy. So I'll post my code here as well as the Clan OCR thread

Trainer: Lando, 1718 9674 2234, Pokemon Pearl.

Let me know if you add me, and I will do the same for you! Anyway, back to studying for me.


They are tied to a particular DS, so if you stick your DP into another DS, you'll wind up with a different friend code. There is a way to transfer a friend code from one DS to another, though.

They are tied to a particular DS, so if you stick your DP into another DS, you'll wind up with a different friend code. There is a way to transfer a friend code from one DS to another, though.

Then I better wait till I have my own DS. The DS I'm using belongs to a very very VERY :) good friend and I bet she's gonna be wanting it back if she ever gets P:PV.

On another note, Poltergeist Team ftw lol


20 here, from the UK. Been playing since the beginning, always importing them from the US. Always with 300-500 hour save files.

My original Red cart (along with my GBC) was stolen back then JUST a few days after I finished the dex fully 151. Had Mew from a Nintendo Event. :(

I don't usually post much, but do add me to any tournys and whatnot. I'll be adding everyones codes.


Pokemon Diamond Friend Code:4897 2419 2578

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